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Session 2: A very BIG rat in the cellar

General Summary

What happened?   The Charnel Pit   A vast pile of humanoid and bestial bones sits in the center of this large chamber. Tunnels lead off to the east, northwest, and southwest. The bones of a thousand dead beasts and humanoids lie in a pile here in the center chamber, brought here by an unknown force.   Three skeletons rise up from the bone pit dressed in arms and armor from an army defeated over a thousand years ago.   Within the pile of bones lies a carved vampiric skull etched with necromantic runes. A creature holding the skull can use an action to cast the fear spell once.   The Spire   Eight huge glyphs have been carved into the natural stone walls of this large chamber. A black spire has pierced out of the stone floor. This spire has come from an ancient entity buried deep under the earth known as the Grendleroot.   Six grimlocks per character sit around the spire, their own hands touching its smooth surface.   The glyphs on the walls are necrotic in origin and draw energy out of the Grendleroot spire powering a vast spell that rolls out throughout the mountain.   Rat Queen   Three tunnels led into this vast chamber. A moat of filthy water surrounded a stone island upon which lay the rat queen. Impaled upon a ten-foot-high black spike, she somehow still lived. Blind and immobile she begsn to make a low mewling sound and the tunnels came alive. This is the chamber of the rat queen. Impaled on a spike of the Grendleroot for nearly a decade, she has birthed tens of thousands of the rats that infest these halls. The Rat Queen was unable to defend herself with giant rats and swarms of rats coming to her rescue.   The Primal Altar   A huge curved shaft of black stone on the northern side of the chamber rises up through the floor and into the ceiling. An altar built from the bones of many beasts sits on the southern wall dripping fresh blood. A circle of primal symbols sits on the floor. The bestial altar has been built and modified over centuries and is still in use.   2 Ogres sit in the center of the glyphs communing with the altar. Each wears a bestial skull and are tattooed with the same style glyphs as those on the floor.   A primeval tablet sits at the base of the altar. Ancient writing carved into the stone describes the history and theology of the prince of beasts. This tablet is worth 1,000 gp to a shady vendor.     **Party moved to Level 4, to be used at next long rest**   Secrets discovered
  • An ancient tablet lost in the caves below once belonged to a cultist of Baphomet and is said to carry upon it his dark word.
  • Huge spires of black metal have grown through the caves below. They are supposedly unbreakable.
  • Some have heard singing or chanting coming up from the well late at night.
  • A hideous rat queen lives in the deepest pits below. Legless and blind, it has birthed thousands of mutated spawn for decades.
  • Strange pillars of worked stone lay broken in the deepest reaches of the caverns below the inn.

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Report Date
27 Sep 2023
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