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Session 8: Krod's Diary - Out of the Frying Pan...

General Summary

After resting in this so called abandoned windmill. We find ourselves in a bit of a crossroads. Despite resting we are all still short on resources. Dolen wants to check out the chapel. I am inclined to agree somewhat as the mystery of the bells that ring at the roll of the dice is a fascinating riddle to uncover ? curiosity however will have to wait. After a discussion on the route back down from the mill the group decided to head back into the village, report our findings and rest. Note-Gnomes seem to have a large part to play in the underlying mysteries of this village. More information and resources are needed to determine their exact influence. There is definitely their signature on the architecture, magical and non-magical.   Despite being gone for only a few hours. It feels like weeks... my colleagues and i have decided to go back to local merchants to stock up on some more items to help us in our en devours. The items that we procured from the wagon at the windmill will require time to identify as to there purpose. That's my evening sorted, interestingly though Killian produces a couple of the items and asks if Wude the owner of 'The Trusty Feather' can identify them. Of course she couldn't, shes just a merchant but its amusing to watch this macho buffoon trying to impress, especially with statue of himself. Its seems that what was once a simple task of discovering the truth behind the letters has lead to us cleaning up this backwater village unraveling dark mysteries, fighting creatures and even more questions. Note-'Clink and Clanks' Battleaxe-I think a greater weapon is required for close quarters combat. 10 feet of metal chain-I have some ideas to make this item more useful than it sounds. Hunting traps-Useful for fortifying a position. after our previous exploits theses will become invaluable. Note-'The Trusty Feather' Alchemists Fire-After the success with catapulting the vial of Acid I am intrigued to see the outcome of this particular compound. Killian brought up an interesting point whilst doing his ridiculous mating dance. Merchants may be able to provide additional services, this may include magical services and possibly special stock. I feel that this will more relevant to the major town merchants but nerveless something to look out for.   The excursion to the windmill definitely needs to be reported. We've found the guard house and there is still no sign of the Guard Captain yet, just some of the farm boys that call themselves guards. This is becoming more frustrating. We don't want to over step the boundaries of the law but we will defend ourselves. The situations that have arisen need to be taken seriously. Leave it to Killian to explain what happened, I cant take much more of this, my frustrations with these incompetent guards has reached its limit.   ...[Krod walks away from the Guards, Killian and Dolen]   Evening time in 'The Windy Goat'. Theli provides us with a well deserved drink and meal. No sign of the healer and it turns out a shipment of food and drink that Theli ordered has gone missing. I have no doubt that the wagon we came across was the missing shipment because of his patronage I give him the shipment he ordered. Afterwards I leave my companions and go up early as I've got a lot of work to do in regards to identifying the rest of the plunder. Between trips up and down the stairs Isee my companions have fell into their usual roles. Killian is showing of to the masses whilst Dolen sits in the shadows and watches. Note-My discoveries in identification of the items we collected. Statue of the Elf jester-This statuette can become a raven for up to 12 hours. Once it has been used, it can't be used again until 2 days have passed. While in raven form, the figurine allows you to cast the animal messenger spell on it at will. Spyglass with Blue lenses-Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. In conditions of clear visibility, you can make out details of even extremely distant creatures and objects as small as 2 feet across. -Dolen the hunter will get the most benefit from these items. No more Discoveries made from these other trinkets accept for the statue that looks like Killian. After casting the Arcane ritual of identification the strong smell of death percolates from the statue. As I gave it back to Killian he did not notice the smell. Curious I feel the statue contains more secrets than a simple ritual reveals.   Morning has come and after breakfast we decide to go to the guard house again hopefully to report directly to the guard captain. What we find is the Sargent with the guards we saw yesterday and a prisoner ? What ! An accusation of theft and murder ! That lying troglodyte guard claims that he and his little posse cleared the windmill out of the bloody Goblins and that we came in possibly killed and stole from the dead merchants. Lies ! Despite Killian and Dolen negotiating a Zone of Truth it appears that we are being resisted. I don't like this. The Sargent doesn't want to listen and is denying any attempt to reason and that lying little Shit guard is trying to wiggle out of it. He wont get far ! He will face truth and judgement. The prisoner claims to be a survivor of the incident at the windmill, we must have missed him. Yes we did take the contents of the wagon but theft is a strong word. He seems petrified of something.   We've been double crossed ! We're trapped ! We haven't got long ! We need to find a way out or we will die down here !   Rehabilitation. Things are starting to make sense about the strange goings on around here, however we must first find a way out of this immense chamber. Note-The Gnomes are starting to rear their heads again. It appears from the stonework that they built this chamber. It is unknown as to the chambers true purpose, judging from the skeletons this is what they mean by rehabilitation. Thankfully those resourceful little buggers have left a series of puzzles to be solved to provide a backdoor key to those worthy enough to understand their intuitive minds.
Report Date
03 Jan 2024
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