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Plasmoids are amorphous beings with no typical shape. In the presence of other races, they often adopt a similar shape, but there’s little chance of mistaking a plasmoid for anything else (even if they choose to adorn the appropriate arrmor or clothing). They consume food by osmosis, the way an amoeba does, and excrete waste through tiny pores. They breathe by absorbing oxygen through another set of pores, and their limbs are strong and flexible enough to grasp and manipulate weapons and tools. Plasmoids come in a variety of colours, and can alter their color and translucence by absorbing dyes through their pores.   Plasmoids don’t have internal organs of the usual sort. Their bodies are composed of cells, fibers, plasma-like ooze, and clusters of nerves. These nerves enable a plasmoid to detect light, heat, texture, sound, pain, and vibrations. Plasmoids can stiffen the outer layers of their bodies to maintain a humanlike shape, so they can wear clothing and accessories. They speak by forcing air out of tubular cavities that constrict to produce sound.   When plasmoids sleep, they lose their rigidity and spread out and are thus sometimes mistaken for a rock or some other feature of the environment.   Many who have encountered Plasmoids have noticed similarities between them and the Yonder, in terms of their ooze-like, amorphous structure. This has led some to theorize that the plasmoids as a species originated from The Beyond as the Yonder did. However, unlike the Yonder, plasmoids can alter their shape freely and do not require the use of an environmental suit in order to move about outside of their native enviornment. Many plasmoids can be found traversing The Cosmic Sea, the space between the Realms of Creation, leaving others to believe that the Sea itself is their home plane, much like the celestial Prometh.   If one were to ask a Plamoid itself, most would simply remark that they have never given it much thought.  


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