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Session 16: Krod's Diary - Goblins, Treants and Wisps

General Summary

...Galasha leads us deeper into the goblin village. It is a sigh of relief for us and a welcome sight to see goblins just going about their business and that our presence doesn't cause unrest. Galasha gestures to a some goblins known as Julga the Herbalist and Tylge the Smith. We meet with the village elder first, we are informed the name of this Chief is Gugena. considering the aid and trust the forest goblins have put in us, I suggest to Dolen and Killian that we are completely honest. I hope they understand that our reservation isn't taken as offence. -Note-A potential amazing opportunity presents itself to me personally. Learning unique crafting techniques from Tylge the smith and possibly Julga the herbalist. Its a rare occurrence that outsiders are allowed within the reclusive goblin communities and rarer still, outsiders being allowed to interact with the residents.   Chief Gugena informs us that the Infernal forest is in need of our aid. A being by the name of Ironroot has requested to speak with us. The way Gugena talks about Ironroot, I would assume that this character represents the will of the forest, whether it being on some sort of council or a higher authority. It is curious that they trust us with their business and possible issues, however the events that brought us together lie a quarter of a world away. After the events that occurred in Blaisingdell I think accumulating allies isn't a bad thing. -Note-A name comes up in the meeting that does peak our interest. Ximena. The leader of the Foresters and Woodsmen. After the events at the camp we assumed everyone was killed including her. Now we discover they have been in negotiations and with the town of Writh.. I know that Dolen, Killian and I find this suspicious, how she got away and requires further investigating.   [Killian, Dolen and Krod are given time within the goblin village with Galasha before the meeting with Ironroot]   I kindly ask my companions that we make a trip to the smith and they oblige, I am so grateful as whatever I learn may benefit us all in the long run. My curiosity is peaked to learn goblin crafting techniques. They also take an immediate interest in the wand, special tool and Tree Feller Scorpion. We are all informed that a Wizard by the name of Welger was the creator of these items and that they hold some hidden benefits linked to his work as a wand maker. Killian produces the curious items we found on the "slavers" by the Blaisingdell Mill. The reaction we get to the Dragon fang causes quite the stir, it is a symbol of the Goblin God of War Maglubiyet and that the forest goblins and other have freed themselves from the Gods grasp. A symbol like this is considered a bad Omen. After the time spent learning these fantastic facts and techniques Galasha informs us that the meeting is imminent and that we should leave. -Note-Tylge is an intriguing creature, It is unfortunate that communication is a struggle. Its as almost as if crafting and construction is a feeling or spiritual thing to them. Whereas I apply a logical and scientific approach. Despite our setbacks I am gifted a new wealth of knowledge. Being taught to be able to craft items using the wood of the Energy trees. They provide benefits equal to their elemental properties, however working with such a volatile material come at the cost of suffering from the effect yourself. I also gifted the full benefits of the heirlooms left by Welger the Wizard. -Welger's Wand of Lightning Wand, rare (requires attunement by a Spellcaster). The woodworking wand wizard Welger spent his life making wands from the wood of the energy trees growing around his tower. This wand was his best work and has qualities that set it apart from lesser wands. This wand has 8 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast the lightning bolt spell (save DC 16) from it. For 1 charge, you cast the 4th-level version of the spell. You can increase the spell slot level by one for each additional charge you expend. The wand does an additional point of damage per damage die rolled. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand casts lightning bolt towards you then crumbles into ashes and is destroyed. -Welger's Wrench Wand, rare (requires attunement by a Spellcaster). To keep his constructs in good working order, Welger created a magical wrench. This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to touch a construct and repair it. For each charge expended, the construct regains 1d8 hit points. While holding it, you can take an hour to expend 7 of its charges to work on a “dead” construct and restore it to “life” with 1 hit point, provided it has been “dead” no longer than 10 days. If the construct has a soul, it must be willing and able to rejoin its body. Soulless constructs automatically return to life. This magic also neutralizes any poisons and cures nonmagical diseases that affected the construct at the time it died. It doesn't, however, remove magical diseases, curses, or similar effects; if these aren't first removed prior to restoring the construct, they take effect when it returns to life. The spell can't return an undead creature to life. This magic closes all mortal wounds, but it doesn't restore missing parts. If the creature is lacking parts integral for its survival--its head, for instance—the magic automatically fails. The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into rust and is destroyed. -Welger's Amulet of Command Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement). Faced with the danger inherent to harvesting energy trees, the wood working wand wizard Welger built a scorpion-like construct to safely fell the trees. To control the construct, Welger made his amulet of command. On each of your turns, you can use a bonus action to mentally command the tree feller scorpion if it is within 60 feet of you. You decide what action it will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no commands, it only defends itself against hostile creatures. Once given an order, the scorpion continues to follow it until its task is complete. The Dragon fangs discovery provides us with evidence of a possible cult/secret organisation that could be uncovered if we find any involvement of Maglubiyet's influence and a possible way of infiltration into said groups if we need to delve further.   Galasha leads us away from the goblin village deeper into the forest...   By the Gods ! Ironroot is a Treant...   Well at this point I don't think holding anything back is an option. Killian seems to have taken that a bit literally. Its a good thing that he was honest and that this thing can see through the over-embellishment. After that trilling story... Ironroot gets to business and asks for our help to eliminate a necrotic possible necromancy problem plaguing the Infernal Forest. We all agree, in return for the aid they've given us already and possibly more in the future. A meeting is to take place that we're invited to to discuss the issues, perhaps we should ask Ximena how she got away when no one else did ? -Note-Ironroot tells us about the Iron and Bow trees created by Leluna a mage that cultivated unique traits into the trees on the borders of the Infernal Forest near the town of Writh. Developed to provide quicker construction of ship hulls and masts, shields, bows, siege weapons and fortifications. This rare wood is weaker than the standard materiel used in the construction of these items but allows more flexibility in it applications.   Our meeting concludes with Ironroot disappearing into the Infernal Forest. Galasha points us the direction to take to get to the meeting, she also inform us of a ruin nearby that if we were to clear it would be beneficial however a tale about a the ruin exists about the wealthy family that were murdered there by a begrudged wizard that cursed them to never rest. Dolen, Killian and I agree on-route to take a look into this haunted place. Ironroot mentioned a necrotic problem, solving this minor problem may add more confidence in our ability to help.   ...This place feels wrong. There appears to be a magical perimeter determined by the pillars with the skulls mounted on them. Breaking this magical line could lead to multiple negative outcomes. We need to investigate the pillars furth... Ah !!! -Note-It appears that one spirit here remains sane enough to warn us away. More spirits appear and are unable to move past the magical line, they advise us to topple the pillars. This gives us the information we needed to keep them contained at least. Why would Galasha send us here ? There is a chance we won't be able to cleanse it ?   Dolen and Killian broke the line, chivalrous fools !... Damn it ! Wisps and they're bloody engaging ! We need to take care of this -Note-The Wisps are incorporeal and its very difficult to hit them through conventional means. My spells fired through the barrier seem to change either their innate properties or color, either way magical attacks appear to be the most effective.   ... That was an awful experience. Dolen fell again. I need to find a way to help him ! The Wisp that maintained its sanity explains that the pillars are to be destroyed to cleanse the ruin. Apparently her family was decorated for there service during the war decades ago and were awarded wealth as well as this land they reside at the expense of another family. A descendant of which still carried a grudge and so murdered and cursed the souls never to rest... ... Terrible... At least now they may rest -Note- The Wisp awarded us for our service, a bitter sweet experience but not unwelcome. She described a secret compartment at the base of a broken statue within the ground and how to access it. Within the compartment is: A bag of holding. [Within the bag] -Bundle of legal and financial documents, including the deeds to the retreat and property in the city. -10 100 gp gems -50 platinum pieces -250 gp ring -A suit of adamantine chainmail armor -250 gp in scattered coins, gems and jewelry
Report Date
24 Apr 2024
Primary Location
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