BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The mortal races existed alongside the Ancients before the Cataclysm. Most of these races resided in the mortal realm, while the ancients presided over their domains of creation from their respective realms.   One not so mortal race consisted of beings known as the Prometh. Once said to be as numerous as the stars, the Prometh were ethereal beings that dwelled in the Cosmic Sea, the vast space between the realms. Gifted with vast arcane power, many Prometh considered themselves above the other existing races before the Cataclysm. One of the most fascinating aspects of the Prometh is that they reincarnated; instead of dying from natural or unnatural causes, their energy based body would cast itself back into the Cosmic Sea, where they would be reborn in a new form, with all their memories still intact.   The reincarnation process is one of the most important aspects of Prometh culture, as it symbolizes growth and maturity for them. Particularly powerful Prometh were known to be able to reincarnate themselves with the body of a different mortal race, but doing so is considered taboo by the majority of Prometh. It is also very dangerous, as Prometh that do this run the risk of losing their memories, essentially losing their life as a Prometh.   The Prometh suffered greatly during the Cataclysm, as much of the fighting among the ancients took place amidst the Cosmic Sea, scattering the Prometh. When the war finally ended and many Ancients became Fallen, their descent into the Cosmic Sea had rippling effects among the Prometh. For many, the darkness of the Fallen Ancients tainted them, turning them into twisted, corrupted beings; broken monstrosities contrasting their former beauty. These corrupted Prometh are known as the Shattered.   For other Prometh, the fall broke their magical link with the Cosmic Sea, disrupting their cycle of rebirth. They now experienced what they looked down on the mortal races for; their own mortality. And some experienced what all Prometh fear; being reborn without their memories, trapped in a cycle they have no knowledge of.   Many Prometh came to Arkos in an attempt to regain their immortality, and used their power and knowledge to create research facilities, advanced and wondrous structures many of which can still be found scattered around Arkos. While they made it their home and built upon it, the initial structure of the Silver City the Silver Elves found was not constructed by them. The throne of want, the altar which they later found, is a part of the Prometh research facility there.   There are numerous sub-species of Prometh, each usually dwelling in a particular realm under a particular Ancient. These include the righteous Lightsworn of Serenia, the Attendants of the Cosmic Archives, and the Stewards that serve Obita.
Genetic Descendants

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