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The Saashein Tongue

'Saashein' is a nonsense word created from the gibberish babblings of the unknown individual who became the first High Priest of the Ash Zealots after a slab of alien metal, the Saashein Tablet, fell from one of the massive Constructs. The man who discovered it immediately screamed 'saashein!' at the top of his lungs, which was seen by those who found him as a religious proclamation. His innate babbles were further seen as speech in an unknown alien tongue, which he had been blessed to comprehend by the giving of the tablet. The tablet was henceforth taken and enshrined as the central relic of religious worship for the cult that became the Ash Zealots. The man was made their first High Priest, and his crazed, delirious mutterings were taken down meticulously and with great detail over the next several years. He died shortly thereafter due to ravages on his brain by the affects of the alien metal, but his legacy lived on in the Zealot's cult. The crazed speech in which he spoke became the fundamental language of worship for the Zealots, despite the fact that none can understand its meaning, or if the inscriptions on the 'tablet' are even language. The Zealots maintain that the language of the Ash Gods is too powerful for mortal men to comprehend and that no translation of it is possible. The gods understand the prayers of the Zealots, even though they themselves do not, and as such they will bless humanity for their faith when they come unto the Earth once again.   A highly controversial document was published among the Ash Zealots several years after the discovery of the Saashein Tablet which claimed to be an English translation of the inscriptions. Its author claimed to have been given a vision by the Ash Gods that allowed him to comprehend the language and transcribe the tablet's contents. This man was renounced as a heretic by the Zealots as a whole and fled from their persecution to form a new sect of the cult. The remainder of the Zealots maintains that there is no translation for the language of the Ash Gods, that no such thing is possible, and to speak otherwise is blasphemy.


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