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Almost all Ferrologist agree that Rhetoric is an entirely different system of Ferrology and it is uncertain if it even obeys the founding principles of Ferrology. However, it does seem that the use of Rhetoric still requires a connection to the Arcane Fields through use of a Ferro Shard, and so is still classified under Ferrology, despite most Ferrologist actually considering a form of ‘real’ magic, beyond understanding.
  Rhetoric has been described as the ability to know the ‘True Name’ of an item, a person, or even a type of energy. It seems that through the Arcane Fields one can subconsciously understand every single possible detail about something, and thus manipulate it completely. Rhetoric cannot be taught, and the only Rhetorists known are from ancient legends of great heroes who ‘knew the name of fire, amongst other things and so became a Seer of unimaginable power, for good or ill. Some of Arora’s religions deem Rhetoric the tool that the gods themselves used to provide them with their divine power thus the ability to create the world itself.  

References to Rhetoric in Mythology

  • Alitar, an ancient Alemnic hero from the Dawn Era, is said to have known the names of wind, stone, water and iron.
  • Methelan, a Human Arcanist that turned bloodthirsty conqueror in the late dawn age, is said to have known the names of blood, iron, ice and decay. In the same story, Logan the Brave defeats Methelan by speaking the name of justice, although this seems a little poetic and many arcanist agree that only material things can be named, and not human concepts.
  • The witch Vey from the children’s folk tale learns the true name of the children during a game, which she then uses to command them to follow her.
  • The Taro Pantheon and The Church of Taro state that Tarolas and Casmios together formed creation by giving a name to the world and all within it. Also, Casmios spent many eons during the Creation War searching for the name of Tarolas, which he believed was the key to defeating him.
  • Alemnic Abandonism states that the Gods ruined the natural beauty of the life of Arora by giving everything a name, whereas before they did not need one.
  • Some tales with the Kathuri philosophy of The Cycle speak of the cycle ending when mortal beings learn the name of creation itself, and so it changes so as to forever be out of their reach.


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