BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 6: Krod's Diary - Art. How to see what isn't there.

General Summary

... [Krod still under the influence of paranoia]     Not a good nights rest. Dolen's help with learning alchemical components and compounds was appreciated but I still am far from mastering this craft... -Note It's not good enough ! I need to learn faster ! I must master this craft as quickly as possible !     An Interesting development to distract my mind as there is no sign of the guard captain to report our findings, I do not hold out much hope for this individual to help if what we've seen so far is the caliber of his men's competence... Intolerable ! Still no sign of the Healer too. Frustrating, as I feel time is running out for Jess and any possible discoveries made from his blood... Vyncent   a young half-ling lad. Simple from the way he speaks but possesses a brilliant artistic eye. His sketches of the Village offers us an interesting perspective that we are unable to see. We've decided to hire the young lad to give us a tour. Maybe he can help us uncover the secrets of this place and what lies beneath ? Note-Vyncent seems to have a 6th sense about what he actually sees. One of his Sketches depicts Arcane Gnomish symbols floating around the Church ? If only I could see through his eyes. I could probably determine the true nature of these background auras. As much as don't like it I know now that Vyncent has a soft spot for Wude   the owner of the Trusty Feather General Store . This information is Useful in case of a possible betrayal.     The Tour of the village proper has not turned up anything of intrigue, Vyncent hasn't seen anything new or different that might be related to current events. This mystery is testing my patience...The outskirts have us interested. Not to mention worried. I only caught a hint but Killian is adamant that when we walked past the mill there was a strong smell of rotting flesh. -Note Vyncent described the mill having a dark aura. Combined with Killians unwavering certainty. The mill warrants an investigation after the tour and any more additional information discovered.     Here we are. The reason why 3 unlikely individuals all ended up together. Crystal Fountain Orphanage . Judging by the structure its been weathered and exposed to the elements since the events that took place years ago with the massacre of the children that resided here. The area seems to be absent of life even that of any creatures ? The fountain in the courtyard looks like the scratched design on the mysterious coin sent to all of us. Whilst sketching Vyncent has described this place to be absent with no aura light or dark ? -Note The fountain has intricately carved crystal writings around the basin. They seem to be in no decipherable language ? Another mystery but I will look out for these markings in areas relating to strange phenomenon. Looking upon Vyncent's newest sketch, there appears to be small figures dancing in the drawing. This is maybe an echo of the 33 lost Children interesting as Vyncent told us this place was the void of any auras he can"see". My theory suggests that Vyncent has an ability of possible divine means that cant be Quantified by Magic or science. Either he sees the past, present or future in the aura of a split second. A truly fascinating gift. Its too bad I can't harness it. It would be invaluable to my work !     Splitting up. Killian and I decided to take Vyncent to the Chapel of Rehabilitation  for a final possible discovery. That oaf Killian actually came up with a clever plan to commission Vyncent to draw him in front of the church. I'm gob smacked. It's good to know he's not a complete "Meat Head"...Nothing new in the sketches accept now the gnomish writing that was surrounding the church is now converging around the entrance where Killian was stood ? Still no closer to unraveling the mystery !     ...That bloody, pointy eared fool ! I thought his kind was all about finesse and grace. Bah ! What codswallop ! I'm surrounded by idiots. That bone dice was our only clue as to who or what was going on around hear ! -Note I've mended the dice, it appears to have been made out of bone however the contents inside are irrecoverably lost... Damn it all ! The coins we all received were definitely cut here. The fine silver shavings prove this but why and to what end? More bloody questions !     The way back to Cornfail Mill  proved interesting at the very least. An Old man told us the story of the mill about the miller. His unusual practices and that there is a curse on the mill itself after the townsfolk drove him away. -Note Investigating the Mill might provide answers as to what the hell is going on around here. I'm almost certain the events that have transpired under the Windy Goat are related to the Mill. We've decided to investigate.     Argh ! This Bloody village we're trapped in a gauntlet. Goblins of all things. Three Clans worth by the looks of it. What have we got ourselves into here !? Why us !?... -Note One of the goblins got away. This may prove problematic in the future...
Report Date
20 Dec 2023
Primary Location
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