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Thirsty Devil Tavern

The Thirsty Devil tavern is frequented by adventurers and travelers. The more outgoing townsfolk also drink here, especially those who enjoy seeing a good tavern brawl.   The halfling Kenhi was a promising student in an alchemical college until his fondness for drink led to his expulsion. During a class, the drunken Kenhi unintentionally created a thick cloud of poisonous gas. Lacking Kenhi’s resilience, most of the other students perished. Fearing both the authorities and the vengeance of the relatives of the dead, Kenhi fled the city aboard a ship whose captain asked no questions. It turned out that this captain was a pirate and Kenhi was “recruited” into the crew. His skills at alchemy and alcohol were put to good (or bad) use.   Kenhi was eventually able to retire from piracy, taking with him a bag of gems. Embracing his love of alchemy and alcohol, Kenhi used his gems to buy a failing tavern in Rel and reopened it as the Thirsty Devil. His ability to manufacture his own alcohol enables him to operate at a significant profit and he has become known as a generous funder of the town’s schools and the orphanage.   When Priestess Jalena  learned of the name of the tavern, she was enraged and went to “correct” Kenhi. Fortunately, Kenhi was able to win her over and she now frequents the tavern, enjoying free drinks. Kenhi now thinks of her as the thirsty devil but is wise enough to never say this out loud.   While Kenhi does not talk much about his skill in alchemy, he does produce various magical drinks. While most have minor effects, some of these would be of interest to adventurers.   Kenhi does maintain ties with his former captain and other pirates. These pirates sometimes visit Rel, posing as dishonest merchants. Because Rel allows this, the pirates refrain from attacking ships doing business with Rel.   The tavern serves a range of drinks as well as meals. Kenhi also has a special drink menu of magical drinks.  

Minor Magical Drinks

Bubbly Bourbon

If you consume this bourbon, harmless bubbles emerge from your mouth and nostrils for 1 minute.

Courageous Cordial

After drinking this cordial, you have advantage on your next saving throw against being frightened. This effect must be used within 1 hour of consuming the drink.

Crocodile Assistance

If you drink this sugary beverage you have advantage on ability checks to avoid exhaustion for 1 hour.

Fiery Water

After drinking this grain alcohol, you can use a bonus action to exhale fire at a target within 10 feet of you. The target must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw, taking 1d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The effect ends after you exhale the fire once or when 10 minutes have passed.

Goggle Beer

After drinking this beer, you gain reverse beer goggles. For 1 minute you have advantage on your Intelligence (Investigation) checks to determine whether something is an illusion.

Medicinal Mix

If you spend 1 minute slowly sipping this drink, you regain 1d4 hit points.

Musical Merlot

If you consume this wine and speak or sing, your voice is accompanied by appropriate music for 1 minute. This gives you +1 on Charisma (Performance) checks involving speaking or singing.

Rainbow Rum

If you consume this rum, a small rainbow emerges from your mouth when you speak or sing. This effect casts dim light in a 5-foot radius for 1 minute.

Sober Solution

If you consume this bitter black drink while drunk, you immediately become sober. If you drink it in a diluted form, you become mostly sober (able to mostly function normally).

Sprite Sparkly

If you consume this sweet, clear liquid you exhale small motes of sparkling light for 1 minute. The motes provide dim light in a 5-foot radius. A non-alcohol beverage.


Ale, Gallon 2 sp
Ale, Mug 4 cp
Banquet (per person) 10gp
Bread. Loaf 2 cp
Cheese, Hunk 1 sp
Common Area (night per person) 1 sp
Modest Room (night per person) 6 sp
Comfortable Room (night per person) 9 sp
Fancy Room (night per person) 2 gp
Modest Meals (per person per day) 3 sp
Comfortable Meals (per person per day) 5 sp
Wealthy Meals (per person per day) 2 gp
Meat, Chunk 3 sp
Wine, Pitcher 2 sp
Wine, bottle (good) 5 gp
Wine, bottle (fine) 10gp
Whiskey, bottle 1 gp
Hard Cider, bottle 10 sp
Parent Location

Minor Magical Drinks

Bubbly Bourbon 5 sp
Courageous Cordial 25 gp
Crocodile Assistance 25 gp
Fiery Water 25 gp
Medicinal Mix 25 gp
Musical Merlot 25 gp
Rainbow Rum 5 sp
Sober Solutions 5 sp
Sprite Sparkly 5 sp

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