The Underground Artisans Alliance

Beware the artists, for they mingle with all castes and are ever dissatisfied. It is their job to not only illustrate society's flaws, but to inspire us to dream of a better way. There is no more dangerous enemy to authoritarian control than a mind that asks questions and an eye that seeks beauty.
— Shiv Moonsong

A loose coalition of downtrodden members of the Metilth Working Caste, along with sympathetic members of the Metilth Merchant Class and entertainers from the Entertainment District of Central Tilth with the goal of bringing down the Metilth Ruling Caste, the Shadow of the Wing, and the evil monster, Ploui Jirs, Spu.


The Alliance has been organized into a cellular structure, with small pockets of local resistance fighters of 5-7. These groups do not necessarily know each other or work together, unless necessary for bigger projects. This structure keeps their most valuable weapon -- information -- out of the hands of their enemies.

Public Agenda

For months, the Alliance has been engaged in an open propaganda war against the ruling and merchant castes. Previously, this was confined mostly to painting edits over posters and fliers already on display. Recently, it has increased to applying graffiti onto buildings.

This began in the foundry district, where no one really paid much attention. Likewise when it spread to the residential district. In the Entertainment District of Central Tilth , it was regarded as a new and emerging art style. It was not until it began appearing in the underground transit stations of the Metilth Merchant Caste in the mercantile district that the Metilth Ruling Caste became aware of the problem. (Central Tilth merchants are a stereotype for complaining loudly and often about anything "new" or "different"...outside of their shop stock, of course.)

Eat the Rich, Devour the Truth


Caste the Net is a newsletter where a small number of copies just...appear and are passed from person to person. They provide plain text on current events that affect the working caste, and coded messages on meeting locations and calls to action.

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Professional, cordial, and officially unrelated.

The Licensed Guild of Glassblowers is a feeder organization and a convenient, legitimate, and well-established cover under which the working caste and the merchant caste can freely mingle and discuss commerce.


Artisans of the UGSCIE that work among the merchant and ruling castes make excellent conduits of information -- yes, spies -- for the Alliance.


The Shadow suspects the people are unhappy, but they do not believe that the people are powerful enough to actually move against them.

Character flag image: Victor the Vermin says: Eat the Rich. Devour the Truth.


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Aug 13, 2023 23:45 by Barron

I'm down for any organization that proposes Eating the Rich, so I'm on board. Great Article Moonlight.

Aug 15, 2023 17:47 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

Thank you so very much! All 42 of my SC articles tell the story of rising rebellion in Central Tilth, so if you're enjoying this taste of the story, I encourage you to check them out.

Haly, the Moonlight Bard

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