Ollama'litz'li - The sacred ball game

The sacred Michocano ball game representing the eternal struggle between light and dark.


No one is sure where the game came from, but it has been with the Michocano for as long as there has been any kind of record. It is the enactment of the battle between the forces of darkness and light. The game is a fundamental part of Michocano life and there are stone ball courts in even the smallest villages. It is impossible to find a Michocano who has not played the game at point in their lives.

In the event of a war the prisoners taken from the battlefield must play Ollama'litz'li for their lives. The winners are given the honor of being sacrificed to Q'Qu'Matzli. It is a great honor and all sins of the sacrificed are forgiven. Otherwise the game is played for sport and entertainment of all.

The ball is so sacred that when a ruler dies his ashes are mixed with rubber to make new Ollama'litz'li balls. It is considered a blessing by the gods when a spectator is injured by the ball.


There are two teams of 2-6 players each.

The ball may only be hit with the knees, hips, and right elbow.

The ball may not touch the ground.

The goal is to make the other team drop the ball.

If a player gets the ball through the stone hoop it is an instant win,

Components and tools

Equipment: Padded leather protection for the hips, chest, elbows, and wrists.

The ball is hard rubber 4-6 inches across and weighs between 7-9 lbs.

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