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Killian Hawkins

Paladin of Dol Dorn Killian Hawkins

Paladin to the deity Dol Dorn (Sovereign Host) Dol Dorn is the Chaotic Good deity of bodily strength, and martial training. He is the brother of Dol Arrah and The Mockery. His domains are Chaos, Good, Strength, War, Competition, and Liberation. His favoured weapon is the Longsword. His Holy Symbol is a sword across a shield. This is a small pewter pendant that hangs around his neck. It has no value. Dol Dorn was worshiped by his father who was a famous fighter and army leader. Fought for King Kaius III in the Last War . Now a Statesman and great raconteur, who travels the land getting paid fortunes to tell his stories. Killian was neglected by his Father as a child, lives in his shadow and is determined to prove his worth in this world.

A tall, muscular, human with long brown/blonde hair.

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The Adventure Continues

Dear Father,   Apologies for not writing for a while, my quest for the truth has taken many unexpected turns. The tribulations of delivering the justice of Dol Dorn have been unrelenting, but I have sent many souls to the Lord and will continue to seek the righteous path. I am learning my way within our group and will try to never take a step backwards. I must protect the group and encourage the way of the Lord.   My companions are strange folk but are strong in heart and knowledge. I will learn many things from them and hopefully they will learn from me...... evil must not prevail.   I have not encountered any Orcs as yet, but when I do, swift retribution will be delivered.......   This boy is turning into a man   Your son   Killian

Group bonding.... God is great

Dear Father   We have escaped the Redemption Room we were sent to by the towns Sergeant. He is a corrupt and possibly godless pilgrim that must be taught a lesson. I was accused of theft, which, as you know, is not me. I have no need for material wealth, only the wealth that flows from the grace of Dol Dorn.   We worked well as a team and I feel I am getting to know my comrades better and better each day. The trust is building and I feel that they will be there for me in my hour of need. I must teach them the ways of Dol Dorn and encourage them to pray with me. The benefits of this will be clear to see. We all have our unique skill sets and I am determined to prove my worth to the group. All those hours spent learning the ways of athletisism and performance will shine true. All those hours learning the foreign tongue will reap reward.   I should, however, have learnt to swim better....... seeing the bottom of the river has taught me that. Thank heavens for the gyuidence of Dol Dorn and the power he has embuded upon me that allowed me to get out of that deadly water. I need to stay true to my instincts and deal with the consequences.....   Krod has the ability to become invisible. This has proved valuable to retreave our belongings from the guards. There seems to be comotion in the Village, either caused by our escape of from some other entity. This place seems to have confusion and deception around every corner...   I have been forced to seek redemption by this place but now I will deliver........ retribution.   By the grace of Dol Dorn   Your warrior   Killian  

Things I have learnt

Dear Father   As my quest continues I thought I would list the things I have learnt so far......   1. My faith will always be tested 2. I must sacrifice to Dol Dorn at every opportunity 3. I MUST lead but accept that I will have to follow 4. DON'T trust anyone... 5. Prepare yourself at all times 6. Strike first...... repent later 7. Protect your flock 8. Confidence and charm are strong attributes 9. Money and gold are not the answer 10. Dwarfs are mean......   Your son,   Killian Paladin of Dol Dorn

I saw the light

Dear Father,   Our adventures in Blasingdell continue. A glorious thing has happened.... I fell in battle. I was taken to see Dol Dorn by the evil that was consuming the windmill. The light was good and strong and God welcomed me with open arms..... my faith grows stronger each day. I was brought back to the fore by my companion but the comfort of knowing what awaits me in the afterlife makes my determination in this life even stronger.   Evil never dies.... but I will one day. The lesson is learnt. The sacrifice goes on.......   Yours in faith   Killian   Still no Orc kills......

For whom the bell tolls....

Dear Father,   After resting and praying, I am now set to explore the village and find out more about my journey. We met a kind person who was able to show us the sights of Blasingdell. He is a skilled artist whom seems to have the ability to see what is not there.... or maybe what was once there. His name is Vincent.   We have found the Orphanage and it is indeed abandoned..... upon inspection this is the place where my coin was crafted. We also found a strange die, which I immediately rolled and got an 8. We then heard a bell toll..... 8 times!!! This has indeed troubled me and I pray to Dol Dorn that the consequence's of my action brings reward and not destruction. Speaking of destruction, Dolen destroyed the die in a fit of rage, trying to find out what was inside it. Krod was unable to repair it fully and has been sulking ever since....... maybe smashing stuff is not always the answer... although it is the most fun!!   We have also visited a strange Chapel that seems to be surrounded by Gnomish glyphs. I paid for Vincent to draw a picture of me in front of the Chapel, to show my faith and also to see if there was any strange goings on around the place. The glyphs were there for all to see on the picture. I gifted the picture to Krod as it was very good and I looked exceptionally gallant in it. I thought it would help to build bonds with us. I'm sure he will treasure it forever.... we will investigate this place further.   We moved on the the Old Corn Mill as I sensed that this place is evil and it seemed a good place to start. We have been told of a curse that surrounds the place so it is time for me to go and cleanse the place of any evil, in the name of the Sovereign Host. On the way up to the mill we have encountered a hoard of Goblins and Hobgoblins. I took plenty of damage, as is my duty, but I protected our heroic group and dispatched many of the hoard to meet their ungodly maker. Krod is proving very adept at blasting our enemies with lightning..... the smell of burning evil is still strong in my nose. Dolen is a truly complex champion who has skills I have never encountered before. The group grows stronger each day and the light of the Lord touches each of us.   We rest to catch our breath before continuing onwards to the awaiting evil.....   I have encountered no Orcs so far in my journey..... luckily for them.   Your Son   Killian

The adventure continues - Making Friends. It would be Wude not to!!

Dear Father,   Following our exploits in the cellar of the tavern and the safe return of Rat Face, our group has rested well. The decision was made to ensure that the network of caves and rooms under the Tavern were completely safe and free from godless monstrosities. This we did with effortless efficiency. Giant rats were slain and remaining Grimlocks sent to meet their maker in the underworld. However, there remains a strange and mysterious aura around the place, with strange visions and a sense of great evil seeping from every corner. I am comforted knowing that the wisdom and guidance of Dol Dorn will show me the true path to smite the evil that inevitably lies ahead.   We examined the Black Spire in more detail, well, I didn't but I helped Krod examine it as he seems far more qualified than myself to understand it. Krod seems a bit different at the moment after touching the spire. He is just as grumpy, but I will keep an eye on him just the same. The cellar dungeons remain safe..... for the moment.   On another note, myself and my companions, Dolen and Krod have been exploring more of the town. I continue to try and make friends with the local people, but my charm and friendliness seem to be struggling to find their mark and even confusing my companions. Maybe they are not used to such manners and etiquette, but I will continue to show them the Hawkins way and prove my worth to the group. Dol Dorn will again guide me.   I have commissioned a new shield to be made from some friendly Dwarf blacksmiths we have met. The shield will be the symbol of my faith and will protect me physically and in spirit on the road ahead. You will be proud to know that I spoke to them in their racial tongue. The hours of lessons and training have finally paid off. I also spoke to a young lady in the general store. Her name was Wude....... I think she likes me, as I was very charming. We secured some good discount from her....   You will be glad to know that I continue to pray and seek guidance. I have a lot to learn about the World and my place in it. My sword is true and my heart and resolve are strong. The adventure continues....   Your son   Killian   Orc kills - 0  

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

A Hero’s return - Ratface

Dear Father   Success at last. We have found the lost boy and returned him to his Father. Unfortunately changes have occurred to him and he is now half rat… but he is alive by the grace of Dol Dorn.   I am getting stronger every day. Dol Dorn has truly blessed me with new skills and curious magical powers. I shall use them with the grace that the Lord intends and deliver vengeance on our foes and enemies.   My companions are strange folk. Godless and secretive. They wield great powers but we must come together as a group if we are to succeed in our quest. I need to find out more about them in order to deliver them to the host and allow him to shine his light through them. I think I shall enjoy our journey together and the challenges it brings.   My blade has been true and strong and many foe have been slain. My reputation in Blasingdell grows and the Watch are both wary and in awe of me.   A good nights rest and further adventures await……   Your son KILLIAN   Orc kills - 0 ...

The Adventure Continues - You dirty rat

Dear Father   I hope this letter finds you well. I am currently writing this underground, so please excuse any spelling or penmanship mistakes. My quest for the truth has led me to network of tunnels under a tavern in Blasingdell. We search for the tavern owners son who has gone missing. We suspect cultists are to blame and have encountered a few as we battle courageously through the darkness. I say we, as I have met two fellow adventurers who have also received the letter and coin that I did. One goes by the name of Krod. a dwarf with the most amazing and fascinating eyes I have ever seen and an ability to shoot electricity. He seems a good person and a very handy ally to have. The other is a drow elf by the name of Dolen, who is as mysterious as the is deadly. He seems a skilled fighter and I would definitely not want to get on the wrong side of him....... I look forward to finding out more about my comrades when time permits but for now we are focused on the mission. Neither seems to serve any God but with the guiding had of Dol Dorn, I will show them the true and righteous way.   There are rats everywhere.... and not just normal rats, giant rats and a Queen/King rat that took some beating. It feels like when I used to clean the barns out at home.... but far more treacherous. We continue to search for the missing boy, so I must keep this letter brief.   I have not heard back from you in a while now Father, however, be assured, I continue to pursue my divine goal and bring honour to the family and yourself.   Your son Killian   Orc kills -0


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