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Session 13: Krod's Diary - The Infernal Forest

General Summary

...What a dreadful experience. All in one piece I see. We're appear to be exactly where we were in the forest just after the Redcap ambush, surrounded by the different colored mushrooms. -Note-The ring of wishes is an extremely powerful magical item. I know from my studies that once all wishes are used nothing and I mean nothing can replenish its ability to function unless a completely new ring or object is created. Nevertheless I will keep the ring to study and determine if its construction can be originated to a source in this world.   We appear to have company ! There seems to be no rest for us...   Woodsman and Foresters by the look of their garb. That's not what made the roar though, they seem to either be on the hunt or being hunted. Despite the innocent and plausible nature of this group Killian, Dolen and I will still not drop our guard. Not after everything we've just experienced.   We are told the by a human women Ximena the leader of the group that the Woodsman and Foresters she leads work for the noble family in the nearby town of Pernrith on the outskirts of the forest in the search of a very valuable tree that only grows here. Here being the Infernal Forest. -Note-At a glance I'd say Ximena is a Druid or Ranger of some kind, she appears to have a bond or has bonded to a wolf that she calls Obol. I have heard and read about the benefits of having a familiar or bonded creature. Channeling magic, seeing through their eyes, providing help and distraction. Perhaps there's a way for me to construct a familiar as I lack the capibilities to magically summon one ?   Ugh ! More questions.   How did we get so far away Blaisingdell ? How did we survive the execution of the Blaisingdell Gurad ? How were we abducted and transformed by the Necromancer Heldrian ? Why is this all happening to us ? The only thing we have in common is that dammed letter ?   Beaten, lost and tired, we have no choice but to ally ourselves with this group. Whilst on the trail, Killian regales them of our over-exaggerated exploits. We travel for the rest of the day and a rudimentary camp has already been established by the other half of the group. Ximena allows us to have some of their food and informs us that their job is being hindered by a creature that is preventing them to make a solid base to set up their operation. The creature in question is an Owlbear. To pay our way so to speak we all agree to take care of the Owlbear, with Dolen's expertise as a hunter I believe we have an advantage. We dont know if we can trust these folks so we take it in turns to watch each others backs. To keep occupied I ask Dolen to help me perfect more Alchemical learning. -Note-Always read the fine print especially when a person you've never met is being charitable. 90% of the time they always want something in return or at least guilt you into it. Taking care of this Owlbear may increase our reputation as reliable folks in the local area and any resources we gain along the way can help us in our en devours to unlock the mystery of Blaisingdell and the letters. Hunting an Owlbear is a good field test for my secondary Arcane armor and Infusions. I've reconfigured my Lightning launchers from a ranged weapon into a melee weapon I call Thunder gauntlets. The pay off is that my armor is not as maneuverable but this is where my infusions come in to pick up the slack. Hunting requires us to be quiet so I've infused my crossbow with a rune of repetition that allows multiple bolts to be fired and not reload. Another is an infusion is to my boots that allow a minor amount of teleportation however its more a fast retreat than reposition or advancement on foes.   The Hunt begins, we set off ahead in front of the woodsman and foresters. Dolen leads the way of course. It doesn't take us long to find the beasts lair, I can see that Dolen has his reservations about the whole thing as he rushes ahead probably to try and subdue the beast before Killian and myself get involved.   Excellent ! Dolen has found its lair... By the Gods ! The Owlbear is bigger than I thought !... Oh that Bloody Elf ! Blundering in by himself ! Damn it all !...   ... Oh ! Just in the nick of time Ximena turns up ! But only after myself and my colleagues get ripped apart and fall and after I end up caving the beasts head in they're regretful that we couldn't find another way to deal with the beast. Everyone's a critic. At least now we can make some progress. -Note-Owlbear pelt is decent money but I have no time to recover it. Unfortunate as different quality leathers provide versatility in crafting and producing items. My field test on my secondary Arcane armor has yielded interesting results. Despite accommodating for my lack of a range strike with my enhanced crossbow, the Lightning launcher provides more solid results striking out using instinct as oppose to skill and being able to channel an excess lightning charge is always beneficial. On top of this my Thunder gauntlets on my secondary armor provide the same amount of damage as my Battleaxe which provide me a melee option, I also have the advantage to channel my innate magic through this weapon allowing a versatile fighting style. I shall reconfigure back to my primary armor when the chance to rest.   After our slog through the forest we come upon the main encampment.... says this is to be the base of operations within the Infernal forest but it is incomplete. To help get the operation going and to build up our already growing reputation. Dolen and I make ourselves useful. Dolen joins the hunting parties as we have increased the amount of mouth's to feed. I put my basic skills to work and help foresters build the encampment walls. Killian preaches and prays... I have no words... A day of solid labor is good brake for the mind and after some good food I have the good Dolen to thank its a welcome reprieve from our current predicaments. I shall revert my armor back to its primary, swap out an invocation and cantrip or two then rest...   What the ! Ugh ! Why has Dolen woke us up in the middle of the night. I think the death of the Owlbear has gotten to him, I mean what could possibly be wrong now... Shit !   Undead everywhere ! Surrounded ! The Woodsman. The Foresters they're all dead. Blast it all !... Mmmm well some small consolation is that Killian knew all along. Thanks Killian ! I hope we live long enough for us thank you !...
Report Date
13 Mar 2024
Primary Location


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