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Session 18: Krod's Diary - To the Trees!!!

General Summary

... We head towards the north eastern area of the forest. I assume Ironroot is gathering this 'council' of the forest. Ah ! its Embler. Here to lead us the rest of the if i was to guess ? It doesn't shock me anymore, the ability these forest goblins to disappear and reappear is incredible. He leads us into a clearing... Fascinating ! Treants, by the look of them they possess unique properties. Embler drops to his knees, I suppose to him these Treants are the representation of the Infernal forest itself. Ironroot the iron oak Treant introduces the council. Tallflower the radiant Treant Phorphor: the fire Treant Haroom: the thunder Treant Azolt: the lightning Treant Willowbark: the bow tree Treant Frostbough: the frost Treant There is a mention of three other who aren't present at this council one of which Rotbranch we are told they believe is the cause of the necrotic problems of spreading rot and undead in the forest and beyond. We can't let that happen. Rotbranch: necrotic treant (not on the council) Greenwalk: poison treant (reclusive) Corosha: acid treant (reclusive) The coucil has no doubt that Rotbranch is the cause and ask us for help. I think all of us are in agreement that after the hospitality we've received after such a long list terrible events, its the very least we can do. We are to meet up with Ximena and a small militia form the town of Ryll at the northern borders. Naturally we ask how much the Treants trust Ximena, Killian tells them all of our exploits, that our trust in others is waning. They've known her since she was a small child and she act as a sort of emissary of the town and the forest. I suppose we have no choice but to trust their judgement. Between myself and Dolen I know we'll still be on alert. After the council meeting is concluded, Embler is tasked with taking us there... -Note-The Treants of the Infernal forest not only have ancient intelligence and wisdom but the elemental nature they possess seem to influence their personalities. The knowledge of this will be useful if we ever talk to Rotbranch and discover its true plans or why now hes become more bold. We have been granted permission to use full force and even destroy Rotbranch, an interesting request from a creature of growth and life. The techniques to harvest and work with the wood from elemental trees is a boon to my work and development, however until this issue is resolved I feel it isn't my place to get distracted too much. Once this is over i will be asking the councils permission to work with the elemental trees. I will take what I can get though, I need to learn !   We appear to have entered a clearing and see a line of bright lush trees surrounded by the most beautiful radiant Butterfly's and in the distance dark twisted trees surrounded by black swarms of beetles and what appears to be 3 Zombies. After what the council has just told us the forest is at war and I think we've entered a battlefield... -Note-Radiant Trees and Butterfly's are friendly, there appears to be no repulsion or act of reprisal when we get close. We can use them for cover if needed and use them to spread ourselves around the battlefield. The Necrotic Trees send out a repulsion field that matches its element, similar to the defense mechanisms of the Lightning and Thunder trees. Maybe I can make use out of the wood once we've dealt with the immediate threat ?   ...Embler is gone again, this might be another test.   ...Damn it! Not very quick off the mark.   [Dolen moves in and fires his bow and Killian moves in and engages with his holy spell sword and shield. The giant elk also engages]   [Krod casts 4th level Lightning bolt from Welger's Wand of Lightning witch counts as a 5th level spell when cast from the wand. For flavor the head of the wand is incorporated into Krod's armor and is embedded into the center of his chest plate, this is where the bolt of lightning is fired from and is a bright white beam that hits a swarm, a zombie and a tree]   [Dolen casts Faerie Fire at 1st level catching 2 trees 2 swarms and a zombie]   [Krod casts Catapult at 2nd level firing a bottle of Alchemists fire at the tree in the center. For flavor Krod's hands glow dark pink and charge the object with the same energy and the launches the object] [The Tree Fella scorpion is commanded to take down one of the trees, its immunity allows it to engage the tree by itself without concern of elemental damage]   ... I don't know how but we're actually doing a good job of this... It also helps helps having a giant magical elk and a construct designed for cutting down trees but nevertheless...   ... We did it and of course Embler appears just as we finish. Oh well ! -Note-I've managed to gather the husks of the radiant butterfly's and the necrotic beetles, like the lightning and thunder bugs i might be able to derive a magical property from them. The necrotic wood on the other hand posses a different challenge, its not the fact I have to discover what I can learn from it, its actually working with the wood in question. Despite the necessary precautions I've taken to handle the wood it still has enough potency to cause me harm, perhaps when this is over a may discover more about how to work with elemental tree wood. He leads us on to meet up with Ximena and the militia, its a hill top overlooking a part of the forest. Appearing from the opposite direction is the group but before a word is spoken all of our eyes are cast on the horizon as the forest itself seems to be moving. It suddenly sinks in that its not the forest but what is moving within. Hordes of the Undead...
Report Date
08 May 2024
Primary Location


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