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Creating a character in any game is an exciting and unique experience, and choosing the right background can help you bring your character to life. The background you choose provides a permanent foundation for your character's abilities, including adjustments to their ability scores, and proficiency in specific sets of lore and practical skills. It's important to choose a background that fits your character's backstory, personality, and goals, so that you can fully immerse yourself in the game and create a truly memorable character. By selecting the right background, you can add depth to your character and create a more complete and well-rounded persona. Furthermore, your choice of background also dictates which starting skills you have access to, giving you the ability to specialize your character in specific areas from the very beginning of the game. Whether you want to be a battle-hardened warrior or a learned scholar, your background choice will help you flesh out your character and provide a solid foundation for your adventures in the world of Arora.

For players creating their first ever character starting at 1st level, we recommend choosing 'commoner' backgrounds such as Villagers, Artisans, Hunters, Street Gangs, Bandits, Merchants, or Performers. These humble upbringings will reflect your character's lack of knowledge about the world and provide a solid foundation for future character development. However, if you have a specific backstory in mind, we encourage you to choose a background that fits that backstory and helps you fully realize your character's unique traits and personality. With the right background, you can begin your journey in the world of Arora with a strong sense of purpose and a rich, immersive experience that will keep you engaged and invested in the game.

Technical Note

This list is by no means exhaustive. If you have a specific background in mind for your character that is not included here, feel free to raise it and a new background can be added to the list. The list of backgrounds on The Nethys Archives may be helpful, as long as it fits the low-magic setting of Arora.

Stacking Skill Points

Players can use extra skill points to advance beyond trained proficiency, even at 1st level. To do so, a player must accumulate the appropriate number of skill points required for each proficiency rank, as listed in the table below. For example, to achieve expert proficiency, a player would need to accumulate a total of 3 skill points, which can be spent at any time. The player can then spend those skill points to gain expert proficiency in any practical or narrow lore skill that they are already trained in. This is also the case for broad lore skills, but only during character creation. This allows players to customize their characters to their specific needs and desires, and to further specialize in areas that are important to their character concept. It's important to note that focusing heavily on a single skill can make a character more specialized, but also more of a "one-trick-pony," sacrificing some versatility in exchange for greater expertise.


Stacking Backgrounds

Multi-backgrounding is a character creation option that allows a character to gain additional broad and practical skills, at the cost of age, ability scores, and backstory. While this is a powerful way to optimize a character's skills and abilities, it should be noted that it should be primarily driven by the character building choices and backstory.

For example, a character who has taken the Scholar background six times might have a vast array of knowledge, but this would also make them quite elderly and likely drain their Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength scores. Such a character's backstory should reflect the passion and drive to pursue learning to such an extent, as well as the physical toll it has taken on their body. Similarly, a character who has taken on multiple backgrounds with drastically different lifestyles and careers would need a compelling backstory to explain such drastic shifts.

It's important to keep in mind that backstory and character development should drive character creation choices, rather than min-maxing for pure optimization. Multi-backgrounding is an option for those who want to create unique and interesting characters, but it should not come at the cost of a rich and believable backstory.


A character can expand their available skills on creation by taking on multiple backgrounds. For each additional background, the character gains a number of years in age depending on their race (equal to one-tenth of their maximum lifespan) and randomly (Roll a d3) loses either one point of Constitution (1), Dexterity (2), or Strength (3). In exchange, they gain one ability score point that must be chosen from the list of ability score boons associated with the additional background. They also gain all of the broad lore points associated with that background, and half of the practical skill points associated with it. However, on the third, fifth, sixth, and every subsequent background, the character (randomly) loses an additional point of either Constitution, Dexterity, or Strength.

For example, a human character could choose the scholar background six times, adding 12 years to their age each time for a total of 78 years old. During each background, they would gain an intelligence ability score point, for a total of +6. They would also suffer a -2 penalty to Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength by spreading out the age-related ability drains, and an additional -1 penalty to each of those ability scores by passing the third, fifth, and sixth backgrounds. However, they would gain a total of 6 x 11 = 66 broad lore points, which could be spent to become trained in 66 broad lore skills or further their proficiency in specific skills.

For practical skills, however, note that the street gang background provides 8 practical skill points. Therefore, a 78-year-old thief with five additional backgrounds would have 28 practical skill points (8 + ((8/2) x 5)). This is enough to start with legendary proficiency in only two practical skills, but at the cost of three ability score points.

Commoner Backgrounds


Growing up in a small village, you were surrounded by close-knit communities where everyone knew each other's names. You learned the value of hard work and the importance of cooperation, as everyone worked together to keep the village thriving. Living off the land, you developed skills in farming, fishing, hunting, and other survival techniques. Your upbringing has likely instilled in you a strong sense of community and duty to those around you.

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By choosing the Villager background, you gain a natural strength and dexterity (+2 each) born of a life of hard physical labor and endurance, as well as a hearty constitution (+1). However, your upbringing in a secluded village may have limited your exposure to the world, and as a result, your wisdom and intelligence may not be as sharp as those with more worldly experience (-1 each). This results in a net ability score boost of +3. While your skill base is enough for the ways of the village, your expertise is likely limited to a specific profession, granting you four practical skills. Your exposure to the outside world is limited, leaving you with only four broad Lore Skills that reflect your understanding of the world outside your village. Overall, the Villager background is ideal for those who excel in physical labor and endurance, but may lack experience with the wider world beyond their village. It is highly recommended to choose this background for your first playthrough, such that your own lack of knowledge about the world can synchronise with that of your character.

This background grants 4broad lore points, to be spent on any of the following lore skills.

Animal Husbandry, Trapping , Herbology, Forestry, Fishing, Agriculture, Blacksmithing, Carpentry, Trade, Taxation, Games, Gladiatorial, Storytelling, Gambling, Pottery, Milling, Mining, Tanning, Weaving, Knot-Tying.

Where the following skills may be the most relevant:
  • Agriculture: Growing up in a small village, knowledge of agriculture is crucial for survival. Villagers know how to till the land, plant crops, and maintain their harvests, which can be useful for growing food or even selling their produce.
  • Fishing: Since villages are often located near bodies of water, knowing how to fish is an essential skill. Villagers can identify different types of fish, know how to bait and cast a line, and can cook their catches, making them valuable assets for any fishing venture or even just for catching a meal for their community.
  • Hunting: Villagers also have experience with hunting, as they often need to supplement their diet with meat. They know how to track animals, set traps, and use different hunting tools, making them skilled hunters who can provide for their village and protect it from predators.
  • Forestry: Villagers are knowledgeable about the surrounding forests and woods, as they often need to gather firewood and lumber for building structures or making tools. They know how to identify different types of trees, understand which ones are best for lumber, and how to properly cut and process them for their needs.
  • Carpentry: Villagers often need to build and repair structures within their community. They are familiar with the basic tools of carpentry and can build houses, barns, and other essential structures. Their knowledge of carpentry can also be useful for repairing wagons, furniture, and other household items.

A villager can also choose 4 'practical' skills from this following:
  • Animal Handling: As someone who grew up in a rural village, you would have had a lot of exposure to animals, both domestic and wild. You would know how to calm and handle them safely. This skill would be useful for farming, hunting, and even for pets and mounts.
  • Athletics: As someone who grew up in a village, you would have had to do a lot of physical labor, such as carrying heavy objects, chopping wood, and tilling fields. You would have built up strength and endurance over time, making you naturally athletic. This skill would be useful for any physical challenge or task that requires strength and endurance.
  • Cooking: Living off the land and with a strong emphasis on community, you would have learned how to cook with the ingredients available in your village, both for sustenance and for celebration. This skill would be useful for preparing meals and possibly even for bartering or trading food items.
  • Craft: Growing up in a village where resources may be limited, you would have learned how to make do with what is available. You would know how to create items from scratch using various materials such as leather, wood, or metal. This skill would be useful for creating and repairing tools, furniture, and other useful items.
  • Leadership: In a tight-knit community like a village, leadership is essential. You would have learned how to work with others and how to inspire and guide them. This skill would be useful for any situation where you need to take charge and motivate a group of people towards a common goal.
  • Medicine: Living in a village, you would not have had easy access to medical professionals. You would have learned how to treat basic injuries and illnesses using natural remedies and simple techniques. This skill would be useful for first aid, healing, and even for creating potions or salves.
  • Navigation: As someone who lived in a small village, you may have had to venture out into the wilderness to hunt or gather resources. You would have learned how to navigate using natural landmarks such as the sun, stars, or mountains. This skill would be useful for any situation where you need to find your way in unfamiliar territory.
  • Performance: In a close-knit community like a village, entertainment is often homegrown. You would have learned how to sing, dance, or play an instrument to entertain your fellow villagers during festivals or gatherings. This skill would be useful for any situation where you need to entertain or persuade others.
  • Survival: Living off the land and with a strong emphasis on community, you would have learned how to survive in various environments using basic skills such as finding water, making shelter, and building fires. This skill would be useful for any situation where you need to survive in the wild, or in times of crisis when basic necessities are scarce.


Growing up amongst artisans, you were surrounded by a community of skilled craftspeople who shared a passion for creating beautiful and functional objects. Whether you learned the trade from a family member or were taken on as an apprentice, you spent your formative years learning the intricacies of your craft. Your days were filled with the sounds of hammers striking metal, the whir of spinning wheels, and the smell of sawdust and freshly-tanned leather. As an artisan yourself, you have a deep understanding of the tools and techniques required to bring your creations to life. Your work has likely brought you into contact with people from all walks of life, from wealthy nobles seeking custom pieces to common folk looking for something practical and well-made. Your passion for your craft drives you to perfect your skills and create something truly unique with each new piece you make.

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As an Artisan, your craftsmanship has given you a keen eye for detail, making you more perceptive in your surroundings (+1 DEX) and more resilient against environmental stressors (+1 CON). However, you may have neglected other aspects of physical fitness (-1 STR). Your experience with the tools of your trade has granted you a deep knowledge base in your field, allowing you to choose five lore skills. Your practical skills are likewise impressive, with six to choose from. Overall, the Artisan background is perfect for those with a talent for creating and building.

This background grants 5broad lore points, to be spent on any of the following lore skills.

Blacksmithing, Jewelcrafting, Glassblowing, Bookbinding, Engraving, Masonry, Carpentry, Plumbing, Construction, Mathematics, Mechanics, Engineering, Alchemy, Optics, Accounting, Appraising, Trade, Taxation, Torture, Pharmacology, Law, Calligraphy, Lexicology, Persuassion, Painting, Music, Literature, Sculpting, Playwriting, Games, Gladiatorial, Storytelling, Magic, Gambling, Pottery, Tanning, Weaving, Sailing, Shipbuilding, Knot-Tying, Weaponry, Siegecraft, Fortification, Business, Bureaucracy, Record-Keeping, Diplomacy,

Where the following skills may be the most relevant:
  • Blacksmithing: Growing up with skilled artisans and craftspeople, a person with an Artisans background would likely have learned the basics of blacksmithing. This skill could be useful for repairing or creating metal items such as weapons, armor, tools, or even decorative pieces.
  • Jewelcrafting: Jewelry-making is a highly specialized craft, and growing up among skilled artisans would give a person a strong foundation in the basics of jewelcrafting. This skill would be useful for creating or repairing all types of jewelry, including rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings.
  • Glassblowing is a highly specialized skill that requires a steady hand and a keen eye for detail. Growing up in an artisanal environment, a person with an Artisans background would have had ample opportunity to learn the basics of glassblowing. This skill would be useful for creating or repairing glass items such as vases, bowls, and decorative objects.
  • Bookbinding is a highly specialized skill that involves creating books by hand. Growing up among skilled artisans and craftspeople, a person with an Artisans background would have learned the basics of bookbinding, including the use of different materials, tools, and techniques. This skill would be useful for repairing or creating books or other paper-based items.
  • Engraving is a highly specialized skill that involves carving designs into metal or other materials. Growing up with skilled artisans, a person with an Artisans background would have learned the basics of engraving. This skill could be useful for creating or repairing decorative metal objects such as jewelry, plates, or cups.
  • Masonry is the craft of building with stone, brick, or concrete blocks. Growing up among skilled artisans and craftspeople, a person with an Artisans background would have learned the basics of masonry, including the use of different materials, tools, and techniques. This skill would be useful for repairing or constructing buildings, walls, or other structures.
  • Carpentry is the craft of working with wood to create furniture, structures, and other objects. Growing up in an artisanal environment, a person with an Artisans background would have had ample opportunity to learn the basics of carpentry. This skill would be useful for repairing or constructing wooden objects such as furniture, doors, or window frames.
  • Plumbing involves the installation and repair of pipes and fixtures that convey water, gas, or sewage. Growing up among skilled artisans and craftspeople, a person with an Artisans background would have learned the basics of plumbing. This skill would be useful for repairing or installing plumbing systems in buildings or other structures.
  • Accounting is the practice of keeping financial records and preparing financial statements. Growing up with skilled artisans and craftspeople, a person with an Artisans background would likely have been exposed to the business side of the artisanal trade. This skill would be useful for managing the financial aspects of an artisanal business or for keeping track of personal finances.
  • Business: Growing up among skilled artisans and craftspeople, a person with an Artisans background would have been exposed to the business side of the artisanal trade. This skill would be useful for managing an artisanal business or for negotiating deals with suppliers
And the Artisans Background also provides the option to start as trained in 6 of the following practical skills:
  • Craft: Growing up among skilled artisans and craftspeople has given characters with the "Artisans" background a keen eye for detail and a steady hand, making them proficient in crafting items using various materials and techniques. They may have learned to make tools, weapons, jewelry, or other objects of use or beauty. Crafting can be useful for creating or repairing equipment, as well as for making a living.
  • Animal Handling: Characters with the "Artisans" background may have been exposed to animals during their upbringing, either in a workshop setting or through hunting or agriculture. They may have learned to care for, train, or even breed animals, giving them a natural affinity for working with creatures. Animal Handling can be useful for managing mounts, working with guard animals, or even befriending wild beasts.
  • Medicine: Artisanal crafts often involve working with sharp tools or dangerous materials, and accidents can happen. Characters with the "Artisans" background may have picked up basic medical knowledge, either from the artisans they worked with or from personal experience. Medicine can be useful for treating wounds, preventing infections, or even diagnosing diseases.
  • Athletics: Spending time in a workshop or on the job site can require physical labor and endurance. Characters with the "Artisans" background may have developed strength, agility, or stamina from their daily activities, giving them a boost in physical activities like running, jumping, or climbing. Athletics can be useful for escaping danger, performing stunts, or even participating in physical contests.
  • Investigation: As apprentices or workers, characters with the "Artisans" background may have been responsible for inspecting materials, examining finished products, or troubleshooting issues. They may have developed a knack for observing details, recognizing patterns, or deducing causes and effects. Investigation can be useful for solving puzzles, uncovering clues, or even detecting traps.
  • Cooking: Artisans may need to take breaks or nourish themselves during the day. Characters with the "Artisans" background may have learned how to prepare simple meals or snacks using basic ingredients, either from their own experience or from communal cooking arrangements. Cooking can be useful for providing sustenance, impressing others with culinary skills, or even poisoning or disguising food.
  • Deception: In some artisanal trades, secrecy or misdirection may be necessary to protect trade secrets or maintain a competitive edge. Characters with the "Artisans" background may have learned how to lie, bluff, or mislead others in order to keep their craft techniques hidden or gain an advantage. Deception can be useful for infiltrating or sabotaging rival workshops, or even for covering up other misdeeds.
  • Performance: Some artisans may use their skills to create works of art or entertainment. Characters with the "Artisans" background may have learned to play instruments, sing, dance, or act, either for personal enjoyment or for public presentation. Performance can be useful for charming or impressing others, distracting or entertaining enemies, or even earning money or favors.
  • Calligraphy: Growing up among skilled artisans and craftspeople, you were likely exposed to the art of calligraphy, which involves precise and graceful writing of characters or lettering with a pen or brush. This skill involves knowledge of different writing styles, letterforms, inks, and paper types. You may have learned to create beautiful and ornate letters, as well as how to write quickly and legibly for more practical purposes such as taking notes or creating documents.


Growing up amongst a group of hunters, you have developed keen senses and quick reflexes. You may have honed your skills by tracking prey, setting traps, and learning to use a variety of weapons. You are familiar with the forest and its inhabitants, and are comfortable with spending long periods of time outdoors. You are also well-versed in wilderness survival and have a deep respect for nature. As a result, you gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity, but do not receive any ability boosts to other abilities.

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The life of a Hunter has taught you to be quick and agile, granting you a natural grace (+2 DEX). However, your physical strength is not as pronounced (-1 STR). Your hunting skills have given you a broad knowledge of the natural world, allowing you to choose five lore skills. You have also learned many practical skills in your trade, giving you six to choose from. Overall, the Hunter background is ideal for those with a deep connection to nature and a talent for tracking and survival.

This background grants 4broad lore points, to be spent on any of the following lore skills.

Hunting, Survival, Beast-Handling, Animal Husbandry, Taxidermy, Herbology, Forestry, Fishing, Brewing, Carpentry, Engraving, Cartography, Navigation, Surveying, Geology, Meteorology, Alchemy, Anatomy, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Disease, Psychoactives, Weaponry, Scouting, Tactics, Games, Storytelling, Gambling, Weaving, Tanning.

With special focus given to the following:
  • Beast-Handling: As someone who has grown up amongst hunters, you would have developed a keen understanding of how to handle and tame different types of animals. This knowledge would be useful for domesticating animals like horses and dogs for hunting and transportation purposes.
  • Hunting: You have honed your skills in tracking prey, setting traps, and using a variety of weapons. This knowledge would be useful for catching food for yourself and your community.
  • Survival: As a hunter, you would have developed skills in finding food, water, and shelter in the wilderness. This knowledge would be essential for surviving in the wild and for teaching others how to do the same.
  • Engraving: Engraving is the art of incising designs onto hard surfaces. As a hunter, you may use engraving to decorate weapons or tools made from bones, antlers or wood. This skill would also be useful for making maps and marking paths.
  • Cartography: The ability to read and create maps would be essential for hunters to navigate through the wilderness and to record their discoveries. This knowledge would also be useful for creating trade routes, planning expeditions, and finding new hunting grounds.
  • Scouting: A hunter's ability to scout out and gather intelligence on an area before hunting is crucial for their success. This skill would also be useful for military purposes, exploring new territories, or discovering new resources.
  • Weaponry: As someone who has honed their skills in using a variety of weapons, you would have a deep understanding of how different weapons are made and how they can be used effectively. This knowledge would be useful for creating weapons for your community or for training others in their use.
  • Tactics: Hunters often work in teams, and the ability to coordinate and strategize is crucial for their success. This knowledge would also be useful for military or political purposes, where understanding and implementing tactics can lead to victory.
  • Forestry: As someone who has grown up in the wilderness, you would have a deep understanding of the different types of trees, their uses, and how to manage forests sustainably. This knowledge would be useful for maintaining the resources needed for hunting and for preserving the environment for future generations.
  • Pharmacology: Hunters often use plants to treat wounds or illnesses, and knowledge of pharmacology would be essential for identifying the right plants and their properties. This knowledge would also be useful for creating remedies for common ailments, or for discovering new drugs and medicines.
And 6 of the following practical skills:
  • Animal Handling: As someone who grew up hunting, a Hunter would have learned to handle various kinds of animals in a practical setting, whether it be to calm them down or to use them as bait or decoys.
  • Athletics: A Hunter would need to be physically fit to keep up with prey and navigate the wilderness.
  • Climb: As a hunter, you may have needed to climb trees or rocky terrain to get a better vantage point when tracking prey. Climbing may also be useful for evading dangerous animals or navigating difficult terrain.
  • Cooking: After successfully hunting and killing animals, a Hunter would need to know how to prepare and cook the meat for sustenance.
  • Craft: Growing up with hunters, you likely learned to craft basic items such as traps, bows, and arrows. Crafting also involves making repairs to weapons, clothing, and equipment while out on a hunt.
  • Disguise: Disguise may be useful for a hunter who needs to blend in with their surroundings to avoid being seen by prey or to approach animals without alarming them. It may also be useful for blending in with other groups of people to gather information or carry out a mission.
  • Escape Artist: In the wilderness, a Hunter may find themselves in dangerous situations and need to quickly escape, whether it be from an animal or from an attacker.
  • Investigation: A Hunter would need to be able to investigate and track prey in order to successfully hunt them down.
  • Leadership: As a member of a hunting group, a Hunter would need to have some degree of leadership skills in order to work well with others and coordinate hunts.
  • Learning: As a hunter, you need to constantly learn about the animals you are tracking and the terrain you are navigating. Learning includes studying the habits and behaviors of animals, as well as learning about the geography and weather patterns of the area you are hunting in. This skill is also useful for learning about new weapons, tools, or techniques for hunting.
  • Medicine: Injuries are common in the wilderness, and a Hunter would need to have some basic medical knowledge to tend to wounds and prevent infections.
  • Navigation: In order to navigate through the wilderness, a Hunter would need to know how to read maps, use a compass, and understand the terrain.
  • Stealth: A Hunter would need to be able to move silently and undetected through the wilderness in order to successfully hunt prey.
  • Survival: A Hunter would need to know how to survive in the wilderness, whether it be finding food and water or building shelter.


Growing up among merchants, you would have been exposed to a bustling world of trade and commerce. You may have traveled to new cities or stayed put in a central location, but either way, you would have learned the ins and outs of haggling and deal-making. You possess a sharp sense of the value of goods and services, and you can easily read people and situations to your advantage. You understand the power of negotiation and have a shrewdness that allows you to navigate the complex world of trade with ease.

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As a Merchant, your experience in trade has granted you a deep understanding of commerce and economics, making you more adept at persuasion and negotiation (+1 CHA). Your business acumen has also made you more attuned to your surroundings (+1 INT). However, your experience in the business world may have left you with a limited understanding of physical prowess (-1 STR). Your expertise in the world of commerce has given you a broad knowledge base, allowing you to choose seven lore skills. However, your practical skills are not as extensive as those of other backgrounds, leaving you with five to choose from. Overall, the Merchant background is perfect for those with a talent for business and a knack for negotiation.

This background grants 7broad lore points, to be spent on any of the following lore skills.

Accounting, Appraising, Trade, Taxation, Currency, Business, Bureaucracy, Leadership, Record-Keeping, Diplomacy, Mathematics, Navigation, Cartography, Surveying, Astronomy, History, Sociology, Linguistics, Culture, Etiquette, Nobility, Economics, Taxidermy, Carpentry, Masonry, Construction, Urban Planning, Plumbing, Mechanic, Engineering, Optics, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Animal Husbandry, Agriculture, Herbology, Fishing, Brewing, Glassblowing, Engraving.

With a focus on the following:
  • Business: Understanding how to conduct trade deals and negotiations to maximize profits would be essential knowledge for someone who grew up in a merchant family. They would know how to analyze market trends, create contracts, and develop relationships with clients to establish a profitable business.
  • Appraising: In order to accurately price and sell goods, merchants must be able to determine the value of items. This includes identifying the materials used, the craftsmanship involved, and the rarity of the item in question.
  • Trade: Merchants would be well-versed in the various forms of trade, including bartering, exchanging goods for currency, and creating long-term contracts. They would also know the ins and outs of different types of trade, such as local, regional, and international trade.
  • Taxation: Merchants would need to be aware of tax laws and how they affect their business. They would know how to calculate taxes and fees and would be able to navigate the bureaucratic process of paying them.
  • Currency: Merchants would be knowledgeable about different types of currency, including foreign currencies and precious metals. They would know how to exchange currencies and calculate exchange rates.
  • Navigation: Merchants who traveled for trade would need to be able to navigate by land and sea, using maps, stars, and other tools. They would know how to calculate distances, plan routes, and deal with unexpected obstacles.
  • Diplomacy: Merchants often interacted with people from different cultures and backgrounds, and would need to be able to navigate social situations with tact and diplomacy. They would know how to negotiate deals, make alliances, and avoid conflicts.
  • Accounting: Merchants would need to keep detailed records of their transactions and expenses. They would know how to balance their books, calculate profits and losses, and create financial reports.
  • Record-Keeping: Merchants would need to keep track of inventory, expenses, and profits. They would know how to create and maintain organized records, which would help them make informed business decisions.
And 5 of the following practical skills:
  • Diplomacy: Growing up in a merchant family, you would have learned how to interact with people from all walks of life, and how to negotiate and persuade others to your point of view. This skill would be useful for convincing customers to buy goods or services and for negotiating deals with other merchants or traders.
  • Persuasion: Similar to diplomacy, you would have honed your ability to persuade others to your way of thinking, making it easier to convince buyers to purchase goods at a fair price or to negotiate favorable deals with other merchants.
  • Craft: As a merchant, you would have learned how to create and repair items, such as containers, packaging, or display stands, to showcase your wares in the most appealing way possible.
  • Cooking: A good understanding of cooking would be useful in a merchant family, as it would allow you to provide food for yourself and your employees while on the road. It would also enable you to create and sell food products, such as preserves or baked goods.
  • Navigation: Merchants often traveled long distances to buy and sell goods, so a good knowledge of navigation would be essential for planning routes, avoiding hazards, and ensuring timely arrival at markets or trade fairs.
  • Performance: As a merchant, you would have learned how to entertain customers and potential buyers to create a friendly atmosphere and build relationships. A good performance would increase the likelihood of sales and repeat business.
  • Survival: While traveling, it is always possible to face difficult conditions such as inclement weather, unexpected obstacles or even attacks from bandits or wild animals. A good knowledge of survival would be essential for ensuring your own safety and the safety of your goods.
  • Leadership: As a merchant, you would be in charge of employees, making decisions, and negotiating deals with other merchants. Good leadership skills would be essential for ensuring your business operates smoothly and successfully.
  • Intimidate: While it is not always necessary or desirable, there may be times when intimidation could be useful for a merchant, such as when negotiating with a difficult or aggressive buyer or when dealing with competitors or suppliers. A good understanding of intimidation could help you to stand up for yourself and your business in such situations.

Street Gangs

The Street Gang background is a reflection of a character's upbringing in a harsh urban environment where survival is key. They have learned to navigate the dangers and challenges of life on the streets through their own ingenuity and wits. Because they have had to rely on themselves and their gang for protection, they may have developed a willingness to bend the rules or engage in criminal activities to achieve their goals. However, they also have a strong sense of loyalty towards those they consider their family or friends, and they are fiercely protective of their own. As a result of their experiences, they have a natural talent for a practical skill of their choosing, which may include anything from pickpocketing to performing, depending on their particular expertise.

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Growing up on the streets has taught you how to survive through sheer force of will and physical ability, making you stronger (+1 STR) and more agile (+1 DEX). However, your lack of formal education may have left you with a limited understanding of the world around you, making you less wise (-1 WIS) and less charismatic (-1 CHA). Your experience on the streets has given you a broad knowledge base, allowing you to choose five lore skills. You have also developed many practical skills to help you survive on the streets, giving you eight to choose from. Overall, the Street Gang background is perfect for those with a rough and tumble upbringing and a talent for survival.

This background grants 5broad lore points, to be spent on any of the following lore skills.

Street Gangs, Beast-Handling, Animal Husbandry, Stabling, Brewing, Jewelcrafting, Engraving, Urban Planning, Excavation, Etiquette, Nobility, Mechanics, Engineering , Alchemy, Appraising, Trade, Currency, Pharmacology, Dentistry, Toxicology , Disease, Torture, Surgery, Psychoactives, Investigation, Interrogation, Law, Corruption, Pathology, Persuassion, Costuming, Games, Gambling, Streetwise, Gang Culture, Grifting, Locksmithing, Forgery, Knot-Tying, Weaponry, Scouting, Tactics, Business, Bureaucracy, Leadership

However, some lore skills that could be most fitting for a street gang member are:
  • Streetwise: This skill represents the character's knowledge of urban environments and their ability to navigate the streets. It includes knowledge of the layout of cities, the location of safe houses, and the ability to recognize and avoid dangerous areas or individuals.
  • Locksmithing: Growing up in a world where security is often tight and access is restricted, it makes sense that someone from a Street Gang background would know how to pick a lock. This skill allows the character to bypass locks and other security measures, making it useful for breaking into buildings or vehicles.
  • Forgery: A character with this skill knows how to create convincing fake documents, such as passports or identification papers. This can be useful for getting past security checkpoints or obtaining goods and services under false pretenses.
  • Surgery: In a world where medical care is often limited or nonexistent, having someone in the gang who knows how to perform basic surgical procedures can be a valuable asset. This skill would allow the character to treat injuries that would otherwise be fatal, potentially saving the lives of their fellow gang members.
  • Tactics: Life on the streets can be unpredictable and dangerous, so having a good sense of strategy and the ability to think on one's feet is essential. A character with this skill would be able to come up with effective plans for dealing with threats and responding to unexpected situations.
  • Street Gangs: This skill represents the character's knowledge of and experience with the workings of street gangs. It includes knowledge of gang territories, rivalries, and the ability to recognize and interact with members of other gangs.
  • Persuasion: Whether it's convincing someone to join the gang, convincing a shopkeeper to part with their goods, or talking their way out of trouble with the authorities, a character with this skill knows how to be persuasive and get what they want.
  • Leadership: In a world where survival often depends on being part of a group, having someone with good leadership skills can mean the difference between life and death. A character with this skill is able to inspire and motivate others, and has the ability to make tough decisions when necessary.
  • Gambling: When resources are scarce, sometimes the only way to obtain what you need is by gambling for it. A character with this skill knows how to play games of chance and can use their knowledge to win money or other valuable prizes.
  • Grifting: Similar to persuasion, a character with this skill knows how to deceive others for their own benefit. Whether it's running a con game or convincing someone to part with their money or goods, a character with this skill is adept at manipulating others to get what they want.

Additionally, characters with the Street Gangs background may spend 8 practical skill points to gain proficiency any of the practical skills.


Your character grew up amongst a group of bandits, likely in a lawless region or on the fringes of society. The harsh and dangerous lifestyle of constantly living on the run and engaging in criminal activities would have shaped your character in unique ways. Perhaps you learned to rely on your wits and your combat skills to survive, or maybe you developed a strong sense of loyalty to your fellow bandits. Alternatively, you may have grown tired of this life and sought to leave it behind, setting out on your own or seeking to join a more legitimate group.

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As a Bandit, your experience with illegal activity has taught you to be quick and cunning, granting you natural agility (+1 DEX) and intelligence (+1 INT). Your experience with combat has also made you stronger (+1 STR) and more resilient (+1 CON). However, your life of crime may have left you with a limited understanding of the world beyond your criminal activities (-1 WIS). Your experience with banditry has given you a broad knowledge base, allowing you to choose four lore skills. You have also developed many practical skills to help you in your criminal endeavors, giving you five to choose from. Overall, the Bandit background is ideal for those with a talent for illegal activity and a willingness to use their skills for personal gain.

This background grants 4broad lore points, to be spent on any of the following lore skills.

Streetwise, Stealth, Investigation, Locksmithing, Scouting, Tactics, Survival, Hunting, Gambling, Fortification, Construction, Butchery, Leadership, Persuasion, Interrogation, Forgery, Cartography, Navigation, Astronomy, Weaponry, Brewing, Pottery, Mining, Taxation, Trade.

Where the following may be very relevant:
  • Streetwise: The ability to navigate through urban environments, gather information and recognize potential danger in order to avoid it, this skill would have been essential for someone growing up amongst a group of bandits who often had to stay one step ahead of the law.
  • Locksmithing: The ability to pick locks, disable traps and break into secure locations would be an important skill for someone who grew up as a bandit, where they would need to break into houses, stores, and warehouses to steal food and other supplies.
  • Sneak: The ability to move silently and remain unnoticed, useful for sneaking up on enemies, avoiding detection when scouting, or stealing items without being caught.
  • Forgery: The ability to create false documents, signatures or seals. This would be a valuable skill for bandits when they need to create fake identification papers or to forge seals to authorize their access to guarded places.
  • Scouting: The ability to track and locate people or goods, as well as identify signs of trouble in advance. This would have been a vital skill for someone who grew up in a group of bandits, as they would need to be able to locate caravans, towns or other targets to attack, as well as evade pursuers.
  • Navigation: The ability to navigate on land or sea using maps, stars, and other tools. This skill would be useful for bandits when they need to move quickly from one place to another without being detected by the authorities, or to find their way through unfamiliar territory.
  • Tactics: The ability to plan and execute strategies, as well as analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy. This would be a useful skill for someone who grew up as a bandit, as they would need to plan their raids carefully, and to anticipate the responses of the authorities or rival gangs.
  • Intimidate: The ability to intimidate or threaten others, such as through physical intimidation or verbal threats. This would be a useful skill for someone who grew up amongst bandits, as they would need to be able to establish their dominance over others, as well as to intimidate potential rivals or enemies.
  • Survival: The ability to survive in the wilderness, such as finding food and water, making shelter, or tracking animals for hunting. This skill would be useful for bandits when they need to hide out in the wilderness, or when they need to scavenge for food and other supplies.
  • Weaponry: The ability to use a variety of weapons effectively, as well as maintain and repair them. This would be a useful skill for someone who grew up as a bandit, as they would need to be able to fight with a variety of weapons, from swords and bows to guns and explosives.

Players with the bandit background may also choose 5 of the following practical skills:
  • Acrobatics: Growing up as a bandit requires nimbleness and agility, making Acrobatics an essential skill for avoiding traps and obstacles while fleeing from the authorities or pursuing prey.
  • Animal Handling: As a bandit, you may have had to deal with stolen livestock or used animals for transportation. Animal Handling would be useful for keeping the animals calm and under control during such activities.
  • Athletics: Bandits have to be physically fit and capable of traversing difficult terrain quickly. Athletics would be used for running, jumping, and climbing obstacles, especially while carrying heavy stolen goods.
  • Cooking: Living off the land and the occasional raid can leave you with meager rations. Cooking would be a valuable skill to have to make the most of whatever ingredients are available.
  • Craft: Bandits often have to create their own weapons, armor, or even hiding places. Craft would be useful for making and repairing these items.
  • Deception: Deceiving others is a common tactic used by bandits to gain an advantage or to cover their tracks. Deception would be used for lying, bluffing, and impersonation.
  • Intimidatation: Sometimes, the best way to get what you want is to intimidate others. Intimidate would be used for making threats and instilling fear in others.
  • Stealth: Avoiding detection and sneaking around are crucial for a bandit's survival. Stealth would be used for hiding from pursuers or sneaking up on targets.
  • Survival: Living in the wilderness or on the fringes of society requires knowledge of how to survive with limited resources. Survival would be used for finding food and water, building shelter, and navigating in the wild.


Growing up as a performer can mean a number of different things, from a travelling troupe of actors to a group of street performers in a bustling city. Regardless of the specifics, performing as a career likely means that you're comfortable in front of a crowd and skilled at entertaining others. You may have developed a flair for the dramatic, an ear for music, or a nimble step.


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Choosing the Performer background grants you an impressive boost to your dexterity (+2 DEX) and charisma (+2 CHA), reflecting your experience in the performing arts. However, your physical strength and constutition may suffer slightly (-1 STR, -1 CON) as you live comfortably and prioritize agility over raw power. Additionally, your broad knowledge base may be slightly limited, granting you only six lore skills. Your practical skills base is broad and varied, however, reflecting your training as a performer and granting you five general skills. Overall, the Performer background is ideal for those who thrive in front of an audience and excel in dexterous feats, with a focus on performance and entertainment.

The lore skills available to a performer are: Acrobatics, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Acting, Comedy, Dance, Playwriting, Painting, Music, Literature, Sculpting, Games, Storytelling, Costume Design, Calligraphy, Poetry, Gambling, Persuasion, Grifting, Streetwise, Leadership, Diplomacy, and Sociology.

With special attention given to:
  • Acting - As a performer, acting would be a primary skill to entertain audiences and convey a story through performance.
  • Dance - Another core skill for performers, dance would be essential for choreography and adding visual elements to performances.
  • Music - Performers would likely be knowledgeable in one or more instruments or vocal styles to provide live music for their performances.
  • Comedy - A skill that would be useful to entertain audiences and provide comedic relief during performances.
  • Costuming - Performers would need to dress appropriately for their performances and would need to have knowledge of different styles of clothing to match the theme of their performance.
  • Storytelling - Performers may need to create or retell stories as part of their performances, making storytelling skills valuable.
  • Poetry - Writing and reciting poetry could be a valuable addition to a performer's repertoire, adding variety to their performances.
  • Playwriting - Writing scripts for plays or skits could be necessary for performers who want to create new performances or adapt existing ones.
  • Painting - Performers may need to create or design their own sets and backdrops, making painting skills useful.
  • Literature - A performer who is knowledgeable in different types of literature would be able to adapt or create performances based on famous works or themes from literature.

The performer may also choose 5 of the following practical skills:
  • Performance - this skill would be the bread and butter of someone with a Performer background. It would allow them to entertain and engage audiences in a variety of ways, such as singing, dancing, acting, juggling, or other performance skills.
  • Acrobatics - Performers may need to be physically agile and coordinated, especially if they perform stunts or acrobatics as part of their act. This skill would help them to perform these feats safely and effectively.
  • Deception - Performers may need to be able to bluff or trick their audiences as part of their act, or to deceive others in other ways. This skill would help them to do so convincingly.
  • Diplomacy - Performers may need to interact with a variety of people in order to book gigs, negotiate contracts, or build relationships with other performers. This skill would help them to do so diplomatically and effectively.
  • Leadership - If a Performer becomes the leader of a group or troupe, they will need to have strong leadership skills in order to manage and direct the group effectively.
  • Performance - this skill would be the bread and butter of someone with a Performer background. It would allow them to entertain and engage audiences in a variety of ways, such as singing, dancing, acting, juggling, or other performance skills.
  • Thievery - Performers who incorporate magic tricks or illusions into their acts may need to be skilled at sleight of hand in order to perform these tricks convincingly.
  • Survival - If a Performer is traveling from place to place or performing outdoors, they may need to be able to survive in a variety of environments and conditions. This skill would help them to do so.
  • Stealth - If a Performer needs to sneak into or out of a venue, or avoid unwanted attention or harassment, this skill would be useful to them.

Rare Backgrounds

Priests of Taro

The Church of Taro is a highly structured organization, with strict codes of conduct and a rigid hierarchy. Children raised within the church would have been taught from a young age the tenets of the faith and would have undergone rigorous theological training. As a result, those with the background of Priests of Taro are likely to be highly devout and deeply committed to their faith. They may have a strong moral compass and a desire to do what is right, according to the teachings of Taro. They may also be highly disciplined, having grown up under strict rules and regulations. In terms of behaviour, a character with this background may be inclined towards contemplation and introspection, due to their focus on spiritual matters. They may also have a certain degree of authority or leadership ability, having grown up within a hierarchical organization. Not all with the background of Priests of Taro may be active members of the Church. Some may have left the priesthood for personal reasons, while others may have been forced out due to disagreements with the leadership. In any case, the influence of the Church is likely to have left a lasting impression on their character.

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By choosing the Priest of Taro background, you gain a natural charisma (+2 CHA) and wisdom (+1 WIS), reflecting your devotion to Taro and your position as a spiritual leader. However, your physical abilities may not be as strong (-1 STR), as you may have devoted more time to your spiritual practice than physical training. Your broad knowledge base is vast, granting you eight lore skills, and your practical skills reflect your experience in spiritual and healing practices, granting you four practical skills. Overall, the Priest of Taro background is ideal for those who have dedicated their lives to the spiritual practice and service of Taro, with a focus on charisma and wisdom.

The available lore skills (choose 8) are: Theology, Ethics, Scripture, Investigation, Law, Translation, Poetry, Calligraphy, Literature, Sculpting, Painting, Music, Drama, Dance, Games, Storytelling, Persuasion, Leadership, Record-Keeping, Diplomacy, Astronomy, Navigation, Mathematics, Sociology, Culture, Etiquette, History, Lineage, Nobility, Philosophy, Psychology, Astrology, Ontology, Linguistics, Corruption, Gang Culture.

With special focus on:
  • Theology: Growing up in the Church of Taro would have required rigorous theological training, so a character with this background would have a deep understanding of the tenets and practices of their faith. This knowledge would be useful for understanding religious texts, interpreting religious symbols, and participating in religious ceremonies.
  • Ethics: The Church of Taro places a strong emphasis on moral behavior and doing what is right, so a character with this background would have a strong sense of ethical reasoning. This knowledge would be useful in navigating difficult moral dilemmas and making ethical decisions.
  • Scripture: Along with theological training, a character with this background would have an extensive knowledge of religious texts and scripture. This knowledge would be useful for interpreting and understanding religious texts, as well as for teaching others about the faith.
  • Persuasion: As a religious organization, the Church of Taro would have placed a strong emphasis on convincing others to convert to their faith. A character with this background would likely have honed their persuasion skills through training and practice. This knowledge would be useful for convincing others of their beliefs or for negotiating with others to achieve their goals.
  • Investigation: Depending on their role within the Church of Taro, a character with this background may have been required to investigate allegations of misconduct or wrongdoing within the organization. This knowledge would be useful for investigating and uncovering the truth behind complex situations.
  • Heirarchy: The Church of Taro is a hierarchical organization with a rigid leadership structure, so a character with this background would have a good understanding of leadership principles and the qualities required to lead effectively. This knowledge would be useful in leading a team or organization, or for understanding how to navigate leadership structures in other organizations.
  • History: The Church of Taro likely has a long and complex history, which would be important for understanding the traditions and practices of the faith. This knowledge would be useful for interpreting religious texts and symbols, as well as for understanding the historical context of religious events.
  • Sociology: The Church of Taro may have strict rules and regulations governing social behavior, so a character with this background would have a good understanding of sociological principles and how they apply to religious communities. This knowledge would be useful for understanding group dynamics and for navigating social situations within a religious community.
  • Diplomacy: The Church of Taro likely has relationships with other religious organizations and political entities, so a character with this background would have an understanding of diplomacy and negotiation. This knowledge would be useful for negotiating with other religious leaders or for navigating complex political situations.
Regular skills (Choose 4):
  • Diplomacy - The Priests of Taro are likely to be skilled in diplomacy, as they would have grown up within a hierarchical organization that places great importance on maintaining good relations with others.
  • Investigation - As noted in the background description, those with the 'Priest of Taro' background would have undergone rigorous theological training, making them well-educated and knowledgeable in matters of faith and philosophy.
  • Medicine - Priests of Taro may have received training in the healing arts, as this would be a valuable skill in treating members of their community.
  • Performance - Given the importance of ritual and ceremony in religious practices, some Priests of Taro may have developed skills in performance, such as singing or public speaking.
  • Survival - Some Priests of Taro may have experience with survival skills, particularly if they have gone on mission trips to remote areas or lived in austere conditions as part of their training.
  • Stealth - Priests of Taro who have left the order or are engaging in covert activities, such as conversion missions in hostile territories, may need to rely on stealth to avoid detection.
  • Craft - Some Priests of Taro may have developed skills in crafting, such as creating religious artifacts or performing calligraphy for important documents.
  • Leadership - Growing up within a hierarchical organization may have taught Priests of Taro important leadership skills, including the ability to inspire and guide others.


Growing up amongst scholars is a rare but highly regarded background that indicates the character had the privilege of receiving an education from a young age. This education was likely centred around academia, such as philosophy, mathematics, history, or language studies. The character's upbringing would have been structured and disciplined, focused on learning and expanding their knowledge. They may have spent many hours in libraries, poring over books and documents, and engaging in debates with their peers and mentors.

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Choosing the Scholars background grants you a natural intelligence (+2 INT), reflecting your experience in academia and learning. However, your physical abilities may not be as strong (-1 STR), as you may have spent more time studying than training your body. Your broad knowledge base is vast and varied, granting you eleven lore skills, and your practical skills reflect your focus in academic and intellectual pursuits, granting you only two general skills. Your wisdom is also boosted (+2 WIS), reflecting your experience in communication and interpersonal skills. Overall, the Scholars background is ideal for those who value learning and intellectual pursuits, with a focus on intelligence.

The Scholar background provides a whopping 11 lore skills has a unique advantage that they can choose any lore skill, or spend 3 skill points to master an entire Academic Pursuit (containing 5 lore skills). For example, A scholar can use all their skill points to start trained in Economics (Accounting, Appraising, Trade, Taxation, Currency), Administration (Business, Bureaucracy, Leadership, Record-Keeping, Diplomacy) and Humanism (Sociology, Linguistics, Culture, Etiquette, Nobility). They can list just Field(Economics), Field(Administration), and Field(Humanism), and remember that these 'fields' contain all the relevant Subjects, or they could list each and every distinct broad lore skill, whichever they find more useful. They can also spend 5 lore skill points to raise their skill level to the 2nd level at character creation. Alternatively, the scholar could spend their 12 lore skill points on any lore skill from the table as with any other background, and spend 3 lore skill points to raise any lore skill to the 2nd level.

Some of the most likely lore skills for a scholar may be:
  • History - Scholars would have a deep understanding of past events, which would be useful for understanding the present and making predictions about the future. They could also use this knowledge to contextualize and interpret historical texts.
  • Linguistics - Scholars would be familiar with many different languages and writing systems, making them valuable as interpreters, translators, and diplomats.
  • Mathematics - Scholars would be skilled at arithmetic, algebra, and geometry, which would be useful for engineering, surveying, navigation, and other practical applications.
  • Cartography - Scholars would be skilled at creating and interpreting maps, which would be useful for exploration, trade, and military campaigns.
  • Astronomy - Scholars would be knowledgeable about the movements of celestial bodies, which would be useful for navigation, predicting astronomical events, and developing calendars.
  • Literature - Scholars would have a deep understanding of classical literature, which would be useful for writing and analyzing poetry, plays, and other forms of creative writing.
  • Painting - Scholars would be skilled at painting, which would be useful for creating portraits, landscapes, and other forms of visual art.
  • Music - Scholars would be knowledgeable about music theory and history, which would be useful for composing, performing, and analyzing music.
  • Sculpting - Scholars would be skilled at sculpting, which would be useful for creating sculptures and other forms of visual art.
  • Philosophy - Scholars would be knowledgeable about various philosophical schools of thought, which would be useful for understanding ethics, metaphysics, and other abstract concepts. They could also use this knowledge to engage in debates and discussions.
In addition to these lore skills, scholars can choose from a range of regular skills to reflect their broader education, including but not limited to:
  • Investigation: Scholars are trained to be analytical and to pay close attention to details, so the Investigation skill would be a good fit. This skill would allow a character to search for clues and solve puzzles, making it useful in situations where they need to gather information or solve a mystery.
  • Diplomacy: Scholars are typically well-spoken and have good social skills, so the Diplomacy skill would be useful for negotiating with others and resolving conflicts. This skill would be helpful in situations where the character needs to persuade or influence others.
  • Medicine: Depending on the specific area of study, a scholar may have knowledge of medicine and healthcare. The Medicine skill would allow the character to provide basic medical care, diagnose illnesses, and treat injuries. This skill would be useful in situations where the character needs to provide first aid or care for someone who is sick or injured.
  • Calligraphy: Scholars would likely be adept at writing and calligraphy due to their exposure to written works and documents. They may have learned calligraphy as a way to copy and preserve important texts, and it could be useful in creating official documents and letters.
  • Persuasion: Persuasion could be a useful skill for scholars who wish to convince others of their ideas or arguments. Scholars may be adept at crafting persuasive arguments, using logic and evidence to sway others to their point of view.
  • Leadership: At some point in their career, Scholars are highly expected to take on leadership roles, partciular as teachers (Only available if choosing scholar at least twice)


Growing up as a member of the nobility would have given the character a life of luxury and privilege, but also of immense responsibility and societal pressure. The character may have been raised in a grand castle or estate, surrounded by servants and attendants. They may have received the best education and been trained in courtly manners and etiquette, as well as combat and strategy. However, they would also have been expected to uphold the reputation of their family and be a shining example of their class. As a member of the nobility, the character would have access to powerful connections and resources. They may have been taught diplomacy and negotiation, and have experience in managing large estates and dealing with complex legal matters. However, they may also struggle with understanding the daily struggles of common people and may lack practical skills.

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By choosing the Nobility background, you gain an enhanced dexterity (+1 DEX), intelligence (+1 INT), wisdom (+1 WIS) and charisma (+1 CHA), reflecting your privileged upbringing and access to training and resources. However, your pampered lifestyle has also left you ill-prepared for the harshness of the real world (-2 CON). Your broad knowledge base is vast and varied, granting you ten lore skills, and your practical skills reflect your reliance on servats, granting you only three general skills. Overall, the Nobility background is ideal for those who value strength, privilege, and access to resources, with a focus on broad knowledge and diverse practical skills.

The available lore skills (choose 10) are: Etiquette, Nobility, History, Lineage, Heraldry, Sociology, Linguistics, Culture, Diplomacy, Accounting, Appraising, Taxation, Currency, Investigation, Law, Translation, Poetry, Calligraphy, Painting, Music, Literature, Sculpting, Acting, Comedy, Dance, Costuming, Games, Storytelling, Magic, Astronomy, Knot-Tying, Weaponry, Scouting, Tactics, Fortification, Business, Bureaucracy, Hierarchy, Record-Keeping, Urban Planning, Mathematics, Optics, Astronomy, Astrology, Scripture, Philosophy, Psychology, Ontology, Playwriting, and Alchemy.

Where a noble may be particularly interested in:
  • Etiquette - As a member of the nobility, one would be expected to know and follow the proper customs and manners of high society. This knowledge would be useful in courtly events and social gatherings where one's behavior would be scrutinized.
  • Diplomacy - Members of the nobility would be trained in the art of negotiation and resolving conflicts peacefully. This skill would be useful in dealing with other noble families, foreign dignitaries, and even common people who may have disputes with the estate.
  • Lineage - Knowing one's family history and genealogy would be important for a noble. This knowledge would be useful in establishing one's own reputation and that of one's family, as well as in tracing important political and social connections.
  • Law - Nobles would be expected to know the law and be able to navigate complex legal matters. This knowledge would be useful in managing the estate, settling disputes, and protecting the family's interests.
  • Accounting - Managing the finances of a large estate or family would require knowledge of accounting and financial management. This skill would be useful in ensuring the family's wealth is managed properly and investments are made wisely.
  • History - Understanding the history of one's own family, as well as that of the kingdom, would be important for a noble. This knowledge would be useful in understanding the political landscape and knowing one's place within it.
  • Weaponry - Nobles would often receive training in combat and swordsmanship. This knowledge would be useful in defending oneself and the estate, as well as in jousting and other competitive events.
  • Navigation - Members of the nobility who own ships or trade goods would need to know how to navigate the seas. This knowledge would be useful in managing maritime trade and travel.
  • Astronomy - Knowing the movements of the stars and planets would be important for navigation, as well as for predicting important astrological events. This knowledge would be useful for managing trade and commerce, as well as for making important decisions based on astrological predictions.
  • Theology - Members of the nobility would often be expected to be pious and knowledgeable in matters of Religion. This knowledge would be useful in dealing with the clergy and managing the spiritual affairs of the estate.
The available practical skills (choose 3) for the Nobility background are:
  • Diplomacy - This skill would be essential for someone who grew up in nobility and had to interact with other high-ranking officials, as they would need to negotiate deals and treaties and maintain good relations with other noble families.
  • Leadership - Growing up as a member of nobility often meant having to take on leadership roles and responsibilities, whether it be in managing large estates or commanding armies. This skill would be useful for someone with that background to effectively lead and manage people.
  • Medicine - While someone from nobility may not have been exposed to the same types of injuries and illnesses as common people, having knowledge of medicine would still be useful for treating ailments and injuries of themselves and their fellow nobles.
  • Navigation - Members of nobility often traveled extensively, whether it be for diplomatic purposes or leisure. Having knowledge of navigation would be useful for someone with that background to safely and efficiently navigate the seas or land.
  • Performance - As members of high society, someone from nobility would be expected to attend and host lavish events and balls. Having knowledge of performance would be useful for entertaining guests and putting on a good show.
  • Survival - Although someone from nobility may not have had to survive in the wilderness, having knowledge of survival would still be useful in case of emergencies or unexpected situations, such as being stranded in the wilderness or lost on a hunting trip.
  • Riding: - Growing up as a member of the nobility often involved being trained in horseback riding, both for practical transportation purposes and for leisure activities such as hunting and jousting. Nobles were often expected to be skilled riders, as they may have needed to travel long distances on horseback and oversee large estates. Knowing how to ride a horse could also be useful in battle or other situations requiring quick movement


Growing up amongst Abandonists would have been a unique experience, as they are a rare and secretive group with beliefs that are considered extreme by most people in Erothi. Abandonists are focused on preparing for the return of the gods and as such, their daily life would likely be filled with intense study, training in combat, and various magical and non-magical survival skills. Abandonists are often isolated from the outside world, so the player character would have grown up without much interaction with people outside of the cult. They may have a deep sense of mistrust towards outsiders, as they have been taught that those who do not believe in their cause are not to be trusted.   Abandonists are also known for their study of Ferrology, which is the magic system of Arora. As a result, the player character would likely have a good understanding of Ferrology and may have even trained in it from a young age. However, because of the cult's isolation, their knowledge of Ferrology may be limited to what they have been able to discover themselves, rather than any formal training. Overall, growing up amongst Abandonists would have instilled in the player character a sense of dedication to their cause, as well as a deep mistrust of outsiders. They would likely be well-trained in combat and survival skills and have a good understanding of Ferrology. In terms of personality, the player character may have a more serious and focused demeanour, with a strong belief in their cause. They may also struggle with social interactions due to their isolation from the outside world.

The Abandonist background grants a net ability score boost of +2, with a balanced boost to charisma (+1 CHA) and wisdom (+2 WIS), reflecting their unwavering conviction in their beliefs. The player character has a broad knowledge base, with eight lore skills, reflecting their extensive studies of Ferrology and other subjects. Their practical skills are limited to four skills, reflective of their focus on survival skills over specialized training. The available lore skills (choose 8) are: Alchemy, Herbology, Mathematics, Optics, Engineering, Taxation, Astronomy, Cartography, Navigation, Surveying, Geology, Anatomy, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Disease, Surgery, Investigation, Law, Streetwise, Locksmithing, Weaponry, Scouting, Tactics, Fortification, Business, Bureaucracy, Record-Keeping, Diplomacy, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, Survival, Ferrology, Butchery, Cullinary.

  • Survival: Growing up amongst Abandonists would have instilled in the player character a deep understanding of survival skills, such as foraging, hunting, and wilderness survival. This knowledge would be useful for exploring the wilderness or surviving in hostile environments.
  • History: Abandonists are focused on preparing for the return of the gods, so the player character would likely have a good understanding of the history of Erothi and the gods. This knowledge would be useful in uncovering lost knowledge and artifacts of the gods, as well as in deciphering ancient texts and inscriptions.
  • Alchemy: Abandonists are known for their knowledge of alchemy, which they use to create magical potions and items. The player character would likely have a good understanding of alchemy and its uses. This knowledge would be useful for creating potions, as well as in understanding magical artifacts and their properties.
  • Investigation: Abandonists may have to investigate various mysteries and clues related to their cause, such as ancient texts, ruins, or artifacts. The player character would likely have some experience in investigating mysteries and gathering clues. This knowledge would be useful for uncovering lost knowledge and artifacts of the gods, as well as in solving mysteries and puzzles.
  • Mathematics: Abandonists may use mathematics in various ways, such as in calculating trajectories for magical spells or in deciphering ancient texts. The player character would likely have a good understanding of mathematics and its uses. This knowledge would be useful for solving puzzles, as well as in understanding magical artifacts and their properties.
  • Geology: Abandonists may have to explore various underground tunnels and caverns in search of lost knowledge and artifacts of the gods. The player character would likely have a good understanding of geology and its uses. This knowledge would be useful for exploring underground areas and in identifying geological features and formations.
  • Engineering: Abandonists may have to construct various devices and structures to aid in their cause, such as magical wards or defensive fortifications. The player character would likely have some experience in engineering and construction. This knowledge would be useful for constructing structures and devices, as well as in understanding ancient structures and their mechanisms.
  • Sociology: Abandonists may have to interact with various groups of people, such as other cults or communities that they may encounter during their quests. The player character would likely have some experience in understanding different social structures and their hierarchies. This knowledge would be useful for interacting with different groups of people and understanding their motivations and beliefs.
  • Linguistics: Abandonists may encounter various ancient texts or inscriptions in their quests for lost knowledge and artifacts of the gods. The player character would likely have a good understanding of different languages and writing systems. This knowledge would be useful for deciphering ancient texts and inscriptions, as well as in identifying different languages and their origins.
The available practical skills (choose 4) are:
  • Survival:
  • Growing up in a secretive cult focused on preparing for the return of the gods, the character would have learned how to survive in the wilderness with little resources. This skill would be useful for finding food, water, and shelter while on the run or in hiding.
  • Navigation:
  • Given the Abandonist's focus on preparing for the return of the gods, it is likely that the character would have learned how to navigate using the stars, maps, and other tools in order to find safe locations to establish bases or hideouts.
  • Craft:
  • Abandonists would have learned how to create various items for survival such as weapons, clothing, and tools.
  • Animal Handling:
  • The character would have learned how to handle and care for domesticated animals for food, transportation, or protection.
  • Medicine:
  • With the Abandonists' focus on survival, the character would have learned how to treat injuries and illnesses with limited resources.
  • Cooking:
  • Abandonists would have learned how to prepare food from what they have on hand or can gather in the wild.
  • Stealth:
  • Given the secretive nature of the Abandonists, the character would have learned how to move stealthily and avoid detection in order to keep their location hidden.
  • Acrobatics:
  • The character would have learned how to perform acrobatic feats such as jumping, tumbling, and dodging in order to avoid danger.
  • Deception:
  • As an isolated group, the Abandonists may have had to resort to deception in order to gather resources or information from outsiders.
  • Investigation:
  • The character would have learned how to investigate a crime or a mystery, such as searching for clues or analyzing evidence, which would be useful in identifying potential threats or infiltrators.
  • Diplomacy:
  • The Abandonists would have had to navigate diplomatic situations with outsiders carefully in order to keep their existence hidden, and the character would have learned how to interact with others diplomatically to achieve their goals.
  • Intimidate:
  • The character would have learned how to intimidate or threaten others, such as through physical intimidation or verbal threats, in order to protect themselves and their group.
  • Disguise:
  • The Abandonists may have had to disguise themselves in order to gather resources or information from outsiders without being detected.
  • Escape Artist:
  • The character would have learned how to escape from restraints or confined spaces, such as locks or ropes, which would be useful in situations where they have been captured or imprisoned.

Ferrological Skills

The Abandonist background is unique in that it grants access to up to two ferrological lore skills at character creation. Please see the Ferrology section of the Players Handbook for more information. The options are:
  • Rhysology
  • Sympathy
  • Surgery
  • Sygaldry
  • Synthery
They can also spend two of their 4 skill points to develop an Arcana skill:
  • Hari
  • Concentration
  • Resistance
  • Clarity
  • Coherence

Race-specific backgrounds

In addition to the common backgrounds available to all races, there are also backgrounds that are typically reserved for specific non-human races in Arroa. These backgrounds reflect the unique experiences and cultural upbringing of these races, and can add an extra layer of depth and immersion to your character. While some GMs may allow players of any race to select any background, others may choose to restrict certain backgrounds to their corresponding races. As always, it's best to check with your GM to see what options are available to you.

Urmans Reservationists

Urman who grew up in reservations has had to adapt to living in a fixed area and coexisting with humans. They often struggle with their identity as they try to balance their Urman heritage with the influences of Human culture. Growing up, they have learned to hunt, fish and forage in the surrounding wilderness, as well as how to make use of their unique physical traits to their advantage. Due to their exposure to human culture, they may also have developed skills in trade, negotiation, and diplomacy. Living in the reservations, Urman has a deep sense of community and loyalty to their tribe, and they often work together to overcome challenges. However, they also harbour a sense of resentment and anger towards humans for pushing them into reservations and taking over their land. As a result, some Urman may be quick to distrust humans, while others may have learned to navigate human society and use their skills to gain an advantage. Urman who grew up in the reservations may have developed a range of skills, including those related to survival, hunting, and physical prowess. They may also have gained knowledge of the surrounding wilderness and its inhabitants, as well as the ability to communicate with other creatures. Additionally, due to their interactions with humans, they may have developed skills in trade, negotiation, and diplomacy.

Choosing the Urman Reservationist background grants a balanced boost to strength (+1), dexterity (+1), and constitution (+1), reflecting your experience in hunting, fishing, and foraging in the surrounding wilderness. Growing up in the reservation has allowed you to make use of your unique physical traits to your advantage. Your exposure to human culture may have also given you practical skills in trade, negotiation, and diplomacy, as well as the ability to communicate with other creatures, resulting in an average of five practical skills. However, your limited exposure to the wider world beyond the reservation may have limited your knowledge, granting you only four broad lore skills. Overall, the Urman Reservationist background is ideal for those with physical prowess and survival skills, as well as those with skills in negotiation and diplomacy.

Here are the available lore skills for the Reservationist background (choose 4): Animal Husbandry, Hunting, Fishing, Forestry, Survival, Beast-Handling, Taxidermy, Herbology, Agriculture, Carpentry, Masonry, Construction, Plumbing, Butchery, Cooking, Brewing, Anatomy, Pharmacology, Psychology, Toxicology, Disease, Surgery, Theology, Investigation, Law, Translation, Calligraphy, Painting, Sculpting, Streetwise, Grifting, Locksmithing, Pottery, Mining, Sailing, Astronomy, Weaponry, Tactics.

Where one could pay particular attention to the following:
  • Survival: The ability to survive in the wilderness, such as finding food and water or making shelter. Urman who grew up in reservations have learned how to survive in the wild and make use of their surroundings to meet their basic needs.
  • Hunting: The ability to track and hunt game animals for food or sport. Growing up in reservations, Urman would have learned how to hunt for food and may have developed skills in tracking and trapping game.
  • Fishing: The ability to catch fish for food or sport. Urman who grew up in reservations would have learned how to fish in nearby bodies of water to supplement their food sources.
  • Herbology: The knowledge of plants and their medicinal properties. Urman who grew up in reservations may have developed knowledge of medicinal plants found in the nearby wilderness and how to use them to treat ailments.
  • Animal Husbandry: The ability to care for domesticated animals. Urman who grew up in reservations may have had experience caring for domesticated animals, such as horses, as part of their cultural practices.
  • Sociology: The study of human social behavior and organization. Due to their interactions with humans, Urman who grew up in reservations may have developed an understanding of human social behavior and cultural norms.
  • Etiquette: The conventional rules of personal behavior in polite society. Urman who grew up in reservations may have developed skills in navigating human society and understanding social etiquette.
  • Cartography: The ability to create and interpret maps. Urman who grew up in reservations would have developed knowledge of the surrounding wilderness and may have learned how to navigate through it using maps and landmarks.
  • Forestry: The knowledge of forests and their ecological systems. Growing up in reservations, Urman would have learned how to navigate through forests and may have developed knowledge of the plants and animals that live in them.
The available practical skills (choose 6) are:
  • Animal Handling: Growing up in the wilderness, Urman Reservationists would have learned to care for, train and work with domesticated animals such as horses, dogs, and cattle. This skill would be useful for transportation, herding, and as a source of food and materials.
  • Survival: The Urman Reservationists would have learned how to survive in the wilderness by finding food and water sources, making shelter, and identifying natural resources. This skill would be crucial for their way of life, and would allow them to live off the land without relying on outside help.
  • Hunting: As part of their survival skills, Urman Reservationists would have learned how to hunt and trap animals for food and materials. This skill would also be useful for protecting their community from dangerous animals or enemies.
  • Navigation: As part of their understanding of the wilderness, Urman Reservationists would have learned how to navigate using the stars, landmarks, and natural features. This skill would be useful for travel, hunting, and exploration.
  • Cooking: After hunting and foraging for food, Urman Reservationists would have needed to know how to prepare and cook their meals. This skill would be essential for their survival and also for cultural traditions and celebrations.
  • Craft: To make use of natural resources and materials, Urman Reservationists would have learned various crafts, such as tanning hides, weaving baskets, and making tools. This skill would be useful for creating necessary items and trading for other goods.
  • Leadership: Urman Reservationists value community and often work together to overcome challenges. Those with leadership skills would be able to guide and inspire their community towards common goals, such as protecting their land or negotiating with outsiders.
  • Diplomacy: Due to their interactions with humans, some Urman Reservationists may have developed skills in trade, negotiation, and diplomacy. This skill would be useful for navigating interactions with outside communities, such as humans or other Urman tribes.
  • Deception: Due to their history of being pushed into reservations and taken over by humans, some Urman Reservationists may have learned to be distrustful of outsiders. As a result, some may have developed skills in deception to protect their community or gain an advantage in negotiations or conflict.
  • Medicine: While Urman Reservationists have a deep understanding of the natural world and its resources, they may also have developed skills in medicine to treat injuries or illnesses. This skill would be useful for their community's health and well-being.

Urmans Nomads

Urman Nomads are a subset of the Urman race who have adapted to a nomadic lifestyle, travelling across the vast plains of Rakhana in northwestern Erothi. They live in portable tents made of animal hides and rely on their herds of animals for sustenance, including horses, cattle, and sheep. Urman Nomads are expert horsemen and archers, and their way of life revolves around the movement of their herds, as well as trade and raiding with nearby settlements. Growing up as an Urman Nomad would have instilled a sense of self-sufficiency, adaptability, and resourcefulness. Children are expected to learn how to ride and care for horses, herd animals, and hunt for food from an early age. They also learn how to make and repair their tents and equipment. Urman Nomads have a strong sense of community, and children are taught the importance of loyalty to their tribe and clan.

Choosing the Urman Reservationist background grants you a boost in strength (+1 STR), dexterity (+2 DEX), and constitution (+1 CON), reflecting the physical demands of living as a nomad on the vast plains of Rakhana in northwestern Erothi. However, a life on the move has left you with limited exposure to the outside world and its complexities, resulting in a slightly lower wisdom (-1 WIS) score. This results in a net ability score boost of +3. Your upbringing as an Urman Nomad has taught you the importance of self-sufficiency, adaptability, and resourcefulness, granting you six practical skills. However, your exposure to the outside world is limited, leaving you with only two broad lore skills that reflect your understanding of the world beyond your clan. As an Urman Reservationist, you would have grown up learning how to ride and care for horses, herd animals, and hunt for food, as well as how to make and repair your tents and equipment. Urman Nomads have a strong sense of community and the importance of loyalty to their tribe and clan, traits that have likely been instilled in you since childhood."

The available lore skills for the Urman Nomads background (choose 4) are:
Animal Husbandry, Beast-Handling, Hunting, Survival, Archery, Horseback Riding, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Geography, Meteorology, Navigation, Cartography, Bartering, Leatherworking, Tanning, Knot-tying, Scouting, Tracking, Storytelling, Music, Dance, Costuming, Pottery, and Weaving.

Give particular attention to:
  • Animal Husbandry:
  • Urman Nomads rely on their herds of animals for sustenance, so they would need to have a deep understanding of animal behavior and physiology in order to keep them healthy and well-fed. This knowledge would be useful for caring for and breeding their livestock.
  • Hunting:
  • As expert hunters, Urman Nomads would have learned how to track and hunt game for food, clothing, and other uses. They would have knowledge of the habits and behavior of local wildlife, as well as different methods and tools for hunting.
  • Survival:
  • Urman Nomads live in a harsh and unforgiving environment, so they would need to know how to survive in it. They would have learned skills such as finding water, making shelter, starting fires, and identifying edible plants and animals.
  • Archery:
  • As skilled archers, Urman Nomads would have a deep knowledge of archery equipment, such as bows, arrows, and quivers, as well as different techniques and styles of shooting. This skill would be useful for hunting and self-defense.
  • Horseback Riding:
  • Urman Nomads are expert horsemen, and would have learned how to ride, care for, and train their horses from an early age. They would also have a deep understanding of equine behavior and physiology.
  • Fishing:
  • As nomads who travel across the plains, Urman Nomads would also have knowledge of fishing in rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water. They would know different techniques and tools for fishing, as well as the habits and behavior of local fish.
  • Navigation:
  • Urman Nomads travel across the plains in search of grazing lands for their herds, and would need to have knowledge of navigation using landmarks, stars, and other tools. They would know how to read maps and charts, as well as how to find their way using natural cues.
  • Cartography:
  • As nomads who travel across the plains, Urman Nomads would need to have knowledge of cartography in order to make and read maps of the terrain. This skill would also be useful for trading and communicating with other tribes and settlements.
  • Bartering:
  • Urman Nomads are skilled traders, and would have a deep understanding of bartering, or the exchange of goods and services without the use of money. They would know how to negotiate effectively and read the intentions of their trading partners.
  • Weaving:
  • Urman Nomads rely on portable tents made of animal hides for shelter, but they also make other textiles such as clothing and blankets using weaving techniques. They would have a deep knowledge of different types of fibers and textiles, as well as different weaving styles and tools.
And choose 6 of the following practical skills:
  • Animal Handling: Growing up in a rural or nomadic environment would give someone with this background ample opportunity to learn how to care for and work with domesticated animals. This skill would be useful in many contexts, such as herding livestock, training animals for various purposes (like riding horses or hunting dogs), or even in negotiating with animals in the wild.
  • Athletics: People with this background would have spent a lot of time moving around in various environments, whether that means running through crowded city streets or climbing mountains. As such, they would have developed a high degree of physical fitness and would be skilled in activities such as running, jumping, and climbing. This skill would be useful in any situation that requires physical exertion or agility.
  • Cooking: People with this background would have learned how to cook using whatever ingredients were available to them, whether that meant foraging for wild plants or working with the limited ingredients they had on hand while traveling. This skill would be useful in many contexts, from feeding oneself or one's group while on the move to preparing food for a large gathering or celebration.
  • Craft: People with this background would have had ample opportunity to learn various crafting skills, from making their own clothing and tools to repairing equipment and creating art or decorative items. This skill would be useful in a variety of contexts, depending on the specific type of craft being practiced.
  • Escape Artist: Growing up in environments that can be hostile or dangerous (such as cities with high crime rates or areas with predatory wildlife) would have encouraged people with this background to develop skills related to escaping from confinement or danger. This skill would be useful in situations where someone needs to get out of a tight space or break free from restraints.
  • Intimidate: People with this background may have learned how to use their physicality, demeanor, or reputation to intimidate others. This skill would be useful in situations where someone needs to assert themselves or dissuade others from crossing them.
  • Investigation: Growing up in environments that can be dangerous or unpredictable would have encouraged people with this background to develop skills related to investigating their surroundings and potential threats. This skill would be useful in situations where someone needs to search for clues, analyze evidence, or identify potential dangers.
  • Leadership: People with this background may have had to learn how to lead others in order to survive or accomplish goals. This skill would be useful in any situation where someone needs to coordinate a group or inspire others to follow them.
  • Sleight of Hand: People with this background may have learned how to pick locks, pick pockets, or perform other feats of manual dexterity in order to survive or achieve their goals. This skill would be useful in situations where someone needs to manipulate objects or deceive others.
  • Survival: People with this background would have learned how to survive in various environments, from cities to wilderness areas. They would be skilled in finding food and water, building shelter, and identifying potential threats in their surroundings. This skill would be useful in any situation where someone needs to survive in a harsh environment or deal with unexpected circumstances.

Kathuri Monks

As an acolyte of the cult of The Cycle, the character's life would have been very regimented, with a strong emphasis on discipline and devotion to the teachings of the cult. They would have spent countless hours in study and meditation, honing their minds and bodies to be in harmony with the natural world around them. Their training in combat and survival would have been rigorous, as they would have been expected to defend themselves and their people from the harsh desert environment and any threats that may arise. Living in isolation in the deserts of Safah would have given the Kathuri Monks a unique perspective on the world, with a deep appreciation for the delicate balance of nature and the importance of self-sufficiency. They would be skilled in a variety of survival skills, such as tracking, hunting, and finding water in the desert. Their devotion to the cult of the cycle would also have given them a deep understanding of the natural world and the interconnectedness of all things. As a result, they would be knowledgeable in a variety of subjects related to the natural world, such as astronomy, ecology, and botany.

The Kathuri Monk background grants a boost to your dexterity (+1 DEX) and charisma (+1 CHA), reflecting your training in combat and your ability to communicate the teachings of the cycle. Additionally, you gain five broad lore skills and six practical skills, reflecting the breadth of knowledge and skills you have gained through your life of devotion and training.

Note: The Pilgramage The Pilgrimage is a rite of passage that all Kathuri must go through at some point in their lives. It is a journey outside of their homeland that is meant to bring back valuable knowledge or technology that would benefit their people. It is seen as an essential task and an obligation of all Kathuri to undertake this journey. If a character chooses the Kathuri Monks background, they must be either on their pilgrimage, or they must have a very good explanation as to why they are not within their homeland. This is because the pilgrimage is seen as a fundamental aspect of Kathuri culture, and not undertaking it would be viewed as a great dishonor by their people. However, there may be valid reasons for not undertaking the pilgrimage. For example, the character may have given up on the pilgrimage or may have been exiled from their homeland. They may have chosen to live a life outside of the cult or may be working towards a specific goal that they believe will benefit their people. In any case, the character must have a compelling reason for not being on their pilgrimage or in their homeland.

Here are the f lore skills available to a character who grew up with the Kathuri Monks background (choose 5):
Survival, Tracking, Hunting, Fishing, Astronomy, Ecology, Botany, Animal Husbandry, Beast-Handling, Herbology, Forestry, Geography, Navigation, Cartography, Meteorology, Geology, Mathematics, Mechanics, Engineering, Alchemy, Optics, Anatomy, Pharmacology, Psychology, Surgery, Psychoactives, Theology, Ethics, Scripture, Astrology, Investigation, Law, Pathology, Translation, Calligraphy, Sculpting, Games, Magic, Pottery, Tanning, Weaving, Astronomy, Weaponry, Scouting, Tactics.

Give focus to:
  • Survival:
  • The Kathuri Monks would have learned to survive in the harsh desert environment, with skills such as tracking, hunting, and finding water in the desert. This knowledge would be useful for finding food and water, and for avoiding dangerous animals and other hazards.
  • Combat:
  • As part of their rigorous training, Kathuri Monks would be skilled in hand-to-hand combat, as well as the use of traditional weapons such as staffs and daggers. This knowledge would be useful for defending themselves and their people from threats.
  • Botany:
  • Living in the desert, Kathuri Monks would have a deep knowledge of the local flora and how to use it for medicinal and other purposes. This knowledge would be useful for treating illnesses and injuries, and for finding sources of food and water.
  • Astronomy:
  • The Kathuri Monks would have spent many hours studying the stars and planets, as well as the cycles of the moon and the sun. This knowledge would be useful for navigating in the desert, as well as for predicting weather patterns and other natural phenomena.
  • Ecology:
  • The Kathuri Monks would have a deep understanding of the delicate balance of nature and the interconnectedness of all things. This knowledge would be useful for finding sources of food and water, as well as for preserving the natural environment.
  • Mathematics:
  • Kathuri Monks would be skilled in basic mathematics, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This knowledge would be useful for measuring distances, calculating quantities of food and water, and for other practical purposes.
  • Mechanics:
  • Kathuri Monks would have a basic understanding of mechanics and engineering, including the use of simple machines such as levers and pulleys. This knowledge would be useful for building and repairing structures and tools.
  • Sociology:
  • As part of their training, Kathuri Monks would learn about the social structures of their own people, as well as other cultures and societies. This knowledge would be useful for understanding and interacting with people from different backgrounds.
  • Psychology:
  • The Kathuri Monks would have a basic understanding of psychology, including the nature of the mind and human behavior. This knowledge would be useful for understanding and predicting the behavior of others, as well as for understanding and regulating their own emotions.
  • Navigation:
  • As part of their training, Kathuri Monks would be skilled in navigation, including the use of maps, compasses, and other tools. This knowledge would be useful for finding their way in the desert, as well as for guiding others.

And choose 6 of the following practial skills:
  • Survival:
  • Surviving in the wild and harsh environments is a way of life for someone with this background, they would know how to hunt, gather food and water, build shelter and start a fire, and navigate through the wilderness. These skills would be useful when on a pilgrimage or when venturing out into the world to acquire knowledge or resources.
  • Navigation:
  • Kathuri Monks would have a deep understanding of the stars, the winds, and the terrain around them. They would know how to navigate in the desert, using the position of the sun and stars to determine their location, and how to find water and other resources in the harsh environment.
  • Combat Skills:
  • Kathuri Monks would be trained in hand-to-hand combat and the use of traditional weapons like swords, spears, and bows. These skills would be useful for self-defense, protecting the tribe, and undertaking the pilgrimage.
  • Hunting:
  • Hunting is a necessary skill for survival in the desert, and Kathuri Monks would know how to track animals, set traps, and use a variety of weapons to take down prey. These skills would also be useful for providing food for the tribe and trading with other groups.
  • Agriculture:
  • Despite living in a desert environment, Kathuri Monks would know how to cultivate crops using irrigation techniques and would be knowledgeable about which plants can survive in the arid environment. These skills would be useful for providing a sustainable food source for the tribe.
  • Brewing:
  • Kathuri Monks would have knowledge of how to brew alcohol from local plants and fruits. This would be useful for trade, as a source of income, and as a way to preserve food.
  • Medicine:
  • Being isolated in the desert means that Kathuri Monks would have to be self-sufficient in terms of healthcare. They would have knowledge of traditional herbal remedies and techniques for treating injuries and illnesses. This skill would also be useful when trading with other groups.
  • Streetwise:
  • Despite living in isolation, Kathuri Monks would have knowledge of how to survive in urban environments, such as avoiding dangerous areas and finding resources in the city. This skill would be useful when undertaking the pilgrimage, which may involve traveling through urban areas.
  • Forgery:
  • Being able to create false documents or seals would be useful for trading with other groups or for obtaining information from rival tribes.
  • Lockpicking:
  • Kathuri Monks may need to gain access to buildings or storage containers to acquire resources, and knowledge of lockpicking would be useful for this task. This skill could also be useful for trading with other groups.

Seishi Pit Slaves


Korlum Maurauders



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