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Session 5: Krod's Diary - Respite and Return

General Summary that myself and my new companions have rested, I thought it might've been a good idea to resupply. I asked Theli to introduce me to the local smiths so the first stop is Clink 'n' Clank Blacksmiths - Dwarven blacksmiths by the names Thurgrim and Drogan -If my eyes don't deceive me I'd say they're identical. I must say these wears are well crafted. That fool Killian has once again made an embarrassment out of himself and the group. However he commissioned a custom made shield to represent his deity, either he is deeply devoute or trying to show off ? the quiet Dolen purchased himself some studded leather too. Glad to see hes using his brain. He maybe fast and sharp but hes vulnerable. -Note The Twins or Cousins can offer a class in crafting, a clever side business. Unnecessary because crafting is a full time trade but clever all the same. I will attend this class to learn any additional skills to help me on my own path to become a master Artificer. I purchased grappling hook (Good for climbing, improvised weapon and tool), 2 bags of ball bearings (Good for Traps, early warning system and a component in an improved projectile weapon) and Masons tools (Good for determining origins of stone work and finding weaknesses in fortifications).     The General Store known as the Trusty Feather General Store  for our next stop. Human Shopkeeper by the name of @wude. A strange women who seems to take more than pride in her wears. Ugh ! and again that fool Killian decides to turn on that so called charm, once again embarrassing me and the elf. -Note purchased Alchemist Supplies (Unlocking more Crafting potential is never a bad thing. If I'm not mistaken once I've mastered this craft i can craft Acid and Alchemists Fire), Leather-workers tools (I can keep on top of Armour maintenance) and a vial of acid (Perfect utility tool for "unlocking" doors and weapon for disposing over enemies).     It was good to see that the local guard kept a watch over the well in the village square. They seemed not to care about the task at hand. I don't think they understand the Gravity of the situation, what we found down there was dangerous ! I don't like folk who aren't serious about their job. Turns out the Sargent thought the same when we went back down to the basement. So I decided to bring him proof or a "gift". -Note my new Psionic abilities allowed me to teach those thick heads by the well a lesson. I made them think a fly kept landing on them and they slapped themselves repeatedly. Fantastic ! I will remember this for others who annoy me.     We're back in this horrid place to finish what we couldn't. The bodies we left seemed to have been gnawed. I suspect rats to be the cause. Dolen thought it would be a good idea to start where we found Jess. After a more thorough investigation a found a Symbol of a small white paw. -Note Myself and my companions have never seen this symbol. i have made a not of this for future reference just in case this is related to the cult itself or to do with the Jess's Were-problem ?     What the hell was that ! The room with the Alter seems to have some residual magical or divine nature. We all Shared a Vision of the room full of corpses, more than we'd left anyway. -Note The masonry and carving of the room suggests the chamber was carved around the alter itself, curious as we are underground however I would estimate the age of this place is about 1000 years old. Still not Picking up any magical source for this phenomenon. Very Frustrating !     Ah ! I'd forgotten about the Grimlocks, it seems there might be more to clear out than first anticipated...     Terrifying and yet fascinating. After dispatching the last Grimlock a pillar made of Skulls and Bone arose from the floor next to where we slayed the rat Queen. I've never seen a configuration of this nature before. I'm almost certain there's Necromancy but from where was it Conjured ! -Note Upon further inspection the pillar turned out to be a trap. There are more Questions being raised than answers at this point. I must find out whats going on and uncover any secrets left behind.     But of course there are more rats...     I must discover the secret to this place ! I must unlock the mysteries of the the Black Spires ! I must extract a sample ! ...[Krod suffers long term madness-up to 30 hours]...     I remember this room. The Other spire. The Glphs. All Mysteries and no answers ! Argh ! I need to Know ! The Black star A Different plane Pure evil ...Oh Gods !...     "Gift" or should I say Head delivered to that useless oaf. He has no idea what horrors are down there. Ill drag him down with us next time. Although I pray to Gods there isn't !     I must become better, more skilled. Yes ! I must work on my Alchemical crafting right away !... A Knock ? Dolen of all the folk ? The Elf wants to help ? For some reason I Take comfort in this... Despite our differences I need all the help I can get !
Report Date
06 Dec 2023
Primary Location


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