Bluevale Settlement in Arxios | World Anvil
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Bluevale is a small village surrounding a logging camp within Wolfwood county. The village is nestled within a vale of blue spruce trees, which give it it's name. 


Bluevale's population is mostly loggers and their families. Lineages are fairly diverse, as many wood elves from Dol Taedh who decide to live in the kingdom have made their home here, mingling with humans from Wolfwood.


The village is governed by an Archon appointed by House Wolfwood, as well as an ealdorman elected from the village. These two represent the interests of their respective electors, working together to keep a balance between the needs of the barony and the livelihood of the villagers.

Industry & Trade

Bluevale is a large exporter of blue spruce wood. The wood is shipped to different towns to be used either as lumber, or made into pulp for paper.

Points of interest

The Whisking Bear Pub

The Whisking Bear was once the hotspot for loggers coming off work to grab a bite and tasty drinks, but has lately come upon hard times since the quality of their food took a dive. In response, most of the loggers have been getting their food elsewhere.
Location under
Owning Organization


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