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Mythra Crescentia

"I think it would be fair to say that no one has helped shape Western Arkos into what it is today as much as Mythra Crescentia herself." - Headmaster Atris
  Many contend that destiny forced Mythra into history's spotlight when Nex - The Screaming Tyrant destroyed her village on the edge of the Brink Lands. After losing her home and family, Mythra devoted herself to ending Nex's reign of terror, and spent the following years creating an army to combat the Fallen Ancient.   Known for her natural charisma and great courage, Mythra made lifelong friends with other powerful individuals, including Telmin Brightforge, Alathar Balefrost, Teg Trickfoot, Golag Eagle-Eye, and her best friend/lover Torrin Firragon. Together they formed the Order of the Eclipse, and enlisting the various talents of the different races, fought for years against Nex's Black Empire in The Eclipse War. After many sacrifices, Mythra used the The Eclipse Stone to open a portal to The Void itself, and sealed Nex inside.   With this, the Eclipse War was over, and the victorious Mythra made a decision that would change Western Arkos forever. Naming a new nation after herself, she established the Crescent Empire and declared herself Empress. Almost a millennia later, a golden statue of Mythra now resides in the center of the Court of Heroes in the Empire's capital of Imperia. While she is regarded as a legendary hero by many, there were and still are those who believe Mythra discarded everything she fought for so fervently by becoming an Empress. Regardless, the mark she made upon Arkos is tremendous, both as a hero and a ruler.


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