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Abaddon is the moniker, title, or possibly the actual name of the merciless, brilliant, psychopathic man who rules the infamous gang known as the Apollyon like a god-king, exerting his will over his followers with a cult of personality that regards him as an immortal being who has transcended humanity with the blessing of the Ash Gods. His nihilistic beliefs hold that the remnants of humanity left alive on Ashrain are little more than bugs just waiting to be squashed by the aliens that now dominate the world, and as such any striving on humanity's part is fruitless, pointless, and merely a desperate attempt to justify a purposeless, doomed existence. His philosophy governs the Apollyon, who indulge in sadist, barbaric pleasures and hold no empathy towards their fellow man. Abaddon is seen in most circles as either the single greatest threat to the continued survival of humanity outside the ecological disaster that has devastated the Earth, or the all-powerful god-man who will lead humanity to a brighter tomorrow under the benevolent protection of the Ash Gods.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Abaddon is the chosen name of a man who supposedly survived the Great Cataclysm and came to not only survive, but to thrive in the chaos that followed. Developing deeply nihilistic and destructive beliefs about life following the destruction of the world, Abaddon rapidly amassed a sizable collection of followers from all corners of the former North American continent. His gang was brutal, ruthless, and merciless, and they soon became infamous as one of the most sadistic Carver gangs in the world. Despite this, Abaddon's philosophy differed significantly from that of the Carvers in that the Carvers sought primarily only to survive by extracting valuable water, the most precious resource in the world, from the most readily available source: human bodies. Though their disregard for human life went far beyond the murderous to sociopathic, Abaddon's disdain for life was even deeper. He regarded human beings as little more than ants in the face of beings such as the Ash Gods, and viewed the continuing struggle of humanity for survival to be little more than an irritation to the cosmos that had so clearly decreed they should be wiped out. As such, he often killed his own followers, casually and publicly, with little consideration to cause or meaning. This soon led to him being cast out of the Carvers, and he roamed the wilderness alone for many years to come.   According to legend, Abaddon was set upon by a band of Carvers who sought to kill him in retaliation for all the deaths he was responsible for. Fleeing from them, he found himself close to one of the titanic Constructs of the Ash Gods, and there he was taken by them. What happened to him in their captivity is unknown, but when he reemerged he was changed. He was taller, stronger, and faster. His eyes had been turned deep black and sizzled with burning fire like lit embers in coals. Tracked down again by the Carvers out for his blood, he slaughtered them single-handedly, all but one, who became his most devoted disciple thereafter. He claimed their belongings, returned to the gang that had cast him out, and destroyed them, leaving only a handful of survivors who formed the foundation of his cult which would come to be known as the Apollyon. From there, now hailed as a divine individual blessed by the Ash Gods and destined to save humanity, he set out across the former North America to raid, loot, kill, and swell the ranks of his followers. In time, Abaddon became a legend, dreaded and feared by all the remnants of humanity, his own humanity almost entirely forgotten.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Like glowing black coals
Long, shoulder length, raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
250 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Myths
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations


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