High Elf Species in Arxios | World Anvil
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High Elf

"High Elf refers to the first sapient creation of the god Anima. Legends say that when Anima first conceived of the idea of a "soul" the image of an elf appeared before her, and so she bore them of nothing, and gave them a dominion in the astral sea. The divine homeland, Arvandor, sprang into being."
—An excerpt from "Sun Walkers, a Grand History of High Elves" by Inathah of Morant, Master Scribe of Tor Coram
High elves are one of the earliest creations of the godmother, Anima. Though the myth that they were her first creation is unproveable and highly contested amongst scholars of Arxios.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

High Elves are born with a natural affinity for arcane magic. Their divine mother, Anima, blessed them with a connection to the weave.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

High elves are almost exclusively endemic to the Eastern Reaches. It is rare to see a high elf in Arxios

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The elves of the Feanseidh speak mainly Elven. Devout followers of Anima regularly learn to read the Celestial script. Merchants and guards also learn Dwarvish and Common in order to communicate with travelers and merchants from Arxios.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Dryadalis Solus
Divine Creation
900 years
Related Organizations


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