The Michocan Empire

The land of the Obsidian Rabbit ruled by the God-King Tochanqui and source of a highly sought after obsidian with majical properties. Comprised of several City-States ruled by relatives of the God-King, forming a very large and strong cohesive empire.
Geopolitical, Empire
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Economic System
Market economy
The Michocan Empire has a single unit currency, a small obsidian bead, 1/4 inch wide, called a Tlacoco. The Tlacoco is used for all official transactions. Tlacoco have a small drill hole for stringing them together, it is not uncommon to see individuals wearing their money around their neck as a bunch of necklaces. Tlacoco come in a miriad of colors depending on the base obsidian they are made from. To prevent forgery, the Tlacoco beads carry an enchentment that they project the image of the God-King's head if held aloft in direct sunlight, otherwise they emit a faint glow. For gaming purposes, a Tlacoco should be considered the equivalent of one copper piece.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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