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"I'm a firm believer in second chances. I'm also a firm believer that the vast majority of those who obtain them are fools."
  Joculatrix is the name of the First Champion of the Ancient Faust, obtaining the title sometime during the early years of the Second Age. Not much is known of her origins or moral alignment; what records do typically describe is a powerful mage often clad in the outfit of a masked jester. Most scholars cannot ascertain what court she would have been a fool for, however.   Joculatrix earned her title of Champion by essentially tricking the Ancient of deals and bargains. Aware of his dealings with mortalkind and the binding nature of his contracts, Joculatrix made a pact with the Ancient, creating a tie between her and the realm of The Murk. The exact nature of this pact has not been recorded.   After receiving a tremendous amount of power and wealth from her tie with Faust, Joculatrix used her magical knowledge to construct a powerful artifact; a dagger capable of literally severing her ties to the Ancient and his domain; The Debt Collector. Now free from her end of the bargain, Joculatrix could use her new-found wealth and power to do as she pleased.   By the time Faust realized that he, of all beings, had been duped, Joculatrix had long since traveled The Cosmic Sea, seeking new adventures and discoveries in the various realms. Faust eventually tracked the wandering mage down; rather than enact retribution, however, he offered Joculatrix a deal she could not refuse. She would become his first champion, having much of the same power and ability that he himself possesed (while also sparing her life). Joculatrix accepted, though for her part she was forced to surrender the Debt Collector to Faust.


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