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Forest Guard Headquarters

The headquarters of the Forest Guard in Rel is a testament to the blend of nature and duty that defines this elite group of protectors.  

Headquarters Description

  • Nestled on the edge of Rel, where the town meets the The Infernal Forest , stands the Forest Guard's base of operations.
  • It's a sturdy, multi-level structure built from timber and stone, with a design that seems to grow naturally from the forest itself.
  • The main hall is spacious with high ceilings supported by wooden beams, and walls adorned with maps of the surrounding wilderness and trophies from past missions.

Forest Captain Ximena's Office

  • Forest Captain Ximena's office is on the top floor, offering a panoramic view of the forest canopy.
  • Her workspace is organized and functional, with a large desk covered in reports and plans for upcoming patrols.
  • The room also features a collection of rare plants and herbs, reflecting her deep knowledge of the forest.

Training Grounds

  • Behind the headquarters lies an extensive training area where members of the Forest Guard hone their skills.
  • There are archery ranges, obstacle courses, and areas designated for practicing magical defense.

Living Quarters

  • The living quarters provide comfortable accommodations for the guards, with communal areas for eating and relaxation.
  • The entire headquarters is surrounded by defensive enchantments and traps to protect against any threats from the wilds.
  The Forest Guard's headquarters is not just a building; it's a symbol of their commitment to protecting Rel and its surrounding environment. It's a place where strategy meets sanctuary, reflecting the balance that Captain Ximena and her guards strive to maintain.
Military base / complex
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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