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The Constructs

The Constructs are gargantuan alien structures erected by the beings known as the Ash Gods following their domination and destruction of the Earth via the Great Cataclysm. Having converted the planet into a hostile, fiery environment blanketed in ash and soot, the aliens proceeded to erect these titanic, monolithic structures across the world at the sites of their initial landings, across landscapes and oceans alike. These strange behemoths tower up into the clouds and beyond to the sunlight hidden above, and penetrate deep into the planet's crust, possibly down past the mantel to the core. The purpose of these Constructs is entirely unknown to the surviving remnants of humanity, and trying to divine their purpose is as dangerous as life on the planet now known as Ashrain. All those who wander too close to the Constructs disappear, many never to be seen again. Those who are seen again, individuals such as the nihilistic sociopath known as Abaddon, reemerge with strange gifts and physical enhancements, seen as curses by most and blessings by the human cults who worship the Ash Gods as deities. The Constructs are virtually indestructible, made out of a strange alien metal, and exude bizarre vibrations that induce haunting hallucinations in those exposed to them long enough. In the bleak landscape of Ashrain, they are testaments to the omnipotent power of the aliens and the feebleness of humanity struggling to hang on to life in their shadows.

Purpose / Function

The purpose of the Constructs is entirely unknown. Many humans who have seen them and speculate about why the Ash Gods would come to Earth in the first place believe that they may reach all the way down to the Earth's core itself, harvesting its metals, heat, and energy for fuel and power. Others believe they are mining devices, stripping the Earth's crust and mantle of its valuable mineral resources. Others have concluded that they are terraforming devices, altering the interior of the planet's structure in preparation for a second event such as the Great Cataclysm which will remake the Earth entirely in the fashion of the Ash God's original homeworld, providing them with a new planet to call home.


The Constructs are gargantuan, metallic monoliths that reach upwards above the ash cloud blanketing the entire planet and descend hundreds of meters down into the lithosphere, possibly even to the mantle as indicated by the intensity of volcanic activity in their immediate vicinity. They are made of an unknown, virtually indestructible alloy that shimmers with a strange aura, its surface carved with strange, alien patterns that glow, shift, and change as if they themselves are alive.


Whether an intentional defense or not, the Constructs' greatest protection against hostile forces is the steady hum of sub-wave vibrations they emit, discernible by the human ear as a haunting frequency. This tembre is deeply distressing to the human mind, causing many who approach the Constructs to suffer delirium and madness. It has also been seen to keep animals at bay, providing the Constructs with an invisible shield of sorts that prevents anyone unwilling to have their mind shattered from approaching close enough to touch them.
Founding Date
Unknown (X-Day+1?)
Megastructure, Land based
Parent Location
Related Tradition (Primary)

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