Michocan Districts

The districts of Michocan are a collection of smaller kingdoms united under the central authority of the God-King. Each kingdom is for the most part self sufficient and are united under the religious rule of the God-King. There is much infighting between the various kingdoms, but by a royal decree from the third God-King they have switched from actual warfare to using the ritual ball game to settle any disputes. This has had the effect of cementing the power of the God-King over the many kingdoms and instilling a form of unified national pride in the empire as a whole. It is now expressed that the kingdoms are Michocano before the loyalty of their individual kingdoms.


The Michocan Empire Consists of five major human ethnic groups; the Natlhua, the Tch'ol, the Tlotzil, the Itl'za, and the Ansca.


The individual districts of Michocan are kingdoms in their own right, each ruled by their own noble and priest class. The districts as a whole are beholden to the floating capitol city of Tlalolitzli where the God-King and his court of nobles and priests reside. Offerings to the God-King are made in the form of taxes and donated goods, such as maize, fruit, game animals, resources, and finished goods.


Due to most of the environment not being hospitable to wheeled vehicles, the kingdoms that comprise the Michocan Empire are connected by a series of raised highways that are wide enough for 10 people to walk side by side with their arms stretched out. The road itself is raised up to 10 feet above ground level in some locations. The road surface is finished with a smooth cement surface.
Communication between kingdoms is achieved by messenger birds and a comprehensive courier system. The courier system uses the fastest and most durable runners of all the kingdoms. Using a relay system to deliver written messages, messages can reach from one edge of the empire to the other in three days on average. Supplimenting this system is a series of towers that use majical obsidian stones to emit certain colored lights to relay emergency information.


The districs of the Michocan Empire group together by predominant ethnic group. The five ethnic groups being Ansca, Itl'za, Natlhua, Tch'ol, and Tlotzil.

Ansca - The northern forests and plains:

Xpampaja, Chimo Chay, Tejeluin, Ajcunts'u, Yejtal, T'ul, Ts'unun, Ja'al, Bij, Wucpic, Batiya te', Notje'el, I Xojob Q'uin, Xujk, Chinjtoc'.

Itl'za - The western deserts:

Tz'ujtz'eb'j, Nimba', Poct', Tiqualch'och

Natlhua - The central jungles:

Popoloa, Maitl, Topilli, Quetetototl, Mizto, Huezacotl, Xochitla, Tzinteyo, Cochotl, Chimalli, Tlatlolitzli, Tepantli, Tehuilotl, Ozomatli, Icallo.

Tch'ol - The southwestern islands:

Jawnix, Kub'ni.

Tlotzil - The southern continent:

Aqu, Paray, Kuntur, Qapac, Huk Rey, Achka Challwakuna, Mono, Cenote Nisqa, Lentes, Iskay Sacha, Pakasqa Sitio, Qaqakuna, Rumichukana, Largo Playa, Aswan Sur, Runi Wasi, Uchuy Runakuna, Cangrejos.

There are several semi-independent island kingdoms that due to constant trading with their neighbor kingdoms have a very mixed ethnic background. Due to a lack of resources to contribute to the empire, for the most part they are left alone to their own devices. They are, from north to south:

Apanca Omitl, Xocpalxoxan, Tocatl Cuaxicalli, Aitechmaxitlani, Atlchihuatl, teh Cencalli Islands, Tenamaztin, Apanca Tochtepito, Apanca Pipiciltic, Hueyapanca Tlalli, Rit'i Wat'i.

Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)


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