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Dark Anima

"Yes, I believed I had obtained essence of the Void itself, which I infused into you. But I have recently discovered it is so much MORE that flows through your veins. It is nothing so rudementary as darkness. It is the antithesis of life itself; hatred and evil perfected. It is...beautiful." - Cilas   As Anima is the emanation of the Creator, from which all life is formed, Dark Anima (also referred to by some as the Sparks of End and the Blood of Ruin) is the polar opposite of anima. Some who are aware of its existence believe that Dark Anima is what fills The Void, rather than remnants of dark primordial energy. Others believe that Dark Anima is simply regular anima corrupted through unknown means. Those of a more faith-based persuasion hold a surprisingly popular theory that Dark Anima is actually a product of the Creator. For while the Creator made mortal-kind and made them to be good, he also gave them the most powerful gift of all; a choice. And for there to be the choice to do good, there must also be the choice to do evil.   Dark Anima, or at least a substance that bears a striking resemblance in acounts and records, is said to be used for a number of deadly applications, such as increasing one's power/magical affinity, reviving the dead, corrupting morals, and even having an ambient weakening effect on the strongest of combatants.   Contrastly, the violet-glowing Dark Anima can also essentially "supercharge" any mortal who ingests it, making them stronger, faster, more powerful... and more aggressive. It turns pain into pleasure, rendering any blows inflicted on a user futile and heals their wounds as well. However, it also acts as a powerful narcotic, filling the user with thrilling, dark sensations and causing addiction. Dark Anima withdrawal turns the user into a raving brute desperate to do anything for more. If the craving is not satisfied, the user devolves to a beast-like state and eventually dies. Or at least, that is what the small, general theories surmise.   Unlike the corruptive, apathetic nature that too much Primordial Energy & The Arcane Weave gives way to, or the assimilative practices of Bellum, Dark Anima seems to be far more sinister. Rather than strip someone's individuality completely or brainwash them, Dark Anima seems to warp one's personality, desires, and values completely. In theory, the individual would still very much be themselves, while having their very core twisted into unholy imperfection.   For those that propose its existence, it is clear that no one can control Dark Anima; it dominates and destroys everything it touches.


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