Empress Alora Crescentia
"No, my dear, angry nobles and politics don't scare me. Being a single parent while trying to oversee an empire puts things into perspective."The elder sister to the late Emperor Lunin, Alora Crescentia currently leads the Crescent Empire as it's Empress. Alora formally abdicated the Crescentian throne after her father passed away. Not wanting to wholly leave the burden of leadership to her younger brother, Alora took up the position of ruling Daggervale and its surrounding region, the Vale, as a Duchess. While often preoccupied by her young daughter Tabitha, Alora is known by her people as a strong, kind, and fair leader, though it is often stated that she lacks the military mindset necessary to keep the empire secure. Alora is also known to be humble, as this is reflected both in the modesty of her previous dwelling, Castle Daggervale, and her attire, often choosing to wear simple dresses with no gaudy accessories. Alora is greatly supported by her Captain of the Guard, the Dragonborn Lady Ebona, and her human steward, Sir Quintus. Following the tragic death of her brother Emperor Lunin at the hands of Nex - The Screaming Tyrant and the destruction of her city Daggervale at the beginning of The Kindling, Alora was named Empress of the broken Crescent Empire as Lunin had no heir. Rather than abdicate the title, she chose to wear it through one of the nation's most difficult times, if for no other reason than necessity and to honor her brother.
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