Anima Character in Arxios | World Anvil
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Mother of Creation

Anima is one of two prime deities of the Church of Viva Mori. She represents Life, one half of the cycle of Life and Death, which she shares with her counterpart, Corpus. Her name, Anima, means "Soul", the inner fire that defines a sentient being from a wild monster. 

Anima is said to have appeared at the beginning of time. Her counterpart, Corpus, existed in his pure form as matter, without consciousness. Anima gave him a soul, granting him sentience, and the two set about creating the universe.
Anima and Corpus created many things together. Corpus brought about concepts, laws of reality, and Anima granted them life. Their first creations were Growth and Change. Core concepts required for a universe to flourish on its own. These two beings are now regarded as gods, under the names Ghezen and Cernos respectively.

Divine Domains

Anima is the mother of creation and life. She holds domain over mortal souls, arcane magic, and reality itself.

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of Life is the tale of Anima's inception and her first works. How she brought about the universe as we know it. The book is transcribed from a collection of stories written long ago in the Time Before, by an elven prophet named Nerebis. According to their stories, Nerebis was a planeswalker; A powerful mage who travelled the multiverse, communing with extraplanar beings. They spent many years drifting through the Astral Sea, attempting to commune with Anima, and succeeding.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Anima's primary symbol is the mirror. She is regularly depicted carrying a silvery mirrored disc in one hand.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Life and Death

Anima and Corpus represent the sacred cycle of existence. Beings are born, they live, and then die. The two must exist in perfect balance to maintain this cycle.
Divine Classification
Prime Deity
Related Myths
Ruled Locations


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