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Session 12: Krod's Diary - The Ghoul, The Ghast and the Ghost

General Summary

Ugh ! I feel terrible... Oh ! What Now !... Ah ! My hands...   By the Gods ! A Bloody Ghoul is tied up next to me ! I've got to get out of my bindings and find the others. This room is dark and dank. A smell of death hangs in the air and with the only light coming from a nearby torch I'd hazard a guess we're somewhere underground in a Dungeon or Tomb of some kind ? -Note-I've encountered a few Ghouls in my travels, but I've never met one that is quite so placid. They're normally aggressive and attack on sight. Time is of the essence but I will do a quick study of this Ghoul and the surrounding area to determine possible chemical or mental influence.   By the Gods ! My hands. I have claws ? My skin. Oh no !...   I cant think about this right now. I've got to find the other two and get out of here. I just hope nothing bad has happened to them !   Bloody Hell ! Dolen is the Ghoul ! Ha ! Well at least I don't have to go looking for him now,. He doesn't seem to know what's going on either. It appears we're both in the same situation. No sign of Killian but I'm grateful not to be alone in this horrible place. -Note-Discovering Dolen as a Ghoul is bizarre. His voice and intelligence has remained the same and what I feared about myself is true too, I appear to be a Ghast hence the claws. My voice and intelligence has remained too. My theory points towards a form of necromancy ? Our consciousness has remained but our original Vessel's have been changed.   Damn it ! Augusten I knew you held a grudge but I didn't think you'd stoop this far...   The claws definitely help releasing the bindings. The room holds no clues to help our current situation. Just an abundance of dead bodies. We find a key to unlock the cadged door to this room - we're in. Dolen and I concur we're in some kind of dungeon and we must get out ! Ugh ! I stink ! Ah ! It appears our exit is blocked by a giant Zombie. This will be interesting ! -Note-In our new vessels Dolen and I have lost connection to the magic we wield. From what I know of these undead creatures their claws carry a level of petrifaction that can cause paralysis on a strike and the overbearing smell from myself appears to be potent enough to have poisonous properties.   A Ghost ! Killian is a Ghost... I have no words... Hahaha ! "Killian you look even more handsome than you were before" Thank you Dolen ! I needed that. Killian seems to have come from another part of this pit we find ourselves in. The rooms provide no more clues as to where we might be. -Note-A benefit to our situation is that Killian can move through walls as a Ghost. This will help us scout ahead for dangers that can be encountered. Another benefit that I've only read about is that some ghosts can possess other beings. This maybe key in reversing the ritual, curse or whatever has happened to us.   Despite our undead forms we appear to be making progress. We have managed to slay another undead creature who appears to be on guard. More corpses, a couple of humanoids and a horse. Cutting and dissecting apparatus suggest we are definitely in the lair of a necromancer or cult of somekind. Contents of the storage cupboard adjacent to the "lab" A Rangers Cloak-This must belong to the poor soul we found. A golden ring with three inlaid stones. Two of the stones are dull, but one glows faintly-There's something about this ring I cant put my finger on ? -Note-I'm not educated in the school of necromancy but from what I can gather from the collection of books and diagrams suggest a crude formula to create skeletal/undead servants.   Augusten is a bitter, insufferable, stuck up, entitled pointy eared bastard but he would not stoop this low as to use necromancy as a way of getting one up on me. I can imagine to him, the school of necromancy is dirty and a waste of magical ability. Why try to master death when you can find a way to live forever...   We've found our equipment ! This is a small consolation as we still remain within the Ghoul, the Ghast and The Ghost. Killian suggested an interesting theory that the undead creatures slain may represent the blank gems and that we need to slay a final one to break the spell or curse ? I don't think this is related to the ring. Again there's something about it i can't put my finger on ?... I can only speculate and take one step at a time at this point. At this time I'm willing to take faith in my companions speculations.   A necromancer ! We have you now... -Note-A master stroke from Killian. He had the foresight to use his ghostly form to possess the stitched monster, Heldrian dubbed his "darling". Ironic that he should be killed by the very creature he created. Well done Killian, I swear he's more effective as a ghost than he was as a human. Perhaps I should study some of theses ancient Tomes to see if I can craft some form of Ectoplasmic weapon, armor or tool for him ?   Contents of the Necromancer Heldrian and his ritual chamber. Helm of Comprehend Languages A leather purse with 1 gp, 14 sp, 3 cp, and a small green jade stone (value 3 gp). Heldrian’s spell book is clad in burgundy leather. A Scroll of Create Undead. Heldrian’s non-magical books-contents of which are arcane lore, necromancy, and anatomy subjects. Most of the books are in poor condition-worth up to 300 gp to the right collector.   Heldrians death hasn't broken our spell or curse ? Perhaps his sleeping quarters may provide answers ?   Contents of Heldrian personal chamber. Potion of Water Breathing. Potion of Greater Healing. Elixir of Health. Scroll of Acid Splash.   Useful tools but nothing to reverse the spell or curse upon us ? Going outside has not changed us either ? We cannot determine were we are either. If we were to leave this place as the creatures we are, we will surely be killed ! Why have not we not reverted back !? What have we missed !? The Ring ! I remember now ! In my studies of magical items there was a ring that existed that granted the user 3 wishes, the gems on the ring represent the charges or uses left. We have one use...   I hope this works...
Report Date
28 Feb 2024
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