Sharqawi Settlement in Argea | World Anvil
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Nestled in the heart of a vast, arid plain, Sharqawi rises like a mirage, its skyline a testament to its storied past and dynamic present. The city is a web of narrow, winding streets and expansive boulevards, leading to bustling souks and serene gardens.   At the center, the grand Al-Majlis Square is surrounded by impressive architecture that tells the tale of centuries. The Great Mosque of Sharqawi, with its towering minarets and intricate mosaics, stands as a beacon of spiritual grandeur, while the Royal Palace of Qasr Al-Fatih showcases the opulence of Sharqawi’s rulers: the great House Fatih.   Sharqawi is also known for its lush Oasis Gardens, a green haven amidst the arid climate, and the Museum of Sharqawi, which houses artifacts that span the city’s rich history. As night falls, the city doesn’t sleep. The vibrant nightlife comes alive with music and laughter, echoing from the numerous cafes and clubs that line the Avenue of Stars (Sharqawi's widest and grandest boulevard).


Catfolk 51
Ratfolk 17
Human 17
Lizardfolk 6
Other 9


Sharqawi is ruled by House Fatih, one of Taqqadiya's great houses that participates in the Royal Cycle. While the Sheikh of House Fatih has supreme authority, he delegates most of his power to his kin. Each of the city's state-sponsored guilds (and all guilds are state-sponsored; otherwise they are outlawed) are overseen by a member of the house. All citizens in the city are familiar with the guilds because it is the guilds that administer most municipal programs.
  • Al-Harfi (Artisans Guild)
  • Al-Yahmi (Town Guard)
  • Al-Mufarq (Inspectors Guild)
  • Al-Tajirs (Merchant's Guild)
  • Al-Arrahi (Guild of Arrah)
  • Al-Muhandis (Engineers Guild)


  • Al-Majlis Square: This large town square is both a market and a museum. The ancient architecture that surrounds the square was erected during the Akinuid period.
  • Great Mosque of Sharqawi: While House Fatih is secular house, Sharqawi does have a substantial religious population. This Arrahi mosque is considered a marvel of engineering.
  • Oasis Gardens: These hanging gardens are a beloved part of the city, providing relief from the unforgiving sun during unbearably hot summer days.
  • Avenue of Stars: Between the Great Mosque and the Oasis Gardens is a beautiful, bustling boulevard shaded by Taqqic palms, home to Sharqawi's never-resting market district.
Level 11 
CG Metropolis 
  Government Monarchy
Religion Arrahism
Threats Colonialism, sandstorms, corruption
Founding Date
3316 YGR
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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