BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 15: Krod's Diary - Thunder and Lightning

General Summary

... It seems that what we've been hearing at the camp is none other than a rare but natural phenomenon. One tree infused with the energy of lightning and another smaller tree with energy of thunder. There isn't a lot of information about these trees, giving it a wide berth seems to be the most intelligent option. The area nearby might be a good idea to set up camp to rest. The illusion of bad weather emanating from these trees could provide a natural deterrent against predators and other threats. -Note- While we're here I would like to observe and study as much of these trees as possible. I wonder if the wood extracted from the tree keeps its properties. I can see multiple applications in the use of this material.   Ah ! Swarms of literal lightning bugs...   We seem to be in a tricky situation. Mainly that we can't bloody hit them !   Damn it ! Dolen is down !... What the ? Oh fantastic now we have literal swarms of thunder bugs to deal with !   Ugh ! After that fiasco, we finally can take a moment to breath. Thanks to Dolens' lack of caution we know to stay at least 30ft away from the trees. We set up camp nearby and actually manage to get some rest. -Note- Collecting the bug husks might prove beneficial in the future. Who knows what magical properties can be extracted and repurposed. I don't want to get close to the trees as it appears a natural aura surrounds them, possibly as a form of protection ? The wood from the trees seems to have kept its natural properties. This means that it has to be treated with care because who knows what could happen once the wood has been detached from the tree. I can't study it now! I need time in a more secure environment but I am excited as to what mysteries can be unlocked.   After conferring with Killian and Dolen we decide the best course of action is to keep heading north/north west through the forest. Perhaps we might be lucky enough to come across the forest goblin village that Embler granted us access to. All I know is that every time we think we're safe, fate has other ideas. On this occasion maybe fate is on our side. Killian has managed to summon up a giant Elk. This will make travel a lot more swift... ... Interesting! We've stumbled upon a statue of a figure holding what appears to be a wand up high and a weapon or tool I've never seen before. Naturally we all approach with caution...   The area is guarded. From what I can determine, as it emerges from the earth, is a strange construct in the form of a scorpion. Instead of a stinger it has a buzzing saw. -Note- This construct looks old. It doesn't seem to be aggressive but definitely on the defensive. Its activation happened when we got closer to the statue. I want to attempt to communicate with it. A construct such as this needs to be studied, understood and preserved.   Argh ! It's attacking. Damn it all ! I wanted to avoid this. Looks like my curiosity will have to wait until this construct is non functional. I don't want to risk my companions safety - even for a discovery such as this.   [Killian sends the giant elk to attack the Tree Feller Scorpion construct, followed by attacks from Killian himself. After the previous encounter, Dolen stays at range firing with his bow. Krod uses a scroll of Acid Splash on the Tree Feller Scorpion construct and discovers its resistance to elemental damages.   It's done. Wicked waste... I can't let an opportunity like this pass. I just can't. That being said my companions take priority, We are together in this. I just hope they see the benefits of any potential discovery. They allow my study. For their trust I will be certain to repay them. -Note- The statue houses a Wand of lightning bolts. This shall be attuned and incorporated into my arcane armor as I did with the Wand of magic missiles. A boon that can allow me to enhance my lightning launcher. The statue also houses from what I see now, a tool used in the either the construction, maintenance or even worship of the Construct. After careful study I actually manage to use the tool to repair the construct and bring it under my command. This isn't just a monumental achievement but it's also a boon to the group as a whole.   [Krod sets command word as Deforestation]   It's Embler ! I don't want to know how long he's been watching us fumble around. He has offered to lead us to his village, fortuitous as we have just be trusting our instincts thus far and its done nothing but lead us into almost deadly encounters. I sense no malice from Embler. However we are being lead to a goblin village anything could happen ?   Finally we meet with Galasha the Tree Talker. Let's see what she has to say...
Report Date
10 Apr 2024
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