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Obita - The After-Guide

"It is not for me to judge the actions of mortals while they lived. My only purpose is to escort them to their destination after their death."
  Obita is the self-proclaimed Ancient of Death and Souls. Residing in the mysterious realm of Mortenia, her Prometh servants known only as Escorts wander the infinite expanse of The Cosmic Sea in their black cloaks. They seek the souls of those recently departed from the Mortal Realm, and are said to guide them to their intended destination. How they determine this, or find the souls of mortals to begin with, remains a mystery. Most of the information and speculation regarding Obita and her escorts comes from the number of individuals who were brought back to life in the Mortal Realm using powerful restoration magic, though even then the escorts do not seem to be much in the way of conversation. Those who have spoken with Obita do regard her as quite kind and gentle; adopting an almost motherly persona.   Followers of Obita are more numerous than one may initially think, as death is a certainty for most on Arkos. Gravetenders, clerics, and even many belonging to monastic orders believe the After-Guide can help guide them through both life and death.   Obita herself is the Ancient understood the least; it is clear she has an incredible understanding of the properties and functioning of Anima. While most of the Prime Ancients are aware of her existence, they regard her with mostly indifference and distrust, many believing she has an ulterior motive for the ferrying of souls.   What some scholars contend, however, is that the distrust towards Obita stems from fear; a fear of the unknown, as many of the Prime Ancients don't seem to know where Obita even came from. Or what she really is. Whatever the case, it would appear that Obita was not an original member of the Ancient Pantheon, only appearing in doctrine after The Cataclysm.   Followers of Obita often create simple wooden effigies at sites of worship to depict those they have lost; those that have been welcomed into the After-Guide's tender embrace.

Divine Domains

Death, The Grave, Souls, Grief

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A horned purple heart. A scythe.

Tenets of Faith

  • Death is what gives life meaning; make the most of the time you have and do not squander it.
  • Death is the natural end of life. But do grieve the fallen; grief is love perservering.
  • Undeath is an abomination. Destroy any undead and those who would keep souls from properly departing.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location


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