Belleteyn Forest Geographic Location in Arxios | World Anvil
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Belleteyn Forest

The Belleteyn Forest lies in eastern Arxios, between the Frozen Hearth and Slugwill Marshes. The forest is the dominion of Stopstalk's House Wolfwood, and home to many logging and quarry towns. 

Belleteyn is said to once have been connected to the Dhucose Woods, when they stretched across the great valley of Arxios. However, no formal claim for the land has come from the Dhucose Crown.

Fauna & Flora

One of Arxios' most inexplicable creatures, the dire hound, is endemic to Belleteyn Forest. Seemingly normal breeds of dog have evolved to massive size over centuries. If you would picture a terrier the size of a pony, and a mastiff at shoulder with a warhorse, you would know the image of a dire hound. Theories and myth of their origins suggest that the ancient forest supplies an unnatural level of oxygen, causing regular creatures to grow larger and stronger. It is said that any beast you find in the world, you may find larger in Belleteyn.
Alternative Name(s)
Caed Belleteyn, the child forest, younger forest
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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