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... How do I get into that chamber ?... Upon investigation the stone Isn't as thick as the hallway from the entrance into the chamber. This will be tough but not impossible. I need to get them out !   [Killian and Lairion take out the Joker cards from the pack of playing cards and burn them in the brazier, in which is the charred remains of Mittens. The missing cat. Burning the two joker cards spawns two wraiths that attack the two of them]   Mmm ?... I wonder ?... Oh bugger it ! I haven't got time for this !   [Krod casts 2nd level Shatter at the stone door creating a massive crack. Not enough the break through but enough to ensure an entrance can be made]   ...Brilliant ! It worked !... Argh ! Damn it ! I don't have enough magical power within me to cast that spell again... I wonder if I charge my battleaxe with the same power...   Raaaggghhh !!!   [Krod uses the Booming Blade cantrip on his battleaxe to mimic the effects, as much as possible of the 2nd level spell Shatter. To finally break the stone door down gaining entrance to the chamber]   ... Wraiths ! Ugh ! They had to be undead didn't they. Well I'm sure Killian and Lairion are in their element cleansing these tormented souls.   [Killian and Lairion have both had their life essence drained by the wraiths having their Max HP reduced. Ximena joins the fight as Krod enters to provide reinforcements]   ...Get away from me foul spirit ! Ugh this wraith keeps coming !... Stand back everyone !   [Krod uses Telekinetic Shove on the wraith in pursuit of him to get away from its reach and fires of 6 charges of his Wand of Magic Missiles. 4 darts go into the one in pursuit and 4 more go into the wraith engaging Killian and Lairion]   [Killian, Lairion, Krod and Ximena eventually take out the two wraiths with a combination of Divine Strikes from Killian, Flanking attacks made by Lairion and Ximena and magical attacks from Krod ]   ... What !? What the hell ! I can't leave you two for a minute, I'm just going to sit down here while you both play at cards. I tell you what chaps, I'll get my battleaxe ready for another inevitable catastrophe.   [Killian, Lairion and Ximena solve the puzzle of the playing cards. Burning the cards in the hearts suit from 9 to the Ace. With every card burned Mittens remains twitch and eventually is brought back to life]   Mittens !!! I don't believe it ! Mittens is alive. Hahaha !...Wait catch it before it goes missing again !... Bugger !   Despite a small victory with bring back Mittens, we still have the chamber with the coffin. We inform Ximena that bringing more guards before we investigate the final chamber will be beneficial especially after the encounter we've just had. Thankfully she agrees. After another few guards come down Ximena lets us take charge in investigating the final chamber. The coffin is centered in the chamber itself surrounded by bowls of blood, bones and flesh. I volunteer to investigate further, there seems to be no other way to determine what this coffin is other than to open it. Brace yourselves...   ... I'll take that sigh of relief that I see on my companions and the guards faces as a positive. The coffin is empty and doesn't appear to be a coffin. The inside has spike facing up through the area where someone would lie, I've heard of these devices of death... Wait ? What ? Ugh ? Why do I feel like ? Ugh ?... Nobody enter this chamber !!! -Note-The magic surrounding this coffin is immensely dark in nature. It has some way of getting into the mind forming a compulsion to willing enter the coffin. Clever way of accumulating a death toll without effort. The magic runs to deep for me to gleam its true purpose or origin. Similar to the Elder magic ring I acquired, I'm clearly not got enough experience to understand such things. I theorize that the coffin is not of this place and acts as some form of conduit. The victims are placed within the coffin and clearly killed, their souls and their flesh offered as a form of payment to this Demon lord Baal.   This is beyond my understanding, our understanding. I think a full practitioner of a holy faith is needed to help in this matter. We inform Ximena that we'll get the aid of Priestess Jelena as we have built up a small amount of respect from her and we can only do so much. ... I can tell just at a glance we're all exhausted and beaten, It's not even noon yet ! Its amazing how these situations where we think we're in control actually seem to get on top of us. Perhaps one day we will be able to tackle whatever we face instead of being beaten so easily. -Note-We really need to find out the mysteries of the Thuderfall Hidaway. The inn is very pleasant and comfortable but we can't stay there forever and a safe haven to re-cooperate and re-charge, to call our own would be the way forward. I need a workshop to theorize, research and craft... I feel my goals in life have changed since this journey began. I wanted to be a world known master artisan like my mentor Boris but now ???...   The church is bustling with folk, it seems that Priestess Jelena is about to hold a sermon for the town. Killian takes the lead on informing the Priestess on our exploits and how Ximena is in need of her aid in the possible cultist chamber. Naturally embellishing his role of course. Thankfully I know this woman holds an subtle, strong power and can see through this buffoons blustering bullshit... Its quite entertaining to watch. After Priestess Jelena heads off to provide her aid to Ximena, we decide as a group to find the baker Ella to inform her that Mittens has been found. By us of course, I swear if anyone proclaims they found that cat I'm gonna...   ... Ahh ! Mittens, all my woes seem to melt away. I think after all the monumental steaks and dark machinations we've faced a little bit of joy to this women has made it all worth it... Oh ! Of course Killian takes the lead in telling her everything...and rest ! Wow ! A small crowd has formed, I hate to give him credit but he's done well this time as this is a perfect opportunity to spread the word and increase our standing. -Note- Even though the reward for Mittens return was 5 silver pieces. We refuse the payment and settle on some freshly baked bread. On the notice board there is a note about pickpockets in the market square. The person who posted this was the mayor's wife with a reward of 40 gold pieces to return what was stolen. I wonder if we manage to capture the assailants, recover the stolen goods and negotiate a small reduction to the reward our reputation may increase further. This is beneficial if we reside here on a more permanent basis in the future.   We meet up with the Lady Marielle. who informs and describes to us the missing heirloom. It turns out she has not been the only one effected by pickpockets. Further investigation is required on this matter and with the forest guard caught up with the cultist chamber we're the ones to sort it. Killian has an interesting idea to lure a pickpocket to him. He says he'll place 5 gold within a small pouch loosely to his person and loudly proclaim he has money to spend and Lairion and myself are to spot and capture the pickpocket in the act. His idea is ludicrous, ridiculous and so obvious... Its going to work isn't it. -Note- I shall become invisible to keep close eye Killian while Lairion keeps a more watchful eye on the crowd. I shall also use the Helm of Telepathy to establish a telepahic connection to Lairion to keep him updated on our situation and provide backup if needed for combat or pursuit.   Stall 1. Nothing so far. Gods thats Expensive ! I suppose it must be worth it, its a popular market.   Stall 2. Mmmm ? I get the feeling Killians plan may have drawn a different kind of attention...   ... Bloody Scammers ! That's it ! I'm getting that money back ! [Krod disconnects telepathic link to Lairion and connects to Killian to warn him the market owners are scamming him]   Damn you, you scamming cow !... For God's sake I'm going to be seen in moment...There's to many people I need to get out of here !   [The crowd in the market square notices the commotion providing opportunity for the pickpockets to strike]   Well that went wonderfully... What now... Killian what are you doing those kids won't know anything...   Well i'll be damned ! Those kids knew the pickpockets !... -Note- If information can't be obtained by conventional means, Let Killian take the lead to find a way... I will never admit this to him but. Ingenious absolutely ingenious. Lairion the back of the Silverpine Outfitters now !!!... [Krod reestablishes a telepathic link to Lairion and both of them head off in pursuit]   ... Its seems there's a group of these degenerates... Excellent my companions here... This group of fools they have know idea what they've got themselves in for now...  


[During the night of the full moon a murder took place that awoke Killian and Lairion. Krod still being Exhausted did not go with them. Lairion using his raven familiar Woe, managed to discover that the body of the victim is covered in grievous wounds, drenched in a pool in its own blood and its face cut open with the skin peeled back]   ...Thank the gods ! I feel worlds better. Its still quite early and Killian is still asleep. Mmm ? I still haven't uncovered the magics behind what we found in the crypt... Note-The Amulet is actually an Amulet of Dol Dorn. Killian will be pleased ! Its only right he gets this, He's been more than charitable with the Board, Food and Drinks. -Another figurine of wondrous power. I can see why this magical statue has been uncovered by us a few times. Its properties bare excellent utility and scouting for folks, regardless of you being a lowly wanderer or the general of an army.   During breakfast we decide the most pressing and concerning matter in the discovery of the symbol of Baal. Killian and I inform Lairion of the cult we all encountered in Blaising Dell and how they were behind the villages corruption. To discover town such as this could very well be in a similar situation is unthinkable. We need to burn out the rot before it infects the town to the point of no return. Despite our minor status white in the town we are not above the law. Seeing whats behind the door could see us being arrested and prosecuted. Reporting to Zimena and informing her of what we've uncovered first will ensure our story if we are apprehended by the guards. She's definitely stressed. Definitely not in the mood for Killian but I understand that more than most... This is another stain on her record, the murder happened on her watch and another 3 over the past year hasn't helped matters. Lairion getting involved the night previous didn't go down well with the guards but Zimena knows our insight in these matters is the best shes got. I think investigating the corpse might provide more answers and reluctantly she allows us to under her supervision. Note-The body of the victim lays under a white sheet. We all get down to business, no joking, no fooling around. Killian, Lairion and myself discover using various techniques that we've learned in our time discover more about the cause of death. -Despite the grievous wounds across the body, the victim bleed out due to an artery being cut. -The wounds were inflicted by a curved/wicked blade, possibly a kukri or sickle. -The victim was alive during the ritualistic killing, when the skin was peeled. No magical essence is found which means the killing was done by the assailants own hand. Due to this murder the town guards resources are stretched thin. No one can be spared to follow up on investigating the door with the symbol of Baal and possible cult activity We however have the ability to operate outside these restrictions so I suggest to Zimena that we could follow up our own investigation with her blessing of course. Reluctantly she agrees...   [Lairion used the 2nd level spell gentle repose to preserve and protect the corpse from any type of necromantic influence]   We make our way across town again looking out for Mittens, no luck of course. The alleyway seems un-desterbed, perhaps this investigation might come to nothing. What I should say is I hope it will. Note- The door with the symbol doesn't appear to have any traps set mechanical or arcane. The lock doesn't appear to be complex. This is technically breaking and entering. Lairion keeps an eye out for any onlookers or unsavory characters. The doorway leads down underground.   [Lairion sends his familiar Woe to scout the tunnel ahead. Krod uses his magical tinkering feature to create a 5ft area of light on Killians shield as to not draw too much attention but also so that Killian can see as he does not possess Darkvision]   This tunnel seems to going deep... What was that ! Oh No !...   [The party trigger an unseen trap set under one of the floor boards in the tunnel. Killian falls into a pit trap and Lairion and Krod are caught in the secondary trap mechanism]   [Krod casts a 1st level cure wounds on Killian]   ...Ugh ! Perhaps once. Once we'll be able to actually get to the end of hallway or basement without getting caught in a bloody trap ! At least this door is like the previous. I think scouting ahead on my own might be more beneficial, I have the means to go unnoticed..   [Krod casts 2nd level invisibility and scouts out the chamber beyond the door]   The chamber is stark and there is an element of unpleasantness about it. The central chamber has a long table in the center with a door leading of to the north,a chest lying to the south and cupboard to south east. Before investigating the area properly, the east wall looks out of place and I suspect there's possibly a room beyond Note-The Chest contains 3 Curved blades, one of which is stained with blood. An educated guess is that the blood belongs to our recent victim. The Cupboard contains 4 sets of robes but has room for one more. So 5 individuals we know who are involved in these murders. The Room to the north upon first glance appear to lead into a circular chamber with a braiser in the center. Whatever was being burned hasn't been lost yet, perhaps there's something we can salvage ?   I inform the others that the immediate area seems to be secure. I decide to stay invisible just in case of any interruptions or possible ambush. The east wall has in fact got a room behind it. Let's see what's hiding... By the Gods !... It's a Coffin ! A bloody Coffin !   We need the Zimena and the Forest Guard now ! If we pry any further without there backing we could fall into a deadly situation... Wait ! Killian we need the Forest guard to see this ! Wait ! Damn It !!!   [Krod uses the helm of telepathy to cast the 2nd level suggestion spell on Killian before he decides to enter to the Room with the braiser to investigate what has been burned]   ... Thank the Gods ! I don't like what i did but it had to be done especially after what i did yesterday with that ring and not taking the proper precautions. I shall remain here under the guise of invisibility While Lairion and Killian get Zimena and the forest guard.   About 20 minutes later Killian and Lairion accompanied by Zimena and two of her forest guard arrive. Now we can do a thorough search of this chamber without worry of of prosecution and backup !   ... Damn It ! They're Trapped ! For once can we not spring a bloody trap ! I can't see or hear them the stone that has dropped down blocking the doorway seems to be about a foot thick. I hope they find way to lift the trap ?...   [Killian, Lairion and Zimena become trapped in the circular room with the braiser in, where they find the remains of the missing cat Mittens. They discover a set of playing cards with a riddle attached to Mittens body, solving the mystery could lead to their release]

The Town of Rel Part 2

...The catacombs are finally cleared and I am done before the day has even started...   We report back to Priestess Jelana and inform her of a job well done with some heroic embellishment on Killians part of course. 50 silver and the plunder from the catacombs has more than made up for that harrowing experience from that ring this morning. I let Killian and Lairion know that any other jobs or tasks will not an ideal undertaking in my exhausted state. We still haven't fully discovered what Rel has to offer, so we all decide to have a wonder round. The first stop is the Guilded Quill... Note- Priestess Jelana has a certain timelessness to her. I theorize that she is older than she looks, probably due to the type of magic she wields from her faith. I don't know why but I have a feeling she's not all she seems.   ... The Guilded Quill is a beautiful scribes suppliers. The store houses hundreds of books that fill its walls, The second floor is an open gallery to try out quills and inks of different magical properties. Parchment ranges from its most basic for rough sketches and notes to the finest quality that can be used to en scribe magical scrolls. The owner is an Elf by the name of Elanor, she looks very well read and proud of her establishment... Ugh ! Killian, Killian when will you learn ? One day you'll end up trying to chat up the wrong women. Ha Ha ! I hope i'm there to see that. Interesting texts. Mostly factual, I appreciate that more than fiction. Knowledge is the key to understanding everything... What's that ? A small piece of literature fell out of the book. The Order of the Arcane Scribes ? Elanor seems quite dismissive about the order when we ask her about it. Its apparently a secret society of some kind but not many believe they exist mainly due to the fact they are essentially librarians... Note- Elanors dismissive nature towards our questions about the order begs investigation. This order might have some knowledge of what we were exposed to in Blaising Dell or unravel some mysteries regarding the Thunderfall Hidaway ? I've commissioned Elanor to craft an ink the becomes indecipherable to eyes other than mine, I wanted to also purchase parchment that only appeared to it scribe but id require a constant supply for my notes and discoveries. Perhaps something to look into the future. Approximate creation of said ink will be ready in 2 days. Eleanor also hosts workshops for those interested in the art of calligraphy or the basics of spellcrafting through writing. I would love to learn and eventually master this technique, my magic is channeled into my craft I'm not endowed with magic like some sorcerers and wizards, so I have to find alterantives to enhance myself. Also purchased from the Guilded Quill: -Crystal Tipped Wand worth 50gp [+1 wand]   Whilst making our way through the town we have a look out for mittens. Something's caught Lairion's eye... He leads us to an alley behind the Broken Axe inn and some other houses. Upon first glance it looks like the Elf is chasing shadows or his superstitious beliefs is blinding his sight. However a closer look reveals a small symbol on the door in the alley. Baal. Lairion tells us this is the symbol of Baal, a demon prince of some kind. This isn't good. I just think back to the cult we encountered in Blaising Dell and I can't help but feel that something is amiss in Rel... Probably just my paranoia but also begs investigation.   [The Party ensure that after investigating the alley that it is put back the way it was when they found it]   Note-We seem to be accumulating a lot questions that need answering. A trip to the Eternal Library is on the books for today ! I hope we find what we're looking for.   The day is still young and we all decide to discover what the rest of Rel has to offer. The Looming Spire is a curiously crafted building. No entrance ? Interesting ?... Ah the local children should know what the story is behind this mystery...   ...What an insolent little wretch ! Tying to swindle and insult me !   Ugh ! I have no time or patience for this... I'm exhausted !   Note-Killian and Lairion discover the Looming Spire is some form of headquarters or outpost for the mages guild. An organisation that would be beneficial to be associated with but the entrance will only reveal itself to its members. How do they expect to recruit initiates if the don't let anyone enter ? The logic of wizards eludes me ?   With our efforts squanded Killian leads us to the tavern next door. I have to say a drink after our efforts this morning in the catacombs would be welcome. The Thirsty Devil. A lively place indeed, having just witnessed what can only be rainbows and bubbles being belched by some of the patrons and a couple of drunks in a brawl being kicked out by the owner suggests this place to be where it all happens. The owner is Halfling man called Kenhi who has the air of a sailor about him, I'd even hazard a guess at former pirate. He handles the drunks well and keeps the ale flowing. Confident personality and not afraid to have a chat with the patrons. I don't catch what Killian says to him but by the look of it hes getting us a drink... This could be interesting. Note-Kenhi informs us of a special drinks menu that we can purchase from. Apparently purchasing a drink from this menu must consumed on the premises or cease to work and once drank they provide the consumer a minor magical boon. This is a amusing way of brewing and bottling magical effects besides potions and elixirs. I shall make a note of what we find out I'm sure the experience will be entertaining to say the least... I must thank Killian. Its been a while since we sat down and properly enjoyed a drink and a laugh. Minor Magical Drinks Menu: Bubbly Bourbon 5 sp- Courageous Cordial 25 gp- Crocodile Assistance 25 gp- Fiery Water 25 gp- Medicinal Mix 25 gp- Musical Merlot 25 gp- Rainbow Rum 5 sp- Sober Solutions 5 sp- Sprite Sparkly 5 sp-   [The Party partakes in a drinking game of sort, all roll 1d20 and whoever achieves the highest roll takes a drink of the next drink we haven't tried on the Minor Magical Drinks Menu]   Excellent ! truly excellent ! We haven't had a chance to let loose like that for months. Definitely a place for having a good time but wouldn't want to stay there Ha Ha ! I think our rooms at the Broken Axe Inn will do us... Ah ! Well all good things must come to an end and its back to business. We make our way to the Eternal Library with a lot of research to do. The Eternal Library is a magnificent repository of knowledge. The bookcases are higher than some of the buildings in the town and the entire place is built over two stories. The biggest feature of all is the roof... There isn't one ! Never have I seen a Library with no roof, its completely exposed to the elements. There is an air of magic surrounding and protecting this place. The three of us set off to research what information we can about the discoveries we want answers for, with the aid of The keeper of Tomes. A hooded black and grey robed figure, slightly ominous in presence but ultimately friendly and immensely helpful directing us to the books we require. We're all there for a good 3 hours researching and another hour afterwards after meeting up to share the information discovered. Note-The Information Discover form the Eternal Library: -Killian Discovered information about the history of Thunderfall Hideaway and more clues in understanding the riddles and runes guarding it: How the Molend Family came to be in possession of Thunderfall Hideaway. The Molend family's acquisition of the deeds to Thunderfall Hideaway is a tale of fate, fortune, and a touch of the arcane. In the waning days of the Era of Shattered Stars, the Molend family were renowned throughout the land as intrepid explorers and collectors of rare artifacts. The patriarch of the family, Cedric Molend, was particularly obsessed with the legends surrounding Thunderfall Hideaway and its mysterious creator, Aldarion the Architect. Cedric spent years researching and seeking out clues to the location of the hideaway. His quest led him to the Great Library of Eldoria, where he uncovered a series of ancient texts that spoke of a hidden key —a key that would unlock the secrets of Thunderfall Hideaway. Armed with this knowledge, Cedric and his kin embarked on a perilous journey to the town of Rel. There, they encountered a series of trials that tested their resolve, their bravery, and their intellect. They braved the Enchanted Forest, navigated the Whispering Caves, and finally stood before the gates of Thunderfall Hideaway. 1. The Moonstone-Symbolizes intuition, mystery, and the cyclical nature of time. It represents the wisdom that comes from understanding the deeper, hidden forces at play in the world. 2. The Sunstone-Represents illumination, growth, and the power of the sun to nurture life. It signifies enlightenment and the pursuit of knowledge. 3. The Waterstone-Embodies emotion, adaptability, and the life-giving properties of water. It reflects the hideaway's connection to the Thunderfall and the flow of life's energies. 4. The Earthstone-Stands for stability, fertility, and the grounding force of the earth. It symbolizes the foundation upon which the hideaway is built and the strength it provides. 5. The Windstone-Signifies change, freedom, and the breath of life. It represents the winds of change that bring new beginnings and the whispers of the spirits. 6. The Firestone-Conveys passion, transformation, and the creative spark. It symbolizes the warmth of the hearth within the hideaway and the transformative power of fire. -Lairion Discovered information about the history of Baal and symbolism on the door in the ally we found. [] -I wanted to uncover more information on the Order of Arcane Scribes. What they are is interesting to say the least and their knowledge would be invaluble to our struggles. []   Its early evening by the time we leave. I could stay there for days but I'm drained and need rest. A good meal and an early night for Krod I think. Back at the Broken Axe Inn we are greated by Duror who brings us our food and a warning of all things ? Apparently a night such as this when the full moon is out bodes as an ill-omen in Rel. Having seen what we've seen I guess as to what that ill-omen is...

Traps. Physical and Mental

The main hall so to speak is clear of undead. ... Upon further investigation this crypt is more vast than we realized, which means our work is far from over. According to our new companions shadowed raven/crow there appears to be 5 more areas to investigate. Killian heads directly to the south as there is some murmurs of noise coming from behind it ?   I'm happy that Killians faith in me is not lost despite my weariness and its good to see he's taking more sensible precautions before charging into a situation without proper preparation... Ugh ! I feel terrible, my investigation of the door bares nothing fruitful. I want to say its safe but I know as well as the other two there are no guarantees. I'm going to stay back for this...   [Krod does not pass the DC for the investigation check to detect any traps and Killian triggers a pressure plate that launches him into the ceiling dealing an excessive amount of damage]   ... GOD'S ! DAMN IT ALL !!!... You'd think clearing out a small crypt would be amateur, compared to surviving a ongoing conflict against hordes of undead on a daily basis !?... Clearly not... Mummies. At a guess I'd say the individuals buried here are either from another part of Ashein, nobles or dignitaries of some kind. Not many believe in the process or beliefs of mummification in this part of the world. Note- I shall ask Priestess Jalena what the views of the Order of Celestial Weavers are on this subject. It could bare more insight into future dealings ?   Killian and Lairion quickly dispose of the mummies, and clear the area. A crypt sometimes house possessions of the departed buried and this one is no exception. Its ethically wrong and I know that my companions, the holey than thou god bothering brothers will not jepordise their morals. Nor do i expect them to, they are a good sort but someone is going to have to make the choices that no one else want to make otherwise we'll never make any progress. Note-Contents of the southern room: -2 assorted art objects worth 25gp each -A copper chalice with silver filigree -A pair of engraved bone dice   ... After looking at the injuries that Killian sustained just trying to open a blasted door I'm worried about the next one. Mmmm ? Ah ! That's it ! The Wand of Animate Dead that I acquired from Rotbranches remains. I can animate the remains and get them to activate any traps that remain and with multiple charges I could cover almost every door in the crypt...   ...What ! ...Oh no wait a moment ! ...Lairion Stop ! ...Please Stop ! ...You Imbecile will you just Bloody Stop and listen to me !!!   Note-There's no doubt that Lairion is more zealous in the practice of his faith than Dolen ever was. He will not budge from what he's been told to think and what he thinks he knows about the world. People that think and act like this are dangerous. They will not hesitate to sacrifice you or others for what they think in their eyes is the greater good or even if they feel their deity/religion calls for it... In my younger years I've seen the prosecution of innocents by those who think they are superior or serve a higher calling... It's all the same Bah !   [Lairion destroys the remains of the mummies using the Sacred Flame cantrip. Krod can only use the wand to summon one animated corpse from what remains]   ...From what remains I will be able to conjure up just one animated corpse to provide us a buffer for this crypts traps. After a ridicules amount of convincing the Elf finally concedes, the look on his face is that of discomfort and single mindedness but he will see. The southwestern door the next area to clear out, I send the animated corpse forward through the door... Ah ! No traps, excellent. It's funny that he sends his bird in after i come up with the ingenious idea of using remains of those already past to protect our living lives... Anyway, Lairion claims the room is empty. I'm going in ! I'm getting tired ! Note-I don't deny this familiar that Lairion conjures has the benefit of scouting and surveying an area. However on the flip side he can use this facsimile to spy on folk, that includes us and that worries me more. Contents of the southwestern room: 20gp and 5sp   The northwestern room directly opposite lies open. I advance the animated corpse forward to trigger any traps that maybe there... Nothing. Good, Wow this is interesting. A chest rests in the center of the chamber and surrounding it are 6 pillars, each linked and wrapped with a chain of some kind. After consulting my companions we are all in agreement that clearing the place out first would be the best course of action, we don't have to worry about being ambushed then. Note-The southeastern door leads through to the southern room where we encountered the mummies and have already cleared.   The northeastern room is the last area to thoroughly investigate. Again my plan of sending the animated corpse is coming up trumps again... If we had multiple we could've cleared this place out by now... After having a good search round there appears to be no danger, but I've been wrong before. The room is long and at the end is a table piled up with assorted trinkets. Killian moves in with me to cover my back... What was that !... Blast it ! Another bloody trap ! Ugh !... Well at least I fulfilled my promise to our new companion, the animated corpse is gone. Note-Lairion again scorns me for my actions for taking the valuables. I tell him "how do you think we survived this long" and the fact that Dolen also took his share when it come up too shocked him to the core. Betrayal of those you're trying to help, being brought back from the brink of death and months of conflict against the dregs of death changes folk. He'll learn. I hadn't realized that Killian had used his bag of tricks to summon a Dire Wolf, another body in our party is always welcome. Contents of the northeastern room: A total of 115 gp worth of coins, art objects and gems 10 gp gemstones. 4 worth 40 gp total Eye agate (translucent circles of gray, white brown, blue, or green) Banded agate (translucent striped brown, blue, white, or red) Hematite (opaque gray-black) Blue quartz (transparent pale blue) 25 gp art objects. 3 worth 75 gp Pair of engraved bone dice Gold locket with a painted portrait inside Black velvet mask stitched with silver thread   ...We head back to the room with the pillars in. We discover series of markings worked into the stone. They clearly form a sequence of some kind, the result of which should open the chest in the center and any possible magical and mechanical protections guarding it... Pulling the chains seems to change the face of the pillars and the marking depicted, pulling the chains linked to the pillar in question multiple times changes the marking around again... Ah ! So pulling each these chains a number of time creates the sequence required. The question is "What is the sequence" ? Hahaha ! Sometimes having a narcissistic muscle head for a friend has its benefits. Killian strikes the chains with his sword and it appears our confusing almost impossible problem has been solved. Note-Contents of the chest in the northwestern room: A total of 95 gp worth of coins, art objects, and gems Moonstone 50 gp gemstone (translucent white with pale blue glow) Malachite (opaque striated light and dark green) and Obsidian (opaque black) 10 gp each 25 gp art object Gold locket with a painted portrait inside Figurine of raven Unknown emblem When we reach a safe spot out of the way of prying eyes. I shall investigate these items further.   Ahh ! More undead ! Its time to finish this !!!

The Mayor and The Priestess

...Resting in an actual bed after months in the wild is such a welcome gift. I see that Killian has a certain spring in his step. After a hearty breakfast too we're ready to start a new day rested and refreshed. Note- I shall leave Matilda within the grounds of the inn. I see no need to have her with us within a town such as this. Defense and resource harvesting is useful when in the wild. However some jobs we've seen on the notice board could definitely benefit from her skills so to speak. I will check back on her at the end of the day for another batch of repairs.   [Krod attunes to the helm of telepathy and the wand of animate dead]   We all decide to go straight to the mayor to report in, as we feel we don't want to step on any toes if it isn't our place to claim our inherited deed to the Thunderfall Hidaway. The house or mansion i should say is a beautiful large minimalist solid structure, the doors are quite clearly made of the wood from the infernal forest. Note- Surveying the town I can see that a majority of the buildings seem to use the Ironwood, greatly beneficial if the town was to ever come under siege. Mayor Thomlin actually answers the door. Strange considering his position ? The man looks to be in his 70's and immensely tired almost as if not fully aware of his own actions... We firstly apologize for the early disturbance as Ximena did inform us that he was travelling. Killian reals off our exploits with his natural embellishment and I explain how we were blessed with the deeds. His response concerns me, he doesn't seem to be all there. I am fully aware of how old age can effect the mind but this man is supposed to be running the town. While Killian and our new companion Lairion speak with the old man he mentions a Priestess of a holy order by the name of Jalena. Trust is in short supply and i want to know if there is any other influence at work...   [Krod uses the the helm of telepathy to read the surface thoughts of Mayor Thomlin]   It's a mess in there. Images and flashes in no decernable order would suggest that the man is inflicted by dementia. This priestess still intrigues me though. I'm going the probe further...   [Krod casts the detect thoughts spell through the helm of telepathy to read the thoughts of Mayor Thomlin]   I don't feel any malicious influence, again everything is jumbled. The priestess comes into the mans thoughts a lot more, I think we should pay her a visit... Ah ! My companions are finished with him. I let them know what I've found and we decide a trip to the church is in order. Killian also wants to increase our reputation within Rel by fulfilling some of these jobs and the church wants a crypt clearing out.   On our way to the church we look for this missing cat called mittens, another one of the notices that we're looking into. I decide it's a good idea to stock up on resources if we are to continue in our en devours especially our new companion Lairion. Killian and I have no idea of his skill set or capabilities. The experiences we've had on this journey leave no place for the ill-prepared. The Silverpine Outfitters seems like a good start. The owner appears to be a Half-Orc... What the !? Ah yes of course... Killians emotional scars appears to have got the better of him. I am grateful he just walked out, experiences like that can make us do unpredictable and regrettable things. There are a couple of interesting items that I'll inquire about...   [Krod trades his scale mail for an Enchanted Compass that allows the user to never loose their way]   Note- The enchanted compass doesn't sound like the most useful tool in the world but the moment we become lost its magical properties will be invaluable. There is also a magical lantern that never runs out of oil that also intrigues me. It has 3 magical enchantments that can be bought along side the lantern. Eternal Flame (Standard) The lantern’s light never dims, and it doesn’t require refueling or replacement of oil. Perfect for long journeys or exploration in dark places. Language Illumination (Upgrade) Upgrade When activated, the lantern reveals hidden messages or symbols written in ancient languages. Great for deciphering cryptic inscriptions. Timekeeper’s Glow (Upgrade) The lantern’s light changes color based on the time of day. Blue for dawn, golden for noon, and crimson for dusk. Helps you keep track of time. We do not have the enough to purchase the item as of yet but I would like to procure it in the future and study it. Possibly replicate its magical effects somehow. This is also an ample time to see if I can advance my own research and training but Gromash the owner seems like the stubborn sort hes more afraid of me becoming a competitor. I can see his argument but it is a short sighted and quite frankly stupid notion.   Even though Killian did the right thing walking out instead of reacting. Lairion and I talk him out of his greivences. You cannot judge an entire race on the actions of a select few or clan. My master is a Duregar and even friend Dolen is Drow, both races known to the world as troublesome...   We find another store on the way called the Thunderfall Cascade general store. Its unknown what sort of resources we can aquire here but its worth getting to know folks and how the town works, so to speak. The fresh bread smell is certainly enticing and I can see why the locals like this place. The owner of the store is a human man by the name of Eldric Ironwood who informs us that he used to be an adventurer. The store I regret will not provide us much in the way of resources besides sustenance, I don't deny that the herbs have extraordinarily fresh quality to them. A section of the store is curtained off and after enquiring with Eldric he introduces us to his spouse Elowen Ironwood. A beautiful Half-Elf woman who looks after the Curiosities and Oddities. By the Gods ! Such beautiful and fascinating items... Note- Lairion purchases holy instruments and ingredients i assume for his rituals. I trade the dog mask of many colors for the Phoenix feather quill and the Luck infused dice, again like the compass these items will be invaluable when the circumstance arises. Killian buys the mysterious magical ring and gives it to me ? This actually leaves me at a loss for words. I am grateful as i look forward to unlocking what possible secrets it holds. As a thank you I purchase the miniature Griffin stature. He may not see the benefit of this seemingly mundane item until hes riding a full size Griffin into battle.   The Church of the Celestial Weavers is an impressive monument to their worship, not a widespread religion but a strong one. Killian leads the way in and after a minute admiring its vast structure we are met with the most beguiling visage of a young human women with dark hair and alabaster skin. She almost looks too beautiful to belong here... I don't feel comfortable here... Oh for the love of Gods ! Killian is naturally tripping over his own tongue. Lairion is difficult read, I knows hes a religious man but he guards himself well. While Killian attempts his charm offensive by regaling her of our exploits, intentions of employment and fears about mayor Thomlin. I want to see if this women is a being of genuine intent or hiding something.   [Krod uses the helm of telepathy to read the surface thoughts of Priestess Jalena]   What the !?... She is powerful indeed. Despite my reservations I can't help but respect her abilities I apologize and merely express my concerns for the old man... Ah ! Killian has finished being a fool so I think its safe to assume we have a contract of employment with the Order of Celestial Weavers clearing out a crypt.   En route, we decide to probe deeper into the magic items we've acquired... Mmmm ? This is interesting ? I cant read the magical ring. I wonder if...   [Krod puts on the unknown magical ring and from his perspective his vision goes completely black and a dim light in the distance of his vision illuminates the silhouette of a powerful androgynous being beckoning him. From the perspective of Killian and Lairion Krod eyes white out and starts to age rapidly. Killian rips the ring off Krods finger and saves him from death. Krod as an outcome has aged permanently and the experience has made him become exhausted]   Ugh ! What on this earth just happened to me. I'm so drained. Typical I suppose, when one meddles in things they don't understand but sometimes the practical approach is the one that yields the best results... Note- This magical ring has a dormant power within it too powerful to be left in the wrong hands for the time being, being its keeper will have to suffice.   The smell of death reeks from the entrance to the crypt. My condition is not ideal for this engagement but I trust my companions to take care of the holy matters of vanquishing possible undead zombies and spirits after all they are both holy men...   [Killian and Lairion engage the zombies in physical combat. Killian close quarters with jis sword and shield and Lairion from ranged with his bow]   [Krod engages with his lightning launches from range, followed by 2nd level spell web to trap the zombies and then set those that are trapped alight with a critical hit from the firebolt cantrip]   ...I'm lucky that this encounter was within our control, in the past its not always worked out for us. I wonder whats going on down here ?...  

The Town of Rel

... I feel a sigh of relief washes over the three of us as we make our to the borders of the Infernal Forest. Almost 3 and a half months of conflict, stranded and lost, on the run, battling hordes of undead and our confrontation with Rotbranch. Blaising Dell feels like a lifetime ago. Someday we will return, the dark influence and corruption that has taken the village caught us off guard. We trusted too easily. Now Its safe to say that the ongoing conflict has ground away our ignorance and naivety... well at least mine and Dolens. Not sure about Killian.   The town of Rel is an impressive sight. The direction out of the Infernal Forest towards the town certainly paints a picture. The evening sun rests on top of the mountain range of the Restless Hills seeping light into the valley below. A huge waterfall cuts through the center of the nearest mountain and drops behind the town as if pointing to our destination. The sunlight drapes the towers, walls and houses in a warm light. The town has a certain bustle about it. Along its enormous stone crescent moon bridge are ques of trade wagons moving in and out of the town. Within the town itself are a wonder of different buildings and structures, some made of stone and some made of wood. With a town this size its easy to get lost in which for us is what were looking for for now. Note- A town this large has ample opportunities for creating contacts, securing supplies from various trader and the advancement of my own artisan skills. Current circumstances dictate that we integrate ourselves into the town first.   My colleagues and I decide to report to Ximena and the forest/towns guard before we check out the estate that we've some what inherited, just in case anything is required us. I think we're all in agreement that we don't want to upset the local authority. Note- The deeds we recovered in the forest are clearly left blank for ownership to be granted to those who are given the blessing of the Hemlen family. Despite a Hemlen family giving us their blessing to inherit Thuderfall Hideaway. There are possible legal issues in the fact that the family member in question was dead...   As we make our way through the town it feels like a different world, the sheer amount of people is a welcome sight compared to our ventures in the Infernal forest. I wonder if any of these folks actually know what we had to do to protect them from the horrors that lurked in that place?... Anyway I'm happy to see the everyday hustle and bustle of the town not perturbed by a previously looming threat. A beautiful fountain is at the heart of the town square. Surrounded by buildings and shops. The towns square seems to house the majority of the merchant and trader caravans as they appear to be packing up from here. A billboard sits in the square covered with notices and local information. Killian makes a b-line to it and in this instance hes on the money, local affairs, jobs and providing general support is a good way to increase our reputation... Unlike a certain village we were killed in. Note-Information on the notice board; Lost Cat: “Mittens, a black and white cat, has gone missing. Last seen near the market. Reward for safe return.” - Posted by Ella the Baker. Reward: 5 silver pieces. Goblin Troubles: “Goblins spotted in the nearby forest, harassing travelers. Need them gone.” - Posted by Captain Harrold. Reward: 30 silver pieces. Herbalist Assistant: “In need of a strong back to help gather herbs from the Infernal Forest.” - Posted by Master Alchemist Orin. Reward: 10 silver pieces per day. Bandit Leader: “Wanted: The notorious bandit leader ‘Blacktooth’. Alive for questioning.” - Posted by Sheriff Lorne. Reward: 100 gold pieces. Haunted Crypt: “Strange noises from the old crypt. Seeking brave souls to investigate.” - Posted by Priestess Elara. Reward: 50 silver pieces. Escort Caravan: “Merchants traveling to the next town seek guards against bandit attacks.” - Posted by Trader’s Guild. Reward: 25 silver pieces plus bonuses for safe delivery. Missing Heirloom: “Family heirloom stolen, likely by pickpockets in the square. Desperate for its return.” - Posted by Lady Marielle. Reward: 40 gold pieces. Dragon Sightings: “Dragon seen flying near Mount Gorgon. Need confirmation and details.” - Posted by Wizard’s Conclave. Reward: 200 silver pieces. Bridge Repair: “The old bridge is unsafe; skilled workers needed to repair before it collapses.” - Posted by Mayor Thomlin. Reward: 15 silver pieces per day of work. Wanted Dead or Alive: “The assassin known as ‘Silent Whisper’. Dangerous, approach with caution.” - Posted by The Crown’s Justice. Reward: 500 gold pieces. -There is also a note on here for Dolen. I have a bad feeling about what this might mean. He has a very shady background. Perhaps is past has caught up with him. I'm in agreement with Killian who suggests we meet this contact who's looking for our Drow companion.   We find the forest/towns guard headquarters and we are immediately recognized for our activities in the Infernal forest. We're ushered into Ximena's office where shes doing paperwork. Obol the giant wolf on guard as per usual. We let her know our intentions and that our obligations to the Treant council has come to an end. We want to rest but not to assume our deed to the Thunderfall Hideaway is a given. She informs us the mayor is not in town and she has no authority to go through this type of legalities. She however give us an interesting story on the Hideaways origins and give us her permission to inspect the area but obviously with caution due to its magical nature. Note- I'd say her position in this organization is quite influential, the size of her office and where it is with in the building The forest/towns guard headquarters appears to be seated on the edge of Rel, where the town meets the The Infernal Forest. It appears to be abnormal structure compared to the rest of the town. Its built from the timber of the Infernal forest and the signature stone used in the construction of the buildings of Rel, a design that suggests the coalition between civilization and nature.   The Thuderfall Hideaway doesn't disappoint the magic surrounding the grounds are impressive. This however presents us all with our next challenge. How do we enter the grounds and gain entry to the house ? Upon investigating the area, the courtyard appears warded against those not worthy enough to enter the grounds... What the ! Killian ?!   ...I think its safe to say we're not getting in anytime soon. We all vote to take refuge at the local tavern. I think we could all do with a good meal, a stiff drink and to rest in an actual bed. Note- A riddle and a series of Glyphs/Symbols are to be deciphered before entry. This will require more research especially now that we've discovered the Thuderfall Hidaway is guarded my magical defenses. (Riddle Guardian of secrets, keeper of time, I stand watch without a chime. My hands are still, my face is blank, I hold no rank. Yet within my silent keep, Lies power vast and secrets deep. Speak my name, and enter thee, What am I? Can you see? (Symbols -Swirling winds -Flames -Crescent Moon -Waves -Earth -Sun   The Broken Axe Inn is our next destination, a rough and tumble place by the looks but we're no strangers places like this now. A couple called Duror and Gerra run the place. They have an interesting tale about the origins of the inn and their meeting and later marriage. Killian treats us all to a feast fit for a king and enough drink to drown our sorrows and more. Lodging is provided too so we don't have to worry about finding a place to sleep.   ...That shady looking figure in the corner appears to be beckoning Dolen over. Perhaps they are a part of the same organisation ? They are dressed in similar garb.   Wait ! Where is Dolen going ?   ...Dolen's gone ! Just like that ! After everything we've been through... I don't have any words...   Lairion. If I was to make a deduction, this elf is Dolen's blood brother as they are not the same kin. Dolen must trust him enough to take his place on this journey ?   As the night progresses an inebriated man makes himself known that he knows the secrets of the Thunderfall Hidaway and an artifact hidden within a maze underneath the grounds, naturally we invite him over to discover more as we have essetially inherited it. Killian tries his natural charms and failing beautifully. The man seems to be digging his whole be drinking himeslf to sleep. Now is my time to discover what this fool knows...   [Krod uses the Mage Hand cantrip via the telekinesis feat- the Mage Hand appears invisible- Krod routes through the drunks bag and whilest stealthy studies the notes]   Rune 1: Start your journey under the wisdom of the night sky. Rune 2: See the light of knowledge and the dawn of understanding. Rune 3: Honour the Thunderfall and the flow of life's energies. Rune 4: Round oneself in the strength and stability of the hideaway. Rune 5: Embrace change and the breath of new beginnings. Rune 6: Ignite the spark of adventure and the warmth of the hearth within. Note-Upon first glance these documents may hold a clue to entering the Thunderfall Hidaway...

Strongbranch. The Treant that was.

...The close encounter with Rotbranch shook us all to the core, we all decided to rest at the edge of the swamps and rethink or strategy. We're not seasoned warriors and going straight on into the swamps headfirst to carve out Rotbranches corruption was a bad idea. After readjusting our magical potential and recharging our equipment we decided on a stealthy approach. Dolen used his affinity with the shadows to cast a spell over us all that should mask our entrance to the swamp where Rotbranch resides. With any luck we should be able to strike from multiple angles as opposed to our previous frontal blunder.   [Dolen casts 2nd level spell Pass without a trace on himself Killian and Krod]   Our entrance to the swamp is met with a familiar sight, Rotbranchs foreboding, colossal and twisted form like that of an over-sized hangmans tree. The stench of death in the air. The deafening silence followed by occasional creaking of the branches and buzzing of bugs. Dolen leads the way and at the mouth of the swamp heads west, I move along the south side. Damn it ! It seems like the other treants that Rotbranch awoken are still animated, though they appear to be in a passive state. I hope they don't spot us... Ah yes ! Killian I'd forgotten, even after being granted the magical stealth still managed to clang his armor and alert the entire swamp to his presence... Right now I'd be cursing but this might just work in our favor... Lets pray the gods are watching over us !   Rotbranch move towards Killian, the lesser treants start to awaken and do the same. I can't see Dolen from my position and with his natural abilities i'd be hard pressed to see him anyway. I guess i'm on my own. Luckily the lesser treant was so distracted by Killian I'm able to slip past, Dolen's spell must still be active. I'm going to continue heading to the south of the swamp and try and come up behind Rotbranch...   [Killian draws the attention of 5 swarms of necrotic beetles, two lesser treants and Rotbranch]   [Dolen drops 2nd level spell Pass without a trace to cast Hunters mark and moves to engage to aid Killian. Krod uses 2nd level spell Invisibility to move further south circling behind Rotbranch]   [Killian attacks successfully using Divine strikes to cause more damage to the enemies]   By the sounds of battle north don't sound like the battle is going in our favor, again... Damn it ! This throws the cat among the birds again. I'm too far away to assist. What do I do now, my strategy has completely turned on its head !   [Killian escapes combat with the lesser treant and necrotic beetles by Dashing his full movement followed by the bonus action 2nd level spell Misty step to engage Rotbranch]   [Krod moves into a position and uses all charges of Welger's wand of lightning to cast an enhanced 5th level lightning bolt spell at Rotbranch, passing through it and hitting one of the lesser treants and destroying one of the nectrotic swarms]   [Dolen engages from the north west using his bow, Killian moves into engaged range and manages to strike Rotbranch down with the last his his Divine strikes, destroying the treant]   ...It's over !? I honestly thought we wouldn't be able to be victorious, especially after our previous defeat... 3 months... 3 months of killing and conflict finally put to an end, I think Dolen and Killian mirror myself, we all just stand there looking over this fallen tree with no words. Nothing. I think a minute goes by and we snap out of it, we go to our routine after combat. Killian drops to one knee and mutters a prayer, Dolen begins to immediately lookout for any other threats and I salvage what I can from the needless destruction... Note: I will acquire some of the necrotic branches from the lesser treants in use of crafting for later.   3 items are found... WAND OF ANIMATE DEAD Wand, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast the animate dead spell from it. For 1 charge, you cast the 3rd-level version of the spell. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you expend. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.   [Krod takes the True Heart magical item out of Rotbranches remains using Mage hand Cantrip]   ROTBRANCH’S TRUE HEART Staff, rare (requires attunement by a Druid) This staff is the true heart and spirit of the necrotic treant Rotbranch. It refers to itself as Strongbranch and its intelligence resides within the staff, allowing it to speak with the attuned druid.This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding it, you have a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls. The staff has 10 charges for the following properties. It regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff loses its properties and becomes a nonmagical quarterstaff. Spells You can use an action to expend 1 or more of the staff's charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: • animal friendship (1 charge) • awaken (5 charges) • barkskin (2 charges) • locate animals or plants (2 charges) • speak with animals (1 charge) • speak with plants (3 charges) • wall of thorns (6 charges). You can also use an action to cast the pass without trace spell from the staff without using any charges. Tree Form. You can use an action to plant one end of the staff in fertile earth and expend 1 charge to transform the staff into a healthy tree. The tree is 60 feet tall and has a 5-foot-diameter trunk, and its branches at the top spread out in a 20-foot radius. The tree appears ordinary but radiates a faint aura of transmutation magic if targeted by detect magic. While touching the tree and using another action to speak its command word, you return the staff to its normal form. Any creature in the tree falls when it reverts to a staff. Treant Form. No more than once a month you can use an action to plant one end of the staff in fertile earth and expend 10 charges to transform the staff into a treant, Strongbranch. The treant is friendly to you and remains for 1 minute. If Strongbranch is slain, the staff is destroyed. While touching the treant and using another action to speak its command word, you return the staff to its normal form. Any creature on the treant falls when it reverts to a staff.   GHOST GEM Wondrous Item, uncommon While looking like an oversized glass bead when empty, this gem is composed of crystalized magical force. You can use an action make a melee attack against an undead creature with the incorporeal movement ability or the amorphous ability of a shadow (or similar undead). you succeed, the creature must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be trapped within the gem. The trapped creature can be seen, albeit in a distorted way, within the gem. A trapped shadow makes the gem look as if it is filled with black ink while a gem holding a ghost might seem to contain a faintly luminous grey fog. The creature’s features can sometimes be seen, perhaps a tiny, twisted ghostly face pressed against the gem or ghostly talons scraping the gem. A trapped creature is aware of what is occurring around it, within the limits of its senses. It can, however, take no actions or reactions while contained. If it can make sounds, these can be heard by pressing the gem against your ear; this can allow communication with a trapped creature. A trapped creature can be released by speaking a command word while holding the gem or by breaking the gem. A ghost gem can be used as a sling stone, doing damage if it hits a target and taking the same damage. A ghost gem is AC 18 and takes 3 points of damage before shattering. A broken gem cannot be reused. You have no special control over a released creature; it will act in accord with its nature. Ghost gems are sometimes used in traps when having free roaming undead would be undesirable. Some assassins use these to make it appear that their target was the unfortunate victim of a random attack by undead.   ...Fascinating ! Truly Fascinating. Rotbranch was the corrupted form of the spirit of the treant known as Strongbranch. I wonder if this was due to the nature of its necrotic element, corrupting it over time or the wand of animate dead ? I suppose its time to report back to Ironroot on our bittersweet victory. Ximena, its astounding how she always turns up and disappears at the most convenient moments. I don't even need to look at the others to know we all stand in the same boat when it comes to her. Apparently our victory has been recognized by the town of Rell, at least we'll be on good terms with the folk when we arrive unlike Blaising Dell...   Shortly after Ximena takes her leave, Embler appears from almost nothingness. Ha ! Forest Goblins are just amazing ! Ironroot has requested to see us, probably to conclude our deal with the treant council and the Infernal forest. It's a quiet en route, the shock of 3 months of conflict is still slowly lifting from our shoulders, we've hardly spoken the whole journey. As we expect Ironroot appears and thanks us for our services to the forest. Naturally we inform Ironroot what we discover within Rotbranch (His true heart) and offer it back to the council. He denies this offer and grants us permission to wield the remaining powers of once former Strongbranch to aid us on our future endeavors. In honor of redeeming the forest.   Our business with the Treant council and the Infernal forest has concluded, we say our goodbyes to Embler too. Now to our next challenge civilization... Note: I do hope I find the Forest Goblins again in the future, I've learned so much and I'd love to learn more.    

The Root of the Infernal Horde

... Shock and an overwhelming sense of doom falls on all of us, looking on the infernal forest and the undead hordes that have been raised. I wander if this will be my final entry...   The town of Rell have provided a bounty of resources and the men for us to withstand the oncoming conflict. Killian, Dolen and myself all agree that we might have to dip into our own pockets here to help keep everyone going.   I'm not going to lie, I think the Treants put too much belief in our group. This will be the first long-term conflict I've ever been in. I don't want to make assumptions about the other two but in know this is out of our skill set to handle... We made a promise. We must try !   ...   [Month 1]-The hordes have be driven back. From what we gathered at the start of the conflict, 5 major sections of the forest appear to be where all out battle will take place. We manage to push them back 2 sections and on the 3rd we don't make any ground forward. A stalemate for now...   [Month 2]-Despite making up another 2 sections of ground (section 4), the battle takes a turn for the worst and we are pushed back 3 sections. We've lost an irreplaceable amount lives, resources and time. Killian, Dolen and myself have poured multiple of our own resources and lead multiple charges with no avail. This maybe the end...   [Month 3]-We did it ! After making up just 1 section of the forest and reaching another stalemate, by the end of the month we make the final push and we are victorious. If you can call it that, we have faced the horrors of the infernal forest and paid for it with a piece of our souls. It wont be the same for me after this, my journey, my mission has changed... I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt but now one things for sure I will burn Rotbranch down for this atrocity...   Clean up takes a few days. We help the Rell militia dispose of the corpses properly and afterwards take a moment to breathe. We all take a moment in silence to gather ourselves. We are bound by a letter, a coin and a common origin as orphans. After the 3 months of battle, We've had to trust one another as brothers in arms. It's time they know the truth...   [Krod, Killian and Dolen share their origins with one another]   Its time to get to the "root" of this problem, Rotbranch itself. The far reaches of the forest hide a marsh. This is where the the final confrontation will occur. The marshes look fairly silent, we all decide to go stealthy just to be sure as the swarms of necrotic beetles litter the area...   Blast it ! The swarms have spotted us... Wait ! what the Hell is that ! Go Matilda !   Damn these swarms are so hard to destroy ! A Corpseflower ! Of all the things to conjure ! Dolen's been taken ! We need to end this quickly we've not even got to Rotbranch yet !   We must rest before our final encounter.   ...   Its time... Rotbranch at last, it is monolithic in size compared to the other trees in the forest. This withered tree looks warped and twisted despite being an organism of life I can feel the negative energy in the air surrounding this place like a fog seeping into everything and spreading like an infection.   ... "No Mercy" [Krod opens up with a Enhanced 5th level lightning bolt cast from Welgar's Wand of Lightening-The wand is weaved into the chest of Krods armor and is fired from a node in the center] [Throughout the battle several swarms of nectrotic beetles move into range and so does Rotbranch]   [Killian moves up into attack range and strikes Rotbranch true with radiant energy with a Divine strike] [Rotbranch Summons 3 juvenile treants to protect him-The battle begins to turn against the party]   [Dolen falls in battle and Matilida is destroyed-Krod also falls shortly after-Killian within close proximity manages to raise Krod and the party manages to escape as Rotbranch and its minions almost kill them-Krod casts invisiblity on himself and barely misses an attack as he escapes-Killian with an immense effort rips Dolen away and out of the danger]   ... We underestimated the Treants power, we have to to re-think our strategy. Next time we'll be ready...

To the Trees !

... We head towards the north eastern area of the forest. I assume Ironroot is gathering this 'council' of the forest. Ah ! its Embler. Here to lead us the rest of the if i was to guess ? It doesn't shock me anymore, the ability these forest goblins to disappear and reappear is incredible. He leads us into a clearing... Fascinating ! Treants, by the look of them they possess unique properties. Embler drops to his knees, I suppose to him these Treants are the representation of the Infernal forest itself. Ironroot the iron oak Treant introduces the council. Tallflower the radiant Treant Phorphor: the fire Treant Haroom: the thunder Treant Azolt: the lightning Treant Willowbark: the bow tree Treant Frostbough: the frost Treant There is a mention of three other who aren't present at this council one of which Rotbranch we are told they believe is the cause of the necrotic problems of spreading rot and undead in the forest and beyond. We can't let that happen. Rotbranch: necrotic treant (not on the council) Greenwalk: poison treant (reclusive) Corosha: acid treant (reclusive) The coucil has no doubt that Rotbranch is the cause and ask us for help. I think all of us are in agreement that after the hospitality we've received after such a long list terrible events, its the very least we can do. We are to meet up with Ximena and a small militia form the town of Ryll at the northern borders. Naturally we ask how much the Treants trust Ximena, Killian tells them all of our exploits, that our trust in others is waning. They've known her since she was a small child and she act as a sort of emissary of the town and the forest. I suppose we have no choice but to trust their judgement. Between myself and Dolen I know we'll still be on alert. After the council meeting is concluded, Embler is tasked with taking us there... -Note-The Treants of the Infernal forest not only have ancient intelligence and wisdom but the elemental nature they possess seem to influence their personalities. The knowledge of this will be useful if we ever talk to Rotbranch and discover its true plans or why now hes become more bold. We have been granted permission to use full force and even destroy Rotbranch, an interesting request from a creature of growth and life. The techniques to harvest and work with the wood from elemental trees is a boon to my work and development, however until this issue is resolved I feel it isn't my place to get distracted too much. Once this is over i will be asking the councils permission to work with the elemental trees. I will take what I can get though, I need to learn !   We appear to have entered a clearing and see a line of bright lush trees surrounded by the most beautiful radiant Butterfly's and in the distance dark twisted trees surrounded by black swarms of beetles and what appears to be 3 Zombies. After what the council has just told us the forest is at war and I think we've entered a battlefield... -Note-Radiant Trees and Butterfly's are friendly, there appears to be no repulsion or act of reprisal when we get close. We can use them for cover if needed and use them to spread ourselves around the battlefield. The Necrotic Trees send out a repulsion field that matches its element, similar to the defense mechanisms of the Lightning and Thunder trees. Maybe I can make use out of the wood once we've dealt with the immediate threat ?   ...Embler is gone again, this might be another test.   ...Damn it! Not very quick off the mark.   [Dolen moves in and fires his bow and Killian moves in and engages with his holy spell sword and shield. The giant elk also engages]   [Krod casts 4th level Lightning bolt from Welger's Wand of Lightning witch counts as a 5th level spell when cast from the wand. For flavor the head of the wand is incorporated into Krod's armor and is embedded into the center of his chest plate, this is where the bolt of lightning is fired from and is a bright white beam that hits a swarm, a zombie and a tree]   [Dolen casts Faerie Fire at 1st level catching 2 trees 2 swarms and a zombie]   [Krod casts Catapult at 2nd level firing a bottle of Alchemists fire at the tree in the center. For flavor Krod's hands glow dark pink and charge the object with the same energy and the launches the object] [The Tree Fella scorpion is commanded to take down one of the trees, its immunity allows it to engage the tree by itself without concern of elemental damage]   ... I don't know how but we're actually doing a good job of this... It also helps helps having a giant magical elk and a construct designed for cutting down trees but nevertheless...   ... We did it and of course Embler appears just as we finish. Oh well ! -Note-I've managed to gather the husks of the radiant butterfly's and the necrotic beetles, like the lightning and thunder bugs i might be able to derive a magical property from them. The necrotic wood on the other hand posses a different challenge, its not the fact I have to discover what I can learn from it, its actually working with the wood in question. Despite the necessary precautions I've taken to handle the wood it still has enough potency to cause me harm, perhaps when this is over a may discover more about how to work with elemental tree wood. He leads us on to meet up with Ximena and the militia, its a hill top overlooking a part of the forest. Appearing from the opposite direction is the group but before a word is spoken all of our eyes are cast on the horizon as the forest itself seems to be moving. It suddenly sinks in that its not the forest but what is moving within. Hordes of the Undead...   ...

Goblins, Treants and Wisps

...Galasha leads us deeper into the goblin village. It is a sigh of relief for us and a welcome sight to see goblins just going about their business and that our presence doesn't cause unrest. Galasha gestures to a some goblins known as Julga the Herbalist and Tylge the Smith. We meet with the village elder first, we are informed the name of this Chief is Gugena. considering the aid and trust the forest goblins have put in us, I suggest to Dolen and Killian that we are completely honest. I hope they understand that our reservation isn't taken as offence. -Note-A potential amazing opportunity presents itself to me personally. Learning unique crafting techniques from Tylge the smith and possibly Julga the herbalist. Its a rare occurrence that outsiders are allowed within the reclusive goblin communities and rarer still, outsiders being allowed to interact with the residents.   Chief Gugena informs us that the Infernal forest is in need of our aid. A being by the name of Ironroot has requested to speak with us. The way Gugena talks about Ironroot, I would assume that this character represents the will of the forest, whether it being on some sort of council or a higher authority. It is curious that they trust us with their business and possible issues, however the events that brought us together lie a quarter of a world away. After the events that occurred in Blaisingdell I think accumulating allies isn't a bad thing. -Note-A name comes up in the meeting that does peak our interest. Ximena. The leader of the Foresters and Woodsmen. After the events at the camp we assumed everyone was killed including her. Now we discover they have been in negotiations and with the town of Writh.. I know that Dolen, Killian and I find this suspicious, how she got away and requires further investigating.   [Killian, Dolen and Krod are given time within the goblin village with Galasha before the meeting with Ironroot]   I kindly ask my companions that we make a trip to the smith and they oblige, I am so grateful as whatever I learn may benefit us all in the long run. My curiosity is peaked to learn goblin crafting techniques. They also take an immediate interest in the wand, special tool and Tree Feller Scorpion. We are all informed that a Wizard by the name of Welger was the creator of these items and that they hold some hidden benefits linked to his work as a wand maker. Killian produces the curious items we found on the "slavers" by the Blaisingdell Mill. The reaction we get to the Dragon fang causes quite the stir, it is a symbol of the Goblin God of War Maglubiyet and that the forest goblins and other have freed themselves from the Gods grasp. A symbol like this is considered a bad Omen. After the time spent learning these fantastic facts and techniques Galasha informs us that the meeting is imminent and that we should leave. -Note-Tylge is an intriguing creature, It is unfortunate that communication is a struggle. Its as almost as if crafting and construction is a feeling or spiritual thing to them. Whereas I apply a logical and scientific approach. Despite our setbacks I am gifted a new wealth of knowledge. Being taught to be able to craft items using the wood of the Energy trees. They provide benefits equal to their elemental properties, however working with such a volatile material come at the cost of suffering from the effect yourself. I also gifted the full benefits of the heirlooms left by Welger the Wizard. -Welger's Wand of Lightning Wand, rare (requires attunement by a Spellcaster). The woodworking wand wizard Welger spent his life making wands from the wood of the energy trees growing around his tower. This wand was his best work and has qualities that set it apart from lesser wands. This wand has 8 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast the lightning bolt spell (save DC 16) from it. For 1 charge, you cast the 4th-level version of the spell. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you expend. The wand does an additional point of damage per damage die rolled. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand casts lightning bolt towards you then crumbles into ashes and is destroyed. -Welger's Wrench Wand, rare (requires attunement by a Spellcaster). To keep his constructs in good working order, Welger created a magical wrench. This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to touch a construct and repair it. For each charge expended, the construct regains 1d8 hit points. While holding it, you can take an hour to expend 7 of its charges to work on a “dead” construct and restore it to “life” with 1 hit point, provided it has been “dead” no longer than 10 days. If the construct has a soul, it must be willing and able to rejoin its body. Soulless constructs automatically return to life. This magic also neutralizes any poisons and cures nonmagical diseases that affected the construct at the time it died. It doesn't, however, remove magical diseases, curses, or similar effects; if these aren't first removed prior to restoring the construct, they take effect when it returns to life. The spell can't return an undead creature to life. This magic closes all mortal wounds, but it doesn't restore missing parts. If the creature is lacking parts integral for its survival--its head, for instance—the magic automatically fails. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into rust and is destroyed. -Welger's Amulet of Command Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement). Faced with the danger inherent to harvesting energy trees, the wood working wand wizard Welger built a scorpion-like construct to safely fell the trees. To control the construct, Welger made his amulet of command. On each of your turns, you can use a bonus action to mentally command the tree feller scorpion if it is within 60 feet of you. You decide what action it will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no commands, it only defends itself against hostile creatures. Once given an order, the scorpion continues to follow it until its task is complete. The Dragon fangs discovery provides us with evidence of a possible cult/secret organisation that could be uncovered if we find any involvement of Maglubiyet's influence and a possible way of infiltration into said groups if we need to delve further.   Galasha leads us away from the goblin village deeper into the forest...   By the Gods ! Ironroot is a Treant...   Well at this point I don't think holding anything back is an option. Killian seems to have taken that a bit literally. Its a good thing that he was honest and that this thing can see through the over-embellishment. After that trilling story... Ironroot gets to business and asks for our help to eliminate a necrotic possible necromancy problem plaguing the Infernal Forest. We all agree, in return for the aid they've given us already and possibly more in the future. A meeting is to take place that we're invited to to discuss the issues, perhaps we should ask Ximena how she got away when no one else did ? -Note-Ironroot tells us about the Iron and Bow trees created by Leluna a mage that cultivated unique traits into the trees on the borders of the Infernal Forest near the town of Writh. Developed to provide quicker construction of ship hulls and masts, shields, bows, siege weapons and fortifications. This rare wood is weaker than the standard materiel used in the construction of these items but allows more flexibility in it applications.   Our meeting concludes with Ironroot disappearing into the Infernal Forest. Galasha points us the direction to take to get to the meeting, she also inform us of a ruin nearby that if we were to clear it would be beneficial however a tale about a the ruin exists about the wealthy family that were murdered there by a begrudged wizard that cursed them to never rest. Dolen, Killian and I agree on-route to take a look into this haunted place. Ironroot mentioned a necrotic problem, solving this minor problem may add more confidence in our ability to help.   ...This place feels wrong. There appears to be a magical perimeter determined by the pillars with the skulls mounted on them. Breaking this magical line could lead to multiple negative outcomes. We need to investigate the pillars furth... Ah !!! -Note-It appears that one spirit here remains sane enough to warn us away. More spirits appear and are unable to move past the magical line, they advise us to topple the pillars. This gives us the information we needed to keep them contained at least. Why would Galasha send us here ? There is a chance we won't be able to cleanse it ?   Dolen and Killian broke the line, chivalrous fools !... Damn it ! Wisps and they're bloody engaging ! We need to take care of this -Note-The Wisps are incorporeal and its very difficult to hit them through conventional means. My spells fired through the barrier seem to change either their innate properties or color, either way magical attacks appear to be the most effective.   ... That was an awful experience. Dolen fell again. I need to find a way to help him ! The Wisp that maintained its sanity explains that the pillars are to be destroyed to cleanse the ruin. Apparently her family was decorated for there service during the war decades ago and were awarded wealth as well as this land they reside at the expense of another family. A descendant of which still carried a grudge and so murdered and cursed the souls never to rest... ... Terrible... At least now they may rest -Note- The Wisp awarded us for our service, a bitter sweet experience but not unwelcome. She described a secret compartment at the base of a broken statue within the ground and how to access it. Within the compartment is: A bag of holding. [Within the bag] -Bundle of legal and financial documents, including the deeds to the retreat and property in the city. -10 100 gp gems -50 platinum pieces -250 gp ring -A suit of adamantine chainmail armor -250 gp in scattered coins, gems and jewelry   ...

Thunder and Lightning

... It seems that what we've been hearing at the camp is none other than a rare but natural phenomenon. One tree infused with the energy of lightning and another smaller tree with energy of thunder. There isn't a lot of information about these trees, giving it a wide berth seems to be the most intelligent option. The area nearby might be a good idea to set up camp to rest. The illusion of bad weather emanating from these trees could provide a natural deterrent against predators and other threats. -Note- While we're here I would like to observe and study as much of these trees as possible. I wonder if the wood extracted from the tree keeps its properties. I can see multiple applications in the use of this material.   Ah ! Swarms of literal lightning bugs...   We seem to be in a tricky situation. Mainly that we can't bloody hit them !   Damn it ! Dolen is down !... What the ? Oh fantastic now we have literal swarms of thunder bugs to deal with !   Ugh ! After that fiasco, we finally can take a moment to breath. Thanks to Dolens' lack of caution we know to stay at least 30ft away from the trees. We set up camp nearby and actually manage to get some rest. -Note- Collecting the bug husks might prove beneficial in the future. Who knows what magical properties can be extracted and repurposed. I don't want to get close to the trees as it appears a natural aura surrounds them, possibly as a form of protection ? The wood from the trees seems to have kept its natural properties. This means that it has to be treated with care because who knows what could happen once the wood has been detached from the tree. I can't study it now! I need time in a more secure environment but I am excited as to what mysteries can be unlocked.   After conferring with Killian and Dolen we decide the best course of action is to keep heading north/north west through the forest. Perhaps we might be lucky enough to come across the forest goblin village that Embler granted us access to. All I know is that every time we think we're safe, fate has other ideas. On this occasion maybe fate is on our side. Killian has managed to summon up a giant Elk. This will make travel a lot more swift... ... Interesting! We've stumbled upon a statue of a figure holding what appears to be a wand up high and a weapon or tool I've never seen before. Naturally we all approach with caution...   The area is guarded. From what I can determine, as it emerges from the earth, is a strange construct in the form of a scorpion. Instead of a stinger it has a buzzing saw. -Note- This construct looks old. It doesn't seem to be aggressive but definitely on the defensive. Its activation happened when we got closer to the statue. I want to attempt to communicate with it. A construct such as this needs to be studied, understood and preserved.   Argh ! It's attacking. Damn it all ! I wanted to avoid this. Looks like my curiosity will have to wait until this construct is non functional. I don't want to risk my companions safety - even for a discovery such as this.   [Killian sends the giant elk to attack the Tree Feller Scorpion construct, followed by attacks from Killian himself. After the previous encounter, Dolen stays at range firing with his bow. Krod uses a scroll of Acid Splash on the Tree Feller Scorpion construct and discovers its resistance to elemental damages.   It's done. Wicked waste... I can't let an opportunity like this pass. I just can't. That being said my companions take priority, We are together in this. I just hope they see the benefits of any potential discovery. They allow my study. For their trust I will be certain to repay them. -Note- The statue houses a Wand of lightning bolts. This shall be attuned and incorporated into my arcane armor as I did with the Wand of magic missiles. A boon that can allow me to enhance my lightning launcher. The statue also houses from what I see now, a tool used in the either the construction, maintenance or even worship of the Construct. After careful study I actually manage to use the tool to repair the construct and bring it under my command. This isn't just a monumental achievement but it's also a boon to the group as a whole.   [Krod sets command word as Deforestation]   It's Embler ! I don't want to know how long he's been watching us fumble around. He has offered to lead us to his village, fortuitous as we have just be trusting our instincts thus far and its done nothing but lead us into almost deadly encounters. I sense no malice from Embler. However we are being lead to a goblin village anything could happen ?   Finally we meet with Galasha the Tree Talker. Let's see what she has to say...

Run !!!

...We're surrounded ! Blast it ! There's more at the entrance ! We won't survive unless I need to buy us more time ! [Krod casts 2nd level spell Web at the entrance to the encampment to stop the second group from entering-The Web spell appears as an * icon on Krods gauntlet that glows white and when cast is summoned at the position that it's cast at]   The cook ?! Really ?! Shes behind this slaughter ?! ...Well she wasn't much of a cook anyway, I suppose we we've only one objective now ! Damn it ! We're still getting stuck by arrows and she's burnt the Web ! We're going to be overrun !   Dolen isn't looking good and yells for us all to run. I don't like to flee from a fight but I have to agree. I care for the well being of my new companions but its every man for themselves at this point this is a fight with the odds stacked against us. -Note-Additional to the skeletons are the summoned shadows that are resistant to our regular strikes. This is incredibly problematic as my colleagues have limited magical abilities to defeat such adversaries.   [The 2nd level Web spell has burned away and the other group of undead start to move in]   Dolen shrouds himself with his innate magical ability to create a small void of darkness. Excellent strategy ! The creatures cannot see in magical darkness. I see Killian being surrounded and the sphere of darkness Dolen created moving towards him. I assume the distraction and obstruction will provide them enough time to escape... What the ?! Ah ! Killian's teleportation, I see he's heading for the encampment walls. I cannot wait any longer, I've got to get over the wall too... -Note-I have a theory that Lelasha the cook is controlling this hoard somehow. She does not seem to be holding concentration on an ongoing spell, which must mean she has another method of control ? If we had a more advantageous position in this combat we might've been able to test this theory.   That Blundering Oaf ! Killian has decided to take on Lelasha and her guard by himself. It appears to have the same idea I had about her controlling the horde. I have to admire that ridiculous fool. His bravery is to be commended. I can't leave him now. I've got to help him ! [Krod cast's 1st level spell Faerie Fire on Lelasha, Skeleton Captain, Summoned Shadow and a group of skeleton warriors-The Faerie Fire spell uses the gem like node in Krods palm to fire his Lightning Launcher. A gem in one palm glows blue and ignites in blue fire and the gem in the other glows green and ignites in green fire. Krod grips his hands together until the combined fire becomes violet and projects it]   Wow ! Killian is lucky to have that innate ability to project a magical shield... Ah ! Bloody Hell ! It's Dolen thank the Gods ! Not good he looks almost dead...I think that now we have on opening now, we have to try to 'cut the head off the snake' so to speak.   Killian won't last much longer. I need to try and end this... [Krod cast's 2nd level Catapult spell-Krod pulls out a 10 foot metal chain, pink runes appears on the knuckles of Krods gauntlets. Krod runs his hand down the chain charging the chain with pink energy and launches the chain]   Got the Bitch ! ...Control of the horde hasn't lifted though ?! Killian suggests the skeleton captain. I wonder if the adrenaline of combat improves his intelligence ?   Yes ! The Captain is defeated !... No ! Their Swarming !... We need to get out of here now !... RUN !!! -Note-The skeleton captain appears to given the skeleton horde direction. With its destruction the horde have become mindless attacking the nearest living creature. This would've been advantageous if we had taken out the captain first. The horde would've turned against Lelasha.   [Killian, Dolen and Krod run and head 2 hours out into the forest away from the encampment to escape] ...We have no choice but to brave the forest at night. We know there is another encampment a few hours away and decide as group to get there as swiftly as possible. We're being watched ? We can all see twinkling red and yellow eyes. The good news is that it isn't the undead horde, bad news we don't know whats out there, beaten, bloodied and no energy left we cant take any chances, we cant engage. -Note-Dolen decides to try and get the drop on whatever is tracking us. To help I use my minor magical ability to make a stone glow and toss it. This I hope will cause enough distraction by engaging with whatever is out there for Dolen to disappear.   Forest Goblins ! An unexpected development. Embler the Forest Stalker, the leader of this party informs us they've been tracking us for some time. Embler appears to be negotiable and has some sense of honor as he hasn't attacked us yet. He can see how beaten we are we're not a threat to him. After explaining what has happened to us in the past few hours and that we came from the foresters encampment having to fight our way out he informs us they've wiped out the the undead horde. A relief as we can now make our way back instead of finding our way through the forest. -Note-Forest Goblins are masters of stealth in their natural environment and even though Dolen disappeared expertly, he never stood a chance getting the drop on these creatures. Embler has given us safe passage through his village if we come across it. If we are to be approached he has given us the name of Galasha the Tree Talker to use. This is a massive sign of respect as we are outsiders. As a reclusive culture maybe they have unseen methods of crafting I can observe and learn ?   ...What an horrific sight. The encampment is littered with bodies and undead remnants. I persuade the others to tidy up this mess, search for the personnel belongings of the woodsman and foresters, if we are to report what has happened here there is at least some closure. So we don't get any unexpected guests we burn the bodies and in this instance Killian muttering a prayer is welcomed...   ...Thunder ? It's coming from the north. That's not natural, that's magical ? Embler's village is that way too. I suppose the path is laid out for us now...

The Infernal Forest

...What a dreadful experience. All in one piece I see. We're appear to be exactly where we were in the forest just after the Redcap ambush, surrounded by the different colored mushrooms. -Note-The ring of wishes is an extremely powerful magical item. I know from my studies that once all wishes are used nothing and I mean nothing can replenish its ability to function unless a completely new ring or object is created. Nevertheless I will keep the ring to study and determine if its construction can be originated to a source in this world.   We appear to have company ! There seems to be no rest for us...   Woodsman and Foresters by the look of their garb. That's not what made the roar though, they seem to either be on the hunt or being hunted. Despite the innocent and plausible nature of this group Killian, Dolen and I will still not drop our guard. Not after everything we've just experienced.   We are told the by a human women Ximena the leader of the group that the Woodsman and Foresters she leads work for the noble family in the nearby town of Pernrith on the outskirts of the forest in the search of a very valuable tree that only grows here. Here being the Infernal Forest. -Note-At a glance I'd say Ximena is a Druid or Ranger of some kind, she appears to have a bond or has bonded to a wolf that she calls Obol. I have heard and read about the benefits of having a familiar or bonded creature. Channeling magic, seeing through their eyes, providing help and distraction. Perhaps there's a way for me to construct a familiar as I lack the capibilities to magically summon one ?   Ugh ! More questions.   How did we get so far away Blaisingdell ? How did we survive the execution of the Blaisingdell Gurad ? How were we abducted and transformed by the Necromancer Heldrian ? Why is this all happening to us ? The only thing we have in common is that dammed letter ?   Beaten, lost and tired, we have no choice but to ally ourselves with this group. Whilst on the trail, Killian regales them of our over-exaggerated exploits. We travel for the rest of the day and a rudimentary camp has already been established by the other half of the group. Ximena allows us to have some of their food and informs us that their job is being hindered by a creature that is preventing them to make a solid base to set up their operation. The creature in question is an Owlbear. To pay our way so to speak we all agree to take care of the Owlbear, with Dolen's expertise as a hunter I believe we have an advantage. We dont know if we can trust these folks so we take it in turns to watch each others backs. To keep occupied I ask Dolen to help me perfect more Alchemical learning. -Note-Always read the fine print especially when a person you've never met is being charitable. 90% of the time they always want something in return or at least guilt you into it. Taking care of this Owlbear may increase our reputation as reliable folks in the local area and any resources we gain along the way can help us in our en devours to unlock the mystery of Blaisingdell and the letters. Hunting an Owlbear is a good field test for my secondary Arcane armor and Infusions. I've reconfigured my Lightning launchers from a ranged weapon into a melee weapon I call Thunder gauntlets. The pay off is that my armor is not as maneuverable but this is where my infusions come in to pick up the slack. Hunting requires us to be quiet so I've infused my crossbow with a rune of repetition that allows multiple bolts to be fired and not reload. Another is an infusion is to my boots that allow a minor amount of teleportation however its more a fast retreat than reposition or advancement on foes.   The Hunt begins, we set off ahead in front of the woodsman and foresters. Dolen leads the way of course. It doesn't take us long to find the beasts lair, I can see that Dolen has his reservations about the whole thing as he rushes ahead probably to try and subdue the beast before Killian and myself get involved.   Excellent ! Dolen has found its lair... By the Gods ! The Owlbear is bigger than I thought !... Oh that Bloody Elf ! Blundering in by himself ! Damn it all !...   ... Oh ! Just in the nick of time Ximena turns up ! But only after myself and my colleagues get ripped apart and fall and after I end up caving the beasts head in they're regretful that we couldn't find another way to deal with the beast. Everyone's a critic. At least now we can make some progress. -Note-Owlbear pelt is decent money but I have no time to recover it. Unfortunate as different quality leathers provide versatility in crafting and producing items. My field test on my secondary Arcane armor has yielded interesting results. Despite accommodating for my lack of a range strike with my enhanced crossbow, the Lightning launcher provides more solid results striking out using instinct as oppose to skill and being able to channel an excess lightning charge is always beneficial. On top of this my Thunder gauntlets on my secondary armor provide the same amount of damage as my Battleaxe which provide me a melee option, I also have the advantage to channel my innate magic through this weapon allowing a versatile fighting style. I shall reconfigure back to my primary armor when the chance to rest.   After our slog through the forest we come upon the main encampment.... says this is to be the base of operations within the Infernal forest but it is incomplete. To help get the operation going and to build up our already growing reputation. Dolen and I make ourselves useful. Dolen joins the hunting parties as we have increased the amount of mouth's to feed. I put my basic skills to work and help foresters build the encampment walls. Killian preaches and prays... I have no words... A day of solid labor is good brake for the mind and after some good food I have the good Dolen to thank its a welcome reprieve from our current predicaments. I shall revert my armor back to its primary, swap out an invocation and cantrip or two then rest...   What the ! Ugh ! Why has Dolen woke us up in the middle of the night. I think the death of the Owlbear has gotten to him, I mean what could possibly be wrong now... Shit !   Undead everywhere ! Surrounded ! The Woodsman. The Foresters they're all dead. Blast it all !... Mmmm well some small consolation is that Killian knew all along. Thanks Killian ! I hope we live long enough for us thank you !...            

The Ghoul, The Ghast and the Ghost

Ugh ! I feel terrible... Oh ! What Now !... Ah ! My hands...   By the Gods ! A Bloody Ghoul is tied up next to me ! I've got to get out of my bindings and find the others. This room is dark and dank. A smell of death hangs in the air and with the only light coming from a nearby torch I'd hazard a guess we're somewhere underground in a Dungeon or Tomb of some kind ? -Note-I've encountered a few Ghouls in my travels, but I've never met one that is quite so placid. They're normally aggressive and attack on sight. Time is of the essence but I will do a quick study of this Ghoul and the surrounding area to determine possible chemical or mental influence.   By the Gods ! My hands. I have claws ? My skin. Oh no !...   I cant think about this right now. I've got to find the other two and get out of here. I just hope nothing bad has happened to them !   Bloody Hell ! Dolen is the Ghoul ! Ha ! Well at least I don't have to go looking for him now,. He doesn't seem to know what's going on either. It appears we're both in the same situation. No sign of Killian but I'm grateful not to be alone in this horrible place. -Note-Discovering Dolen as a Ghoul is bizarre. His voice and intelligence has remained the same and what I feared about myself is true too, I appear to be a Ghast hence the claws. My voice and intelligence has remained too. My theory points towards a form of necromancy ? Our consciousness has remained but our original Vessel's have been changed.   Damn it ! Augusten I knew you held a grudge but I didn't think you'd stoop this far...   The claws definitely help releasing the bindings. The room holds no clues to help our current situation. Just an abundance of dead bodies. We find a key to unlock the cadged door to this room - we're in. Dolen and I concur we're in some kind of dungeon and we must get out ! Ugh ! I stink ! Ah ! It appears our exit is blocked by a giant Zombie. This will be interesting ! -Note-In our new vessels Dolen and I have lost connection to the magic we wield. From what I know of these undead creatures their claws carry a level of petrifaction that can cause paralysis on a strike and the overbearing smell from myself appears to be potent enough to have poisonous properties.   A Ghost ! Killian is a Ghost... I have no words... Hahaha ! "Killian you look even more handsome than you were before" Thank you Dolen ! I needed that. Killian seems to have come from another part of this pit we find ourselves in. The rooms provide no more clues as to where we might be. -Note-A benefit to our situation is that Killian can move through walls as a Ghost. This will help us scout ahead for dangers that can be encountered. Another benefit that I've only read about is that some ghosts can possess other beings. This maybe key in reversing the ritual, curse or whatever has happened to us.   Despite our undead forms we appear to be making progress. We have managed to slay another undead creature who appears to be on guard. More corpses, a couple of humanoids and a horse. Cutting and dissecting apparatus suggest we are definitely in the lair of a necromancer or cult of somekind. Contents of the storage cupboard adjacent to the "lab" A Rangers Cloak-This must belong to the poor soul we found. A golden ring with three inlaid stones. Two of the stones are dull, but one glows faintly-There's something about this ring I cant put my finger on ? -Note-I'm not educated in the school of necromancy but from what I can gather from the collection of books and diagrams suggest a crude formula to create skeletal/undead servants.   Augusten is a bitter, insufferable, stuck up, entitled pointy eared bastard but he would not stoop this low as to use necromancy as a way of getting one up on me. I can imagine to him, the school of necromancy is dirty and a waste of magical ability. Why try to master death when you can find a way to live forever...   We've found our equipment ! This is a small consolation as we still remain within the Ghoul, the Ghast and The Ghost. Killian suggested an interesting theory that the undead creatures slain may represent the blank gems and that we need to slay a final one to break the spell or curse ? I don't think this is related to the ring. Again there's something about it i can't put my finger on ?... I can only speculate and take one step at a time at this point. At this time I'm willing to take faith in my companions speculations.   A necromancer ! We have you now... -Note-A master stroke from Killian. He had the foresight to use his ghostly form to possess the stitched monster, Heldrian dubbed his "darling". Ironic that he should be killed by the very creature he created. Well done Killian, I swear he's more effective as a ghost than he was as a human. Perhaps I should study some of theses ancient Tomes to see if I can craft some form of Ectoplasmic weapon, armor or tool for him ?   Contents of the Necromancer Heldrian and his ritual chamber. Helm of Comprehend Languages A leather purse with 1 gp, 14 sp, 3 cp, and a small green jade stone (value 3 gp). Heldrian’s spell book is clad in burgundy leather. A Scroll of Create Undead. Heldrian’s non-magical books-contents of which are arcane lore, necromancy, and anatomy subjects. Most of the books are in poor condition-worth up to 300 gp to the right collector.   Heldrians death hasn't broken our spell or curse ? Perhaps his sleeping quarters may provide answers ?   Contents of Heldrian personal chamber. Potion of Water Breathing. Potion of Greater Healing. Elixir of Health. Scroll of Acid Splash.   Useful tools but nothing to reverse the spell or curse upon us ? Going outside has not changed us either ? We cannot determine were we are either. If we were to leave this place as the creatures we are, we will surely be killed ! Why have not we not reverted back !? What have we missed !? The Ring ! I remember now ! In my studies of magical items there was a ring that existed that granted the user 3 wishes, the gems on the ring represent the charges or uses left. We have one use...   I hope this works...      

What ?... Where are we now ?

... Argh ! I'm alive ! ... What is happening ! ... I can't see ! ... I feel the earth ! ... I've got to get out !   [Krod use's a combination of his natural strength and innate telekinetic power to emerge from his shallow grave]   ... The see the others climb out of their shallow graves too. It's good that we're all back together despite our predicament. We're not dead it seems but we're in a bad way. No sign of Blaisingdell, in fact I don't think we are even in the same region anymore, neither myself or my companions can to determine our exact location. -Note Upon inspection of the surrounding area there are no tracks or traces of our murderers to be found. This raises a lot of questions. I believe what I see with my own senses and I know I have a lot to learn about the complexities of the Arcane but I can't deny a possible supernatural element beyond explanation at work here because we should be dead. Fact.   Dolen is back to leading the way, even with his mastery of tracking and hunting he seems to be at a loss. A main road cuts through the land and there are forests to the north and to the south that will provide us with shelter. At a glance the forest to the south seems to be more abundant in terms of growth, more life means more resources. Almost dead and Dolen still insists on scouting ahead. Then again its probably a good thing as Killian is as subtle as a hammer on iron and that's just his personality. An Inn in this desolate place ? Damn it all ! At this point we can't be picky, we all agree we have no choice but to take shelter here as out in the open we are vulnerable.   Like everything else in this region the Inn the name of which is called The Voyager appears to be just as desolate. Upon entering there's no one to be found and then out of nothing appears a Human who calls himself Jonas. Not a very charismatic individual, in fact he seems to emotionally void which is fantastic entertainment as Killian attempts to this charm this pillar of stone. He provides us with a room and food. He's vague on the details of payment and that put everyone of us on edge. Nothing in life is free but we have nowhere else to go. -Note Due to the lack of staff and patrons I suspect that this Inn is magical in nature. Listening to Jonas describe The Voyager. A theory of mine suggests is that the Inn appears to travelers who are in dire need and Jonas is either a mage of some kind or magical being who is connected to the Inn itself. Whether this is safe place is yet to be determined. For all we know this is an illusion put in place to lure us in to our final end. A curious tip-jar lies on a table at the bottom of the staircase on a small table with a code, the numbers 0023481. Killian dumps 10 Gold pieces into the jar. I suspect this will determine how comfortable our stay is ?   Despite the comfort the room will provide us we all search it for possible traps or hidden areas. Nothing to be found so we all get ourselves cleaned up washing of the dirt and blood and head down for our food, possibly our last.   Jonas seemingly appearing out of thin air again provides us with a menu and multiple options. An establishment like this must have a hidden cost to it ? Killian decides to pay for our drinks and food. I'm too tired to argue so I accept his hospitality. -Note the supernatural element seems to be becoming more plausible as the fire in the hearth changes colour when Killian makes his prayers. There are alchemical agents that can cause this to happen but the lack of agents being present and coincidence of the flame change can't be ignored. The food order is as follows; Killian-Mallard thighs cooked in a sweet vodka sauce served with a whole-grain muffin-4 sp-Pirate's Rusty Red-2 sp-Orange Quince Whiskey-1 sp. Dolen-Duck breast sauteed in a velvety cheese sauce served with a slice of swiss cheese-6sp-Sour Mossy Mead-4sp-Orange Quince Whiskey-1 sp. Krod-Charred flumphs cooked in a wine sauce served with a piece of wheat bread-6 sp-Mind Flayer Psychic Ale-1sp-Orange Quince Whiskey-1 sp.   Its a good to be alone with my new companions, share a possible one final meal and fine drink without the cares of the world outside. We decide on a watch rotation and to fortify the room... I just hope we see another day.   Ah ! As predicted. Too good to be true. Despite waking up in the forest with the Inn nowhere to be found I feel rested and so do my companions. Many questions are left unanswered, how infuriating but we must move onward... -Note I don't let the others know but I wanted to leave a message of my personnel appreciation, friend or foe we were saved. Carved on a tree I awoke from the message reads "Thank you Jonas".   Ominous much ! A clearing surrounded by purple, blue and red mushrooms and in the center is a chest. Dolen masterfully throws a stone at the chest and it sparks. Curious. I attempt to lift one of these mushrooms using my psyhonic's but they seem to be too well rooted as we cant determine the type of mushroom they are we don't want to risk getting too close. Another bright idea from Killian, we must be dead. He produces a giant rat from his bag of tricks and sends it forth to investigate, we all follow the route the giant rat took to avoid possible hazards...   ...Ambush ! -Note The creatures seem to be a Fey creature of called a Redcap. Bloodthirsty and just plain evil. The weapons they wield despite crude have a nasty brutality to them. The Iron Boots almost kill all us in one hit ! I will make a note of there construction, material and skill in the future I am going to find a way to incorporate this into my arcane armor as the benefits of bludgeoning a foe with your feet as a secondary attack will keep the enemy off balance.   Contents of the Redcaps; Playing cards Flower, safely tucked away in a pocket Pocket sand A box of candles 11 cp Flower, safely tucked away in a pocket   The contents of this chest appears to be used as a trap for the Redcap's to lure travelers to their death. Contents of the chest; 1000 cp 7000 sp 1700 gp 2 Bronze crowns worth 250 gp each Silver necklace with a gemstone pendant worth 250gp Carved ivory statuette worth 250 gp A dog mask that changes the color of what it touches to a random color once per day-An intriguing magical item. Upon inspection it turned my brown leather belongings bag to a bright yellow-Further study may cause different color changes depending on the material. A pair of arm less hovering spectacles that can make a sound only heard by up to 5 creatures of your choice within 60 feet-Another intriguing magical item. The spectacles themselves offer no benefit in terms of actual sight but this sound that is emitted can be utilized as a warning, alert or code that only the group will know.

Head's Up !

[Dolen has become enshrouded in some form of stasis field]   ...The door slams shut. it seems as if the world itself has shifted to an alternate state of itself ? Killian and I attempt to open the door to the guard house to escape the fury of whatever Magical or primeval force is out there, it seems the door has been sealed somehow, there's no budging this thing ! Perhaps overthinking the situation due to our current predicament. I decide to apply a logical solution. Picking the lock, for all we know its just been locked from the outside... Damn it all ! Failure ! Another approach is needed. Deconstruction, I'm not one to simply destroy someone else's hard work unless absolutely necessary... What on earth ! The screws seem to be magically reforming after being removed. Killian seems to have applied the same logic. Lacking any type of finesse after my attempt decides to hack the door down, I am inclined to agree now though. Whatever is out there its getting worse...   ... Wait... The storm has subsided, the door is open and its seems nothing about the day has changed since before we rolled the dice... -Note I have multiple theories about these dice that will need to be explored. One theory about these dice suggest that the number rolled 1 being negative and 8 being positive as we have both ends of the scale to compare will determine the experience witnessed by those who are either in the near vicinity of the one who has rolled or share another connection (we have fought together/bonded by conflict). The experience seems to either magically echo in the mind or magically transport those who are apart of the experience in question. Another addition to the connection of those in the experience is that the guard that we subdued didn't seem to be in the same place we were and afterwards he acted like nothing had happened ? It is imperative that we discover more as they have become more frequent part of this groups current journey and we must determine there purpose !   Blast it ! O'Mara voice booms throughout the village and he actually decides to do something clever for a change and call my companions bluff. Calling out our wannabe hero, holy than thou, nothing but action man to confront the towns guard in the middle of the streets can only end in one outcome. As much as I want to just get away to regather ourselves and recuperate, find out whats happened to Dolen, I cant leave Killian alone. Its time to find out the truth !   Interesting It turns out O'Mara is responsible for turning a blind eye to the strange goings on in this village. A classic case of one in authority, abusing their authority. What I find shocking is his ignorance. Cultists, dark rituals, monstrosities and un-dead plague this small village and its inhabitants and turns a blind eye as long as he's paid his due. I will give him his due now ! -Note Killian's bag of tricks produced a Panther, If we survive this i must ask him to be able to utilize this sometime for future projects. In this moment crowd control will do ! If Dolen was hear he'd provide brilliant cover with his bow upon the rooftops. Again if we survive crafting some sort of climbing device would be beneficial in general and combat... Maybe I could find a way to utilize the grappling hook within a crossbow ?   5 Guards plus the more experienced Sargent against the two of us and a magically conjured panther... I wont lie I'm not hopeful especially we're an elf down and at half strength...   Goodbye O'Mara you rotten headless Bastard ! -Note The Wand of Magic Missiles I've incorporated into my armor hasn't let me down. [Magic Missiles appear as Iridescent crystal darts the size of arrowheads. When the missile is fired it leaves an ethereal blue smoke trail and sounds like a firework and thuds on impact] Despite my hatred towards the now headless O'Mara his death was a tactical choice, the alpha is dead the pack should be put of guard, best case scenario run away, we'll see... This is it we failed... Despite my ignorance and prejudice towards the pointy ears. Dolen is a cunning character not easily fooled, a master of his craft and I trust him to solve this situation as he has good head on his shoulders especially after our hour of rehabilitation. He is the only one who can save us now !   ...Who is That !

...Into the Fire

[... The party solve the Puzzles and escape]   I cant help but be impressed at the ingenuity of these puzzles the gnomes left in this chamber. Despite the puzzles simplistic nature its deceptive in how it makes one overthink and waste time to find the solution. Lord Robert the other soul left to die down here has given some interesting insight in solving these puzzles, despite his frailness his mind is still sharp. I'm impressed with Killian's problem solving and fortitude, the amount of literal blood he put into solving these mysteries is commendable. -Note possible solutions to put to gnomish puzzles in the future. Statues-if incomplete, requires completion structurally and a gesture to its purpose for example a sacrifice of ones own blood. Writings-read carefully, not to the true nature of whats being said but how it written for example a sequence of colors and the advice of the souls who failed previously. Architectural-there is a reason for everything made and how its made for example the indents in columns for climbing and a stone slab that requires weight to reveal a secondary chamber. Clock-despite its obvious nature counting down to our doom in this scenario additional mechanisms are set into place for example moving the hands in a sequence that matches the solution. Shrine-what looks to be sacred in nature, a final form of repentance before the end may provide alternative solutions for example physically touching what you think in the outside world shouldn't be touched. Abnormalities-underneath what appears to dangerous or damaged in nature may hide solutions for example a small pit of acid once drained and a crack in a tile once opened revel solutions. Death Trap-the very placement of what might kill you may hold another purpose for example the vent expelling the poison gas became the way out after solving the puzzles.   Daylight. We've escaped ! A quick glance at the surrounding area puts us near the Chapel of Rehabilitation, this cant be coincidental as the chamber we just escaped was used for 'rehabilitation'. interesting that we've ended up this far away ? Unarmed, weak and on the run. We all decide to head up to the chapel and get out of the open. Perhaps there is something in the chapel that might shed some light as to what is going on around here ? Note-The distance traveled from the guard house to the exit of the chamber definitely transported us via magical means, maybe not as potent as a teleportation but a certainly a temporal shunt. The utility of temporal shunting is a boon that I need to unlock.   Damn it all ! Killian said we've been spotted. We haven't got long !   The Chapel appears to hold no clues. Simple depictions of healing the sick body and mind. Even after Dolen decided scale the exterior to gauge any abnormalities on the top of the structure, frustrating.   We need our equipment ! Dolen, Killian and I decide to head towards the guard house via the outskirts of the village along the tree line. We have no idea as to how far this corruption runs within the community. I have to give the oaf credit, he managed to diffuse a situation that he created. That's what happens when you decide to try and sneak in heavy armor, you fall over and have to bride a child not to tell anyone. Note-If I am to be travelling with these two for the foreseeable, I'm going to have to craft them some better gear that counter acts there weaknesses. Look into Mithril alloy for Killian as his armor is not very quiet and imbue an item of strength for Dolen as his natural strength is lacking.   The river is more vicious than we initially thought, we're all exhausted and we haven't even made it to the guard house yet. Ugh ! I can tell I'm at the end of my tether with this place. I'm not going to deny that I am inpatient and stubborn to a point but now I'm feeling angry and want retribution. My knowledge should never be used to maliciously harm another but with everything going on, I'm struggling not to give in...   Something within the village seems to have drawn the guards away. Excellent ! I make my way inside alone and find our equipment, everything seems to be there.   Spotted ! A lone guard on his way back to the guard house. Despite my frustrations and wanting to exact some form of retribution we still don't know whats going on around here, this lad could very well be innocent. Note-Spell utility observation. Invisibility is amazing for non-detection when needing to extract something and infiltration when needing to enter a guarded or restricted area undetected. Web can be utilized to restrain someone or something from escaping or even falling also to lock an area down, this can be used as an escape tool too to block the way for those that chase you.   We managed to drag the lone guard out of sight into the guard house. I want to have a look round too, if there is any clues to be uncovered they must be found...   ...Another 8 sided bone dice. That's 3 of them now ?... A 1 is the outcome of this role and suddenly the environment changes, a storm brews in moments, wind, rain and thunder. We maybe out of time !...

Out of the frying pan...

After resting in this so called abandoned windmill. We find ourselves in a bit of a crossroads. Despite resting we are all still short on resources. Dolen wants to check out the chapel. I am inclined to agree somewhat as the mystery of the bells that ring at the roll of the dice is a fascinating riddle to uncover ? curiosity however will have to wait. After a discussion on the route back down from the mill the group decided to head back into the village, report our findings and rest. Note-Gnomes seem to have a large part to play in the underlying mysteries of this village. More information and resources are needed to determine their exact influence. There is definitely their signature on the architecture, magical and non-magical.   Despite being gone for only a few hours. It feels like weeks... my colleagues and i have decided to go back to local merchants to stock up on some more items to help us in our en devours. The items that we procured from the wagon at the windmill will require time to identify as to there purpose. That's my evening sorted, interestingly though Killian produces a couple of the items and asks if Wude the owner of 'The Trusty Feather' can identify them. Of course she couldn't, shes just a merchant but its amusing to watch this macho buffoon trying to impress, especially with statue of himself. Its seems that what was once a simple task of discovering the truth behind the letters has lead to us cleaning up this backwater village unraveling dark mysteries, fighting creatures and even more questions. Note-'Clink and Clanks' Battleaxe-I think a greater weapon is required for close quarters combat. 10 feet of metal chain-I have some ideas to make this item more useful than it sounds. Hunting traps-Useful for fortifying a position. after our previous exploits theses will become invaluable. Note-'The Trusty Feather' Alchemists Fire-After the success with catapulting the vial of Acid I am intrigued to see the outcome of this particular compound. Killian brought up an interesting point whilst doing his ridiculous mating dance. Merchants may be able to provide additional services, this may include magical services and possibly special stock. I feel that this will more relevant to the major town merchants but nerveless something to look out for.   The excursion to the windmill definitely needs to be reported. We've found the guard house and there is still no sign of the Guard Captain yet, just some of the farm boys that call themselves guards. This is becoming more frustrating. We don't want to over step the boundaries of the law but we will defend ourselves. The situations that have arisen need to be taken seriously. Leave it to Killian to explain what happened, I cant take much more of this, my frustrations with these incompetent guards has reached its limit.   ...[Krod walks away from the Guards, Killian and Dolen]   Evening time in 'The Windy Goat'. Theli provides us with a well deserved drink and meal. No sign of the healer and it turns out a shipment of food and drink that Theli ordered has gone missing. I have no doubt that the wagon we came across was the missing shipment because of his patronage I give him the shipment he ordered. Afterwards I leave my companions and go up early as I've got a lot of work to do in regards to identifying the rest of the plunder. Between trips up and down the stairs Isee my companions have fell into their usual roles. Killian is showing of to the masses whilst Dolen sits in the shadows and watches. Note-My discoveries in identification of the items we collected. Statue of the Elf jester-This statuette can become a raven for up to 12 hours. Once it has been used, it can't be used again until 2 days have passed. While in raven form, the figurine allows you to cast the animal messenger spell on it at will. Spyglass with Blue lenses-Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. In conditions of clear visibility, you can make out details of even extremely distant creatures and objects as small as 2 feet across. -Dolen the hunter will get the most benefit from these items. No more Discoveries made from these other trinkets accept for the statue that looks like Killian. After casting the Arcane ritual of identification the strong smell of death percolates from the statue. As I gave it back to Killian he did not notice the smell. Curious I feel the statue contains more secrets than a simple ritual reveals.   Morning has come and after breakfast we decide to go to the guard house again hopefully to report directly to the guard captain. What we find is the Sargent with the guards we saw yesterday and a prisoner ? What ! An accusation of theft and murder ! That lying troglodyte guard claims that he and his little posse cleared the windmill out of the bloody Goblins and that we came in possibly killed and stole from the dead merchants. Lies ! Despite Killian and Dolen negotiating a Zone of Truth it appears that we are being resisted. I don't like this. The Sargent doesn't want to listen and is denying any attempt to reason and that lying little Shit guard is trying to wiggle out of it. He wont get far ! He will face truth and judgement. The prisoner claims to be a survivor of the incident at the windmill, we must have missed him. Yes we did take the contents of the wagon but theft is a strong word. He seems petrified of something.   We've been double crossed ! We're trapped ! We haven't got long ! We need to find a way out or we will die down here !   Rehabilitation. Things are starting to make sense about the strange goings on around here, however we must first find a way out of this immense chamber. Note-The Gnomes are starting to rear their heads again. It appears from the stonework that they built this chamber. It is unknown as to the chambers true purpose, judging from the skeletons this is what they mean by rehabilitation. Thankfully those resourceful little buggers have left a series of puzzles to be solved to provide a backdoor key to those worthy enough to understand their intuitive minds.

Abandoned ?

...The Goblins really took it out of us. Whether or not they are related to the strange goings on is another matter to explore later. A fascinating relic of architecture, simple and yet It looks like it doesn't belong ? What looks like a Trade cart appears to have been brought up to the windmill along with 3 Dead bodies are also scattered around it. I see the holy man on his knees in prayer, thankfully he actually did something smart and checked the bodies for any clues. Upon Checking the trade cart and it contents there is clear evidence that a create, box or chest is missing. Drag marks from the cart lead to the windmill. This may suggest that the goblin are in fact using this area as shelter/point of attack. Advantageous from what was told to us about this building. -Note Contents of the cart are as follows... A pewter merchant's weight which is marked in units of slaves-These scales may suggest the occupation of our dead traders ? A rock to wind a piece of string around-A simple implement for winding up rope or in this case string. A small hourglass filled with fine grey ash-An hourglass may have its uses, interesting to see the contents as ash instead of sand ? A pewter merchant's weight which weighs less than it should-Ah ! A crafty tool for some merchants to swindle a bit more out of a deal. This may come in handy when doing some trading of our own. An eight-sided die which rattles when rolled- Another dice ! This is is no coincidence. The mystery surrounding these dice needs to be solved. The Orphanage and now in the Windmill ? I wonder if we'll find these dice in structures that are surrounded in dark mysteries ? A pendant of golden stone engraved with the symbol of a legendary sage-The aspect of this item my have some hidden magical qualities or just be artistic relief of the sage themselves ? 2 barrels of ale-No need to go into the benefits of this particular item 'Hahaha' ! Barrel of salted beef-Excellent when we struggle to find food. 3 iron shackles-Again another suggestion as to the occupation to the dead merchants. I'm loathed to say this but they are well made and will be useful in the foreseeable future.   This place has become eerily quiet. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. Whilst Killian searched the bodies to determine identification and cause of death, Dolen is vigilantly on guard. He doesn't seem overly interested in the finer details. What's his angle here ? According to Killian these merchants aren't what they seem... -Note Contents of the bodies are as follows... Body 1 A dragon's fang inscribed with the word "Undying" A copper coin bearing the visage of a legendary wizard on one side, and the image of a malevolent devil on the other -in regards to the unique items found, they could possess magical qualities to them or could mean membership to an unknown organisation but will need further study. Body 2 A pewter figurine which looks like Killian cloaked in bat-like wings A linen handkerchief printed with a dragon's skull and crossbones -Killian seems to have more notoriety in this world than I thought, I have no words in regards to this figurine... Body 3 A small spyglass with blue-tinted lenses A ring with five keys and an iron tag engraved with an arcane symbol -Dolen appears to have taken a particular interest in the spyglass, I can see the benefit as his occupation as the Hunter - again need to know more as to his intentions. 28gp, 33cp-In total from all 3 bodies however Holy man has denied usage until a donation is made as compensation.   Quietly making our way into the Windmill. It looks like it was used by the Goblins, my theory was correct. Dolen mentioned whispers. I have a feeling that there is some underlying magical influence in play here ?   What in the world is going on ! A sentient statue with glowing eyes attacking us ? We're all so drained from our previous conflict with the Goblins that Killian fell... After the fight I decided to make sure we don't get surprised and clear this forsaken place out by heading up to the further levels. Dolen seems to have the same idea its good to know his instincts are still sharp. I fear we may have bitten off more than we can chew. -Note Upon further investigation to the statue seems to possess a similar likeness to this Baphamet demon found on the walls in the caverns under the Windy Goat. Despite the statue being shattered I've gathered up the pieces and will mend it when alone to discover any secrets and answers this artifact may hold.   ... [Krod no longer under the influence of paranoia]   Ah ! The missing chest, let's have a look. A Dilemma has hit me. I asked Dolen his advice on the statue; a statement I never thought I'd say. I want to learn as many secrets and mysteries as possible but as Dolen said 'at what cost' and despite not knowing them for long, I don't want to betray my companions trust. The Mills mechanism appears to be still functioning. Remarkable considering its been abandoned for decades. Seems the perfect way to dispose of the pieces of the statue. -Note contents of the missing chest... 2500 cp, 1000 sp, 90 gp. A collection of Gemstones-Carnelian, Chrysoprase, Jasper, Moonstone, Onyx, 2 x Sardonyx, 2 x Star rose quartz- All are worth 50gp, any additional currency is welcomed Potion of Greater Healing, 2 x Potion of Healing-A Godsend !   The Millers room appears to be untouched. Strange ? -Note contents of the millers box... A metal cube carved with demonic faces-Fascinating ! I shall start by determining the metal used in case it possesses any particular functionality or focus and then followed determining any magical properties this item has. A tiny figurine of a female elf jester- A Genuine inquiry into a possible origin of this figurine turned into a sarcastic jibe. Dolen should be careful. One day a may hold his life in my hands. A vial of quicksilver-The 2nd vial of quicksilver I've found ? I wonder what benefit this liquid metal can provide. Further study required. 19 cp.   I want to get back to the village as soon as possible but the other two decided we need to rest. Despite my reservations I see the other two needing it. First priority is to secure the windmill... Oh what the hell is this ! It appears we're not alone. I think we should take a page out of the Goblins book and attack from multiple angles so to speak, we have no idea if its friend or foe ? Killian has decided to take whatever this thing is head on. An ingenious plan conjured up by myself and Dolen allows us to strike from above. Of course he'll be the hero while I 'support' him so to speak. A Ghoul ! I really don't understand whats happening here. At a glance it appears to be the Miller but there is no way in the 9 hell's that we'll ever find out now after I melted it. -Note The grappling hook has been an excellent tool, it's provided us with elevation and descent on natural rock faces and structures. I wonder what more utility I can get out of it ? The Catapult spell has also provided with avenue to explore. Concoctions and possibly explosives are given more yield. Impact followed by contents results in one melted Ghoul.

Art. How to see what isn't there.

... [Krod still under the influence of paranoia]   Not a good nights rest. Dolen's help with learning alchemical components and compounds was appreciated but I still am far from mastering this craft... -Note It's not good enough ! I need to learn faster ! I must master this craft as quickly as possible !   An Interesting development to distract my mind as there is no sign of the guard captain to report our findings, I do not hold out much hope for this individual to help if what we've seen so far is the caliber of his men's competence... Intolerable ! Still no sign of the Healer too. Frustrating, as I feel time is running out for Jess and any possible discoveries made from his blood... Vyncent a young half-ling lad. Simple from the way he speaks but possesses a brilliant artistic eye. His sketches of the Village offers us an interesting perspective that we are unable to see. We've decided to hire the young lad to give us a tour. Maybe he can help us uncover the secrets of this place and what lies beneath ? Note-Vyncent seems to have a 6th sense about what he actually sees. One of his Sketches depicts Arcane Gnomish symbols floating around the Church ? If only I could see through his eyes. I could probably determine the true nature of these background auras. As much as don't like it I know now that Vyncent has a soft spot for Wude the owner of the Trusty Feather General Store. This information is Useful in case of a possible betrayal.   The Tour of the village proper has not turned up anything of intrigue, Vyncent hasn't seen anything new or different that might be related to current events. This mystery is testing my patience...The outskirts have us interested. Not to mention worried. I only caught a hint but Killian is adamant that when we walked past the mill there was a strong smell of rotting flesh. -Note Vyncent described the mill having a dark aura. Combined with Killians unwavering certainty. The mill warrants an investigation after the tour and any more additional information discovered.   Here we are. The reason why 3 unlikely individuals all ended up together. The Orphanage. Judging by the structure its been weathered and exposed to the elements since the events that took place years ago with the massacre of the children that resided here. The area seems to be absent of life even that of any creatures ? The fountain in the courtyard looks like the scratched design on the mysterious coin sent to all of us. Whilst sketching Vyncent has described this place to be absent with no aura light or dark ? -Note The fountain has intricately carved crystal writings around the basin. They seem to be in no decipherable language ? Another mystery but I will look out for these markings in areas relating to strange phenomenon. Looking upon Vyncent's newest sketch, there appears to be small figures dancing in the drawing. This is maybe an echo of the 33 lost Children interesting as Vyncent told us this place was the void of any auras he can"see". My theory suggests that Vyncent has an ability of possible divine means that cant be Quantified by Magic or science. Either he sees the past, present or future in the aura of a split second. A truly fascinating gift. Its too bad I can't harness it. It would be invaluable to my work !   Splitting up. Killian and I decided to take Vyncent to the Church for a final possible discovery. That oaf Killian actually came up with a clever plan to commission Vyncent to draw him in front of the church. I'm gob smacked. It's good to know he's not a complete "Meat Head"...Nothing new in the sketches accept now the gnomish writing that was surrounding the church is now converging around the entrance where Killian was stood ? Still no closer to unraveling the mystery !   ...That bloody, pointy eared fool ! I thought his kind was all about finesse and grace. Bah ! What codswallop ! I'm surrounded by idiots. That bone dice was our only clue as to who or what was going on around hear ! -Note I've mended the dice, it appears to have been made out of bone however the contents inside are irrecoverably lost... Damn it all ! The coins we all received were definitely cut here. The fine silver shavings prove this but why and to what end? More bloody questions !   The way back to the mill proved interesting at the very least. An Old man told us the story of the mill about the miller. His unusual practices and that there is a curse on the mill itself after the townsfolk drove him away. -Note Investigating the Mill might provide answers as to what the hell is going on around here. I'm almost certain the events that have transpired under the Windy Goat are related to the Mill. We've decided to investigate.   Argh ! This Bloody village we're trapped in a gauntlet. Goblins of all things. Three Clans worth by the looks of it. What have we got ourselves into here !? Why us !?... -Note One of the goblins got away. This may prove problematic in the future...

Respite and Return that myself and my new companions have rested, I thought it might've been a good idea to resupply. I asked Theli to introduce me to the local smiths so the first stop is Clink and Clank-Dwarven blacksmiths by the names Fergrim and Dolgan-If my eyes don't deceive me I'd say they're identical. I must say these wears are well crafted. That fool Killian has once again made an embarrassment out of himself and the group. However he commissioned a custom made shield to represent his deity, either he is deeply devoute or trying to show off ? the quiet Dolen purchased himself some studded leather too. Glad to see hes using his brain. He maybe fast and sharp but hes vulnerable. -Note The Twins or Cousins can offer a class in crafting, a clever side business. Unnecessary because crafting is a full time trade but clever all the same. I will attend this class to learn any additional skills to help me on my own path to become a master Artificer. I purchased grappling hook (Good for climbing, improvised weapon and tool), 2 bags of ball bearings (Good for Traps, early warning system and a component in an improved projectile weapon) and Masons tools (Good for determining origins of stone work and finding weaknesses in fortifications).   The General Store known as The Trusty Feather for our next stop. Human Shopkeeper by the name of Wude. A strange women who seems to take more than pride in her wears. Ugh ! and again that fool Killian decides to turn on that so called charm, once again embarrassing me and the elf. -Note purchased Alchemist Supplies (Unlocking more Crafting potential is never a bad thing. If I'm not mistaken once I've mastered this craft i can craft Acid and Alchemists Fire), Leather-workers tools (I can keep on top of Armour maintenance) and a vial of acid (Perfect utility tool for "unlocking" doors and weapon for disposing over enemies).   It was good to see that the local guard kept a watch over the well in the village square. They seemed not to care about the task at hand. I don't think they understand the Gravity of the situation, what we found down there was dangerous ! I don't like folk who aren't serious about their job. Turns out the Sargent thought the same when we went back down to the basement. So I decided to bring him proof or a "gift". -Note my new Psionic abilities allowed me to teach those thick heads by the well a lesson. I made them think a fly kept landing on them and they slapped themselves repeatedly. Fantastic ! I will remember this for others who annoy me.   We're back in this horrid place to finish what we couldn't. The bodies we left seemed to have been gnawed. I suspect rats to be the cause. Dolen thought it would be a good idea to start where we found Jess. After a more thorough investigation a found a Symbol of a small white paw. -Note Myself and my companions have never seen this symbol. i have made a not of this for future reference just in case this is related to the cult itself or to do with the Jess's Were-problem ?   What the hell was that ! The room with the Alter seems to have some residual magical or divine nature. We all Shared a Vision of the room full of corpses, more than we'd left anyway. -Note The masonry and carving of the room suggests the chamber was carved around the alter itself, curious as we are underground however I would estimate the age of this place is about 1000 years old. Still not Picking up any magical source for this phenomenon. Very Frustrating !   Ah ! I'd forgotten about the Grimlocks, it seems there might be more to clear out than first anticipated...   Terrifying and yet fascinating. After dispatching the last Grimlock a pillar made of Skulls and Bone arose from the floor next to where we slayed the rat Queen. I've never seen a configuration of this nature before. I'm almost certain there's Necromancy but from where was it Conjured ! -Note Upon further inspection the pillar turned out to be a trap. There are more Questions being raised than answers at this point. I must find out whats going on and uncover any secrets left behind.   But of course there are more rats...   I must discover the secret to this place ! I must unlock the mysteries of the the Black Spires ! I must extract a sample ! ...[Krod suffers long term madness-up to 30 hours]...   I remember this room. The Other spire. The Glphs. All Mysteries and no answers ! Argh ! I need to Know ! The Black star A Different plane Pure evil ...Oh Gods !...   "Gift" or should I say Head delivered to that useless oaf. He has no idea what horrors are down there. Ill drag him down with us next time. Although I pray to Gods there isn't !   I must become better, more skilled. Yes ! I must work on my Alchemical crafting right away !... A Knock ? Dolen of all the folk ? The Elf wants to help ? For some reason I Take comfort in this... Despite our differences I need all the help I can get !

Shallow Waters

....moving forward. The next area appears to be a natural spring that connected to the village well. On the walls surrounding the cavern there appears to be some form of Arcane Runes/Symbols....Ah ! It appears that my new Companions have a weakness for shiny objects..... The Elf found an interesting object at the bottom of the well, a silver bell with what can only be described as some form magical spark. I don't think I've ever seen a Knight and a Hunter almost killed by school of Fish before. If that fools are what they say they are ? -Note-Further study is required on the Arcane markings, I've found similarities between the Vampire Skull, the cavern wall and the silver bell. My theory is that is I can understand the markings I might be able to replicate the process of these enchantments. However a lot more study is required.   .....I'm not even going to go into the sense of direction of these so called skilled warriors. Its quite amusing....   Snakes !!! Giant Snakes ! What in the word is this place.... I'm starting to think we'll never find Jess especially how drained and beaten we are..... Oh and just add insult to injury more Fish ! -Note-An Obelisk in the center of the room, in the body of water appears to have more of these strange Arcane Markings. Upon investigation I picked up a Bane, curious as upon further investigation after dispatching the snakes my companions were Blessed. Further study and possible experimentation required.   I don't know whether to be relieved or distraught at what we've discovered. The good news is that we've found Jess but the bad news is the state hes in. A Giant Rat to be exact, possibly some form of Lycanthropy. He is aware of what he is and what hes become which is hopeful considering the common side effects of this particular affliction. The Question is how !?..... I found a curious Artifact among the remains Jess had been hiding. A Ring-Further identification is required, there is no time at the moment. -Note-I'm not familiar with this form of Lycanthropy. My knowledge of the world is inclined towards the Material, that being said i cant help but being curious and possibly studying this further. After all if there is a cure that can be discovered it would be invaluable. I'll star with a blood sample.   As a group we've decided to get Jess back to Theli and alert the town Guard to keep a watch on the Cellar and now the Well. Despite being a complete Narcissist that fool Killian actually managed to convince the town guard to help without question. I suppose having a head full of sawdust but the looks of a well bread noble has its perks. We'll clear the place out once we've rested.... Theli did not believe his eyes of course and majorly Concerning that there isn't a town healer. My concern is Jess's new affliction taking hold. -Note-Theli has refused to let me take a sample of blood. I understand his reservations but its purely academic of course. I must speak with this so called healer when they arrive. I've also discovered the magical qualities of the ring I found. It appears to be a Ring of Protection.   Finally rested and Morning at the Windy Goat turned out to be a lot more interesting than first thought. A drunken oaf of my own Kin letting us all down, so I gave him a taste of the good Stout. Turns out the ring of protection has a echo of is creators conscience. Killian has spoke a bit about himself, turns out his adopted father was a famous knight and adventurer, something tells me he's trying to prove himself ? The Elf Dolen is as forthcoming as any elf, I don't doubt the skill of his craft but I'm going to be keeping a close eye on this secretive hunter. -Note-An unique method of Psyonics that Boris tried to teach me has finally come to fruition. Of course being a Duregar its easy for him and his innate abilities A form of Mage Hand that can't be seen or heard. Invaluable the knowledge of brothers from below. The Rings creator had a workshop in the Infernal Forest, I will have to investigate this wizards workshop to uncover any mysteries that he may have Discovered I can use to advance my own work.

Pest Control ?

Encountered 3 Skeletons in adjacent room to cultist alter-Discovered a Vampire Skull with Necrotic runes etched into it. -Note-Killian human holy warrior shows keen interest ?.....Will need time to Study later, runes have possible discoveries to unlock ?   Discovered an ancient spire made of black unbreakable metal linked to an ancient evil known as the Grendel Root. found a Group of Grimlocks in a trance huddled round it-upon closer inspection it appears a ritual is being performed or spell fueled. Around the room itself Glyphs of magic have appeared, possibly a byproduct or possibly the cause ? -Note-must try to obtain a piece of this unknown metal to discover its composition, also decided to write in a notebook with depictions of these Glyphs+Disrupt ritual/spell..... outcome possibly.... Bad !   Rats ! Giant Bloody Rats ! we seem to have gone from the scary Cultist lair to the sewers of gods only knows where.... A Horrible discovery.... The Rat Queen but not as she should be. An un-dead monster impaled upon the black metal spike. Surrounded by her horde. Dolen that Hunter fell. Killian overwhelmed...... I finished it. Sad upon reflection but ultimately unavoidable..... -Note-the arcane modifications to my armor have given me the upper hand in combat, great for a non-combatant. Additional-channel secondary runes into lightening launcher to provide extra current.   Interesting new Equipment found as we move on, We have acquired fascinating items. A Wand of Magic Missiles, Bracers of Defense, Bag of Tricks and a Potion of Giant Strength+Multiple pieces of Copper, Silver, Gold and Platinum. -Note-Infused the wand into my Armor-invaluable as the wand fires multiple missiles and my magical potential only allows casting at the base level.   Fool ! Two giant Ogres woken up by that air head Killian and his obvious statement 'there's two of them', really ?! We never would have guessed ! Blundering Buffoons left me behind to seek their glory. I don't know what they were doing in the chamber ahead but I managed to take one of them down single handed. -Note-Ogres have a low intelligence, distractions and taunting may allow attacks from behind to be advantageous+staying at range and out of reach..... Will need to inform the Elvin hunter as Im sure this information will prove useful to his profession.   ...... The dust has cleared. Another possible Dark artifact found. A stone tablet depicting the history and theology of the Prince of Beasts. -Note-As a Mason this Tablet has been kept in excellent condition to the right vendor it could worth a good amount of coin..... However I cant ignore the dark magic unleashed upon our group in this Cultist Lair. We must not let the evil of this place spill out into the world !    


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