BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Dolen Feredir

The Journal Entry’s title

We pressed onwards to the windmill after the battle with the goblins to find a cart with three bodies around it. We can only assume the cart was ambushed by the goblins just as we were and although we killed most of them I am still be cautious for you never know if they will return with reinforcements, so I stood guard while the others checked the cart and bodies. Evidence such as a merchant's weight made out of pewter marked in units of slaves and iron shackles would suggest that there is, or was, a slave trading route in the area. It would also appear that there was a heavy chest or trunk on the cart which has been dragged into the windmill. I took ownership of a spy glass from one of the bodies while the holy human man took an interest in a small figurine cloaked in bat wings that bared remarkable resemblance to himself. Starting to get the feeling he is quite vain what with this small statue and the sketch of himself from the boy. Anyway, we circled the windmill but before we went inside I could hear whispering coming from inside so we withdrew to be more prepared. The dwarf opened the door from a distance and the whispering was everywhere but source less. Maybe this place really is cursed. The whispers disappeared as quickly as they materialized.   The inside of the windmill did indeed look like a refuge for a band of goblins with most of the place in a wreck. However there was a small statue of what looked like the demon Baphomet and as the human inspected it demonic chanting erupted from nowhere and everywhere simultaneously and the statue flew at him and started attacking us. During the conflict Killian fell but I managed to heal some of his wounds. Although this possessed statue seemed tenacious we did eventually stop it and it became inanimate again. My thinking is we should probably find a way to destroy it.   We were all pretty beaten at this point and needed to rest but before that the windmill needed securing, don't want anymore nasty surprises lurking around while we patch up our wounds, also want to make sure we see anything that approaches the windmill. Krod was the first to go up to the next floor and I followed. The missing chest from the wagon was there. Krod, while holding the cursed statue that attacked us asked my advice. He was saying that he wanted to unlock any secrets this idol had but I suggest maybe destroying might be a better option as some secrets might be better left buried. Who knows what consequences that might have. He then used the mechanics of the windmill to crush the idol into dust, I think that was probably the wiser thing to do. Krod looked through and emptied the chest and we proceeded to head up further.

Guides and Goblins

I met my new acquaintances downstairs in the tavern for breakfast and across from us sat a young halfling boy named Vincent who the other two seemed to not be able to help themselves in pestering. They were apparently obsessed with his drawings but managed to convince the poor child to give us a guided tour of Blasingdell for some coin. According to Killian and Krod this Vincent has some divine ability to see glyphs and maybe echoes of the past while drawing his pictures. This might come in useful later if it is indeed true. After wandering around a little while we passed an ominous windmill and Killian said he smelled what he thought was rotting flesh coming from that direction and it gave him reason to think evil lurked there. The boy did eventually lead us to the orphanage we were looking for. Indeed the carving on our coins resembled the fountain in front of the orphanage. While the others investigated the fountain I took a look inside the orphanage and for the most part found nothing of interest until I came across a small office where on the desk was some metal filings. I am convinced these metal filings were made from the coins my associates and I recieved although nothing else to suggest who or why they were sent. The only other thing I have found was an eight sided dice that rattled when I shook it. After trying to twist, pull and pry my way into it I decided to wait for the others to see what they could make of it. When Krod and Killian arrived I showed them the die and Killian proceeded to roll it getting an eight. Upon rolling and getting an eight bells from the chappell began to ring and rang eight times, coincidence maybe? Still not being able to get into the dice I decided to try and crack the outer layer accidentally breaking the whole lot which had infuriated Krod. We left the orphanage and headed back towards the village, Krod was still in a bad mood. As we crossed a small bridge we got talking to one of the locals and told us about the windmill that was supposed to be cursed due dubious practices by someone who lived there decades ago or maybe more. Being potentially connected to the demonic structures beneath the village the three of us decided to investigate this windmill but in doing so we had to ascend a rocky passage. While making our way up to the windmill we heard some noises so I chose to climb up the side to higher ground to see what we were walking into. Goblins, many goblins. There must have been about a dozen of them, probably creating an ambush. About four or five managed to surround me so to even the odds I cast a darkness spell on the blade of my sword. Knowing how to fight in pitch darkness should have given me the advantage but one of these goblins somehow caught me off guard and I lost concentration dropping the spell. This was not good. They were then able to deal some heavy blows but I was able to escape down the side of the valley. Although I tried to take cover they were in a much more advantageous position and shot me with an arrow but thankfully one of my allies brought me back around. I hope I'm not losing my edge and becoming a liability, I should really be better than this. The others defeated the rest of the goblins of which one may have gotten away but at least for now I think we're relatively safe. I believe our plan is to continue on to the windmill.

Coins and Cultists

After receiving a letter with my name on it promising answers for questions I didn't even realised I had along with a coin of a fountain engraved on one side I decided to investigate. I would normally dismiss things like this as a scam or practical joke of some kind but this has triggered a curiosity I can't seem to ignore. This might even have something to do with why I can't seem to remember anything of my childhood.   After asking around and discovering that the fountain might belong to an orphanage in Blasingdell I set off to this new destination. Upon arriving at Blasingdell it seemed that two others had also received similar letters and coins. We were greeted and invited into The Windy Goat Tavern by a male dwarf by the name of Theli. In the tavern a couple of introductions took place by Krod, a male dwarf, and Killian, a male human, the two previously mentioned with the letters and coins. After some food and drink Theli asked us to track down his son, Jess, who went down into the cellar and didn't return. The three of us agreed to go down there to find this Jess. It appears that he's gotten himself mixed up in some sort of demonic cult of Baphomet. During a surprisingly challenging encounter with some of these cultists, they actually got the better of me. I've had close calls before but this might be the closest yet. Fortunately one of the others was there to pick me back up. I may have to thank them later but first I think we need to find this Jess and return him to his father.   It's happened again, this is the second time I've fallen and in the same day. I might have to take a different approach to the denizens of this underground network. Disappointingly it wasn't even anything remotely impressive that felled me, who knew a swarm of rats could be so deadly? These rats were, to be fair, summoned and protecting their very large queen of which I have never seen a rat as huge as that ever. This rat queen looked like it had been tortured and put on metal spike for reasons I have no clue. This was however all after we sneaked past a group of creatures that seemed to be communing with or worshipping another one of these large metal spikes that was covered in runes.   After making our way past a portcullis I scouted ahead to see what dangers lurked before hopefully not having to engage in any more battles, they're taking their toll now. I snuck into a room discovering two ogres. Not noticing me until Killian came charging in shouting, "There's two of them". Suggesting that we make our escape due to previous injuries I made for the door on the other side but Krod didn't seem to be with us. Killian and I eventually took one down but not before I returned the favour of getting me back to my feet. Krod however, somehow managed to take the second ogre down on his own. Very impressive for someone who doesn't really seemed to be trained in combat. I must say, they have actually been far more competent than I initially thought they'd be. And am secretly grateful that they are here and I'm not on my own. It's tougher down here than I was prepared for.   Continuing into the next room we came across what would appear to be a natural underground stream if it was not for the arcane glyphs on the walls similar to that found on the previous obelisk. Looking up we seemed to be at the bottom of a well where people have thrown coins in, presumably to make unrealistic wishes that will never come true. There was something else however shining in the bottom of the pool of water and going against my better judgement proceded to dive in and investigate. I did indeed misjudge this decision and promptly got attacked by some nasty ill tempered fish that surprisingly had vicious teeth. Why am I being so wreckless at the moment? Maybe the greed of the human and dwarf is rubbing off on me. I'll have to keep myself in check, I'm not usually so materialistic. It was only all for a small trinket of a bell. At least it was magical in nature and am sure my new acquaintances will find some use for it.   Proceeding through the next door we found ourselves in a large room with yet another runed obelisk in the centre surrounded by some black coloured water. Upon investigating two huge snakes suddenly emerged from the water and attacked but were eventually dispatched with. These conflicts I fear are definitely taking their toll on us.   Carrying on past a trapped corridor we came into another large room but with a pile of bones in and finally found what we were looking for, although not exactly how we expected. Emerging from the pile of bones was indeed the lost child Jess, although now with the head and hands of a rat. Killian managed to calm and comfort the boy before heading back to the inn via a newly discovered secret passage. After reuniting the boy with his father we informed the Crownsguard of the recent events leaving out the child's new affliction of which we hope a priest or cleric might help with. Due to our efforts in returning Jess to his father, Theli has given us free food and board for the night of which I feel the rest is well earned. I believe the plan for tomorrow will be to prepare and return to the underground tunnels and clear out anything that could be a threat to the people of Blasingdell.   We met back up this morning in The Windy Goat Tavern and after breakfast we headed to Clink and Clank, the town's blacksmiths of which two damn near, if not exact, identical twin Dwarfs owned and forged in. Going by the names Fergim and Dolgan, these dwarven metal smiths seem to have a very well stocked shop with all manner of well crafted weapons and armour. Needless to say I stocked up and upgraded my armour. The other two also bought wares. The human Killian, commissioning a new shield and the dwarf Krod, asking something about improving his skills at forging things. We eventually left and went over to The Trusty Feather General Store and continued to replenish our supplies purchasing a few healing potions and various kits which may come in useful for you never know when you might need to bypass a locked door or climb a cliff face. The human Killian was once again trying to charm another shop keeper, this time a human woman called Wude. Anyhow, we got what we needed and proceeded to head back to the tavern passing the well where two guards appear to not be taking their job too seriously. They obviously have no idea of the potential dangers that lurk beneath their quiet little town. They promptly dismissed themselves after a brief conversation with Krod. Upon returning to the cellar of the tavern there were guards posted there too of which again appeared to be complacent and not believing the reports we made the night before. We even offered to let them join us in going back down to the tunnels but decided to decline our invitation. Krod seems keen to bring them back a "gift", proof of what we faced previously.   We returned to the underground tunnels beneath Blasingdell to complete the task of clearing out any dangers we previously missed starting at the point where we found the wererat boy, Jess. While I stood watch the others investigated the room and discovered a symbol of a small white paw of which means nothing to any of us. We moved on backtracking into the previous room via the hidden door where the pentagonal altar stood but upon entering we all seemed to share a vision of death and corpses abound but only for an instant. I may have been in some unusual and unnerving places before while hunting things down but nothing as unholy as this. The vision would suggest that this place is very ancient. Moving on we encountered the weird Grimlock beasts that were worshipping one of the metallic spires from before but we dealt with them swiftly although one did turn into a pillar of bones which subsequently exploded after one of the others, I believe it was the dwarf, started to tamper with it.   More damned rats! I swear after the previous conflicts with these vermin that if I were any lesser of a man I would have developed a phobia of them by now.   Moving on back to the room where we originally found the Grimlocks communing with the black metal spire we were able to investigate the room a little more thoroughly. Krod enlisted the help of Killian to try and retrieve a sample from the spire but lost his balance and steadied himself by bracing against the spire. He seems to be acting a little different now after touching that thing. Why can't some people just leave things alone, this is obviously well above our pay grade.   We returned to the guards posted outside of the entrance to the tunnels in the cellar and delivered a couple of pieces of evidence in the form of a Grimlock's head and a gnawed corpse of a cultist. The looks on their faces suggest that they may take this situation more seriously now and hope they bring in the relevant authorities to seal and secure whatever that place down there is.   The human, dwarf and I have completed the task we said we would, finding the boy and clearing out the tunnels of any dangerous creatures and in doing so I consider this job to be at its conclusion. May the boy be either cured of his ailments or at least the people of Blasingdell be accepting of his new condition. Time to rest for tomorrow I will continue to look into this mystery of the coin and letter, but first I might check in on the dwarf for he doesn't seem to be quite the same since touching that damn obelisk. It concerns me what ill effects it might have had on him.


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