Lupine Settlement in Arxios | World Anvil
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Lupine, the castle city of House Wolfwood, rests in the heart of the Belleteyn Forest, or "Caed Belleteyn" (Child Forest) as it is named in the tongue of the wood elves. 

Lupine is a city of crafters and tradesfolk. It was built around an industrial camp and is still laid out in a functional fashion. The main road is paved in stone and sports winch systems on either side to haul heavy loads up and down the hill. In place of regular oxen that would need to be imported from western Arxios, folk of Wolfwood typically use dire hounds or aurochs as draft animals and mounts. Both of which are endemic to the surrounding woods and mountains.


The city is protected by massive stone and wood walls erected by the descendants of Wolfwood's first settlers.


The city rests on a gentle slope, and is laid out in the shape of a tree on its back. The main road (or trunk) stretches from the main gates at the lowest point all the way to the castle at the tree's crown. The wide, smooth stone road serves as the main thoroughfare for carts carrying materials and goods, with smaller paths branching off into residential and commercial areas. Each on a leveled off plateau with steps or ramps connecting each level to the next.


Though common history states the great city of Delphi as the first proper city of the kingdom, Lupine technically holds the title of the oldest settlement in Stopstalk. Its first settlers, the original Wolfwoods, established the work camp of Lupine to gather materials that would form Delphi's structures. As the working population increased, a town popped up around the camp, and eventually evolved into the city it is today.


Wolfwood is the city of crafters, of artisans and tradesfolk. The city itself reflects this in its intricate stonework and woodcarving. Not a single structure is built purely for function, and each carries a story in its lines and grooves.


The city rests within the Belleteyn forest, a thick, old growth pine and oak forest that stretches from the karsts east of Delphi, all the way to the mountains bordering the Dol Taedh. It grows all the way to the foot of the Frozen Hearth, and all the way down to the Slugwill Marshes.
Founding Date
1 CE
Location under
Owning Organization


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