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Alexandros Mengsk

"No lands must remain beyond our vigil. Go forth; impose order before chaos can ensue." - Alexandros quoting the Oreion mandate
  Rivaling Mythra Crescentia in terms of historical significance, the early life of the man Alexandros Mengsk is shrouded in mystery. He first appears in history when forming the group that would go on to become House Mengsk. An expert tactician and masterful warrior, Alexandros saw the chaos of the eastern noble houses of Solanus fighting amongst themselves for territory and resources, and decided to establish order. With his trained army and natural charisma, Alexandros quickly bested the other houses, eventually bringing them all under his rule and forming the Oreion Inquisition in 56 3A.   Even in his early years, Alexandros adamantly stressed the dangers of magic left unchecked to his subjects, and there are many records of him stating that it is the duty of the Inquisition to protect Mortalkind from itself, imposing order and balance across Western Arkos. This decree is where the Inquisition gets its mandate, and many scholars contend that, over many years, the initial mission given by Alexandros to his people has become warped and distorted, with Oreions prioritizing conquest and control over order and protection. Nevertheless, Alexandros used his brilliant mind and surprising knowledge of the Arcane Arts to prepare his people to eventually adopt an expansionist mindset. Alexandros is also the individual who decided on the symbol used in the Oreion flag; the singular eye meant to represent the duty of the country to remain vigilant.   Alexandros was said to be an enthusiastic theater-goer and patron of the arts, and requested several theatres and art galleries to be constructed in his newly built capital of Victorum. He was also know to scorn lies and overt deceptions. While he often omitted certain information in his dealings with other house leaders, he never contradicted his word. Those close to Alexandros are said to have regarded him as responsible, principled, and compassionate, though he sometimes displayed a childlike disinterest akin to boredom for certain political matters. There are accounts from those in his inner circle that observe Alexandros as being world weary and lost in his thoughts during quieter moments; a weight present on his shoulders that made him slouch everywhere he walked.   Alexandros strengthened and ruled the new Inquisition for many years before passing away from old age, though accounts and circumstances regarding his death and funeral are severly lacking.
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements


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