Tlatlolitzli (Tlaht-lo-LEETZ-li)

Located off the western bank of the Q'Qu'Matzli river in Lake Michocatle, the city itself is built upon massive rafts of floating vegetation and soil secured to the lake bottom by several anchors. Tlatlolitzli is the seat of power of the Michocan Empire and the home of the Teotlepetl, or God-King. It is also the central hub of the Obsidian Road, the trade route for the trade of Michocan obsidian works, and the central home of the Michocan obsidian glassworks. Due to it's importance in global trade Tlatlolitzli has several ambassadorial representatives from across Ardu as well as a both racially and ethnically diverse population.


While Tlatlolitzli does have representatives of most nations on Ardu, it's population is predominately Michocano with the majority of the population being Natlhua and Tch'ol respectively. Status is displayed by the location and type of house where a person lived. Ordinary people live in houses made of reeds plastered with mud and roofed with thatch. People who are better off have houses of adobe brick with flat roofs. The wealthy have houses of stone masonry with flat roofs.


While Tlatloitzli is the center of power of the Michocan Empire, the daily governing of the city is handled by a minor noble (Major - may-HOR) and his retinue. The Major is responsible for the day to day operation of the city and its services, also handles taxation and most legal disputes.


In the event of siege upon the city, the two floating bridges (Q'Qu'Matzle and Teotlepetl Causeways) are easily unmoored from the lake bottom and destroyed. In the event of a large siege, the entire city can be unmoored from the lake bed and floated out to the center of the lake, thereby making the city almost impossible to attack. If someone does manage to attack the city, they will be met by the city police who are extremely well trained in naval and close quarters combat. As a last line of defence, all of the cities memorial statues are actually a form of golem (Teotleloa) that defend the city with majic obsidian weapons that use focused sunlight to destroy any attacker.

(God Stone) - Stone Golem
Large Construct, Unaligned

Armor Class: 17 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points: 178 (17d10+85)
Speed: 30 ft

STR: 22 (+6) DEX: 9 (-1) CON: 20 (+5) INT: 3 (-4) WIS: 11 (+0) CHA: 1 (-5)

Damage Immunities: Poison, Psychic; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from non-majical attacks that aren't adamantine.
Condition nImmunities: Charmed, Exhausted, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned
Senses: Darkvision 120 ft, Passive Perception 10 ft
Languages: Understands the language of its creator, but cannot speak
Challenge: 10 (5,900 xp) Proficiency Bonus: +4

Immutable Form: The golem is immune to any spell of effect that would alter its form in any way
Majic Resistance: The golem has advantage on saving throws against spells and other majical effects
Majic Weapons: The golem's weapon attacks are majical


Solar Beam: Majic Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, line of sight, one target. Hit: 54 (6d8+6)
Multi Attack: The golem makes two slam attacks
Slow (Recharge 5-6): The golem targets one or more creatures it can see within 10 feet of it. Each target must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw against this magic. On a failed save, a target can't use reactions, its speed is halved, and it can't make more than one attack on its turn. In addition, the target can take either an action or a bonus action on its turn, not both. These effects last for 1 minute. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Industry & Trade

The most important export of the Tlatlolitzli is high quality obsidian glasswear, such as drinking glasses, plates, panes for windows, and a miriad of trinkes used for majical and non-majical purposes. Other exports include colorful handmade textiles, pigments for inks and paints, handcarved wooden utensiles, and exquisitely woven baskets made from a local tree bark well known for its durability. Almost all manufacture and production is housed in the Artisan's District.


The entire city is built on large rafts of floating vegitation with a thick layer of soil reinforced with layers of wood. Most buildings are constructed of wood and reeds with a protective layer of waterproof plaster that is painted with colorful and intricate designs depicting major events and gods. All transportation between these artificial islands id done by boat.
An immence fleet of water taxi, funded by city government, handles all movement of persons and goods within the city. The water taxi's are known as canauhconetli, or ducklings.


  1. Royal Temple Complex - Private; Reserved for the Teotlepetl, the highest of the priesthood, and important visiting dignitaries
  2. Royal Ball Court - Private; Reserved for the most important ritual ball games attended by the Teotlepetle, heads of the priesthood, and nobility
  3. Royal Estate - Private; The Teotlepetl's residence, also contains the residence of the leader of the priesthood and the most important nobles
  4. Noble' Port - Private; Reserved for the nobility and deliveries of supplies for the nobility
  5. Priest's Temple Complex - Private; Reserved for the rituals of the priesthood only
  6. Common Temple Complex - Public; Temple complex for rituals and ceremonies for the public and visitors
  7. Ritual Purification Complex - Public; Area for ritual cleansing before entering Common Temple Complex. All visitors must ritually cleanse before entering temples
  8. Artisan's Tiyanquitzli (Marketplace) - Private; Marketplace reserved for city artisans to purchase supplies
  9. Artisan's Manufacturing Complex - Private; City manufacturing complex for production of most important goods
  10. South Entry & Great Tiyanquitzli (Marketplace) - Public; Large public market with three inns and housing for visitors to the city
  11. North Entry & Public Tiyanquitzli (Marketplace) - Public; Large public market with two inns and housing for visitors of the city
  12. Tochcalli Calpolli (Rabbit District) - Public; Commoner housing with District Bodega
  13. Coyotl Calpolli (Fox District) - Public; Commoner Housing with District Bodega
  14. Quetzaltototl Calpolli (Turkey District) - Public; Commoner Housing with District Bodega
  15. Ozomatli Calpolli (monkey District) - Public; Wealthier commoner housing with two District Bodegas and marketplace
  16. Cacomixtle Calpolli (Cacomixtle District) - Public; Commoner housing with District Bodega
  17. Cuauhtechaloltl Calpolli (Flying Squirrel District) - Public; Wealthier commoner housing with District Bodega and small marketplace
  18. Coati Calpolli (Coati District) - Public; Commoner housing with District Bodega
  19. Mizto Calpolli (Cat District) - Public; Commoner housing with Diswtrict Bodega
  20. Mayaquen Calpolli (Wolf District) - Public; Commoner housing with District Bodega
  21. Cuauhtli Calpolli (Eagle District) - Public; Artisan housing with District Bodega and special goods storage
  22. Tecuancoatl Calpolli (Snake District) - Private; Storehouses of goods for residential districts
  23. Quetzpalin District (Lizard District) - Public; Commoner housing with District Bodega
  24. Michin Calpolli (Fish District) - Public; Commoner housing with District Bodega
  25. Tlotli Calpolli (Hawk District) - Public; Commoner housing with District Bodega
  26. Tocatl Calpolli (Spider District) - Public; Commoner housing with District Bodega
  27. Royal Obsevatory - Private; Reserved for the Teotlepetl and highest of the priesthood and artisans, for celestial observations

Guilds and Factions

Political Factions are non-existant in Michocan, the rule of the Teotlepetl is absolute. To counter the God-Kings rule is to go against all of the gods and unthinkable by any Michocano.
While there are no official guilds among the artisans and merchants, it would be more appropriate to call them unions or Notlatquipanco. Notlatquipanco are groupings of artisans or merchants that work in the same field. Each group takes a name for something to do with their profession, i.e. Molcaxitlma (Glass hand) - Glass cup makers, Pepetzilotli (Shining Eye) - Jewelry makers, Tehuicuahuitl (Glass Sword) - Obsidian sword makers, etc.
Alternative Name(s)
The Obsidian Throne, The Floating Rabbit
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)


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