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Aderes Ashton-Twoshare

Written by MeggieMSimpson

Aderes Twoshare- Ashton (a.k.a. Addy)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aderes was born and raised in the New Mexico Ashton Complex, also spending a decent amount of time in Tarth where her mother was born and raised. She grew up participating in most family activities and being a full member of the Ashton Family as it is known through the gateways.   At 18, she enrolled in Western New Mexico University in Silver City, only two hours from her family's complex.   At 22, after graduating from WNMU, Aderes was walking upriver of her family's home when she fell through a small, unknown gate into the world of Karkhana. In Karkhana, she was forbidden from returning home and married to the guard Gaiseric Twoshare, for her own protection as well to ensure she remained in Karkhana.    After about 8 months in Karkhana, Aderes and her husband Gaiseric face the Tarthian Corvild Verisi Ketin, destroying the gate Aderes fell through to prevent the Corvild from gaining access to the Ashton Complex. In the aftermath, Gaiseric and Aderes (and their family) are named protectors of the gateways in Karkhana and given access to all gateways in the region of Hintar, to explore and travel at will.   Following this, Aderes travels often through many worlds, cataloguing what she learns for Karkhana, fighting for good wherever she goes, and interacting with her family whenever she gets the chance.


Aderes was homeschooled through high school (a unique homeschool which, due to her family, included an extensive education in all the worlds the Ashtons have come into contact with, as well as how to guard and travel through the gateways). She also has a bachelors in elementary education from Western New Mexico University.

Morality & Philosophy

Aderes has a strong faith in the God of the Bible, and in Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. She believes that God has given her family the gift and responsibility to travel through the gateways, spreading the Gospel and fighting evil and injustice wherever they find it.

Personality Characteristics


Aderes is motivated by a deep passion for her faith, strong convictions on right and wrong, and a powerful devotion to her loved ones. She follows where God leads her, even when she doesn't understand the reasons. She is ready to fight against evil and injustice wherever she meets it, regardless of her chances of victory. And her dedication to those she loves leads her to sacrifice almost anything to see them alive and safe.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Aderes has a good memory and a strong understanding of the universe as she knows it (the various gateways and the rules that define them). Since she's traveled to several worlds other than her home in New Mexico, she has enough experience with foreign cultures to know how to handle herself in them.   Aderes is very emotional, and struggles to hide what she's feeling and thinking.   Aderes has been trained in self defense and the use of various weapons, but she doesn't excel at any of it. Her strengths lie more on the relationship side of issues: she's good at drawing close to people, to better understand them as people and to endear them to herself. When it comes to fighting, she knows the basics but isn't very good at the action of fighting.

Likes & Dislikes

Aderes enjoys being around her family and friends, in whatever way she can. She enjoys large groups and loud gatherings, even if she remains on the sidelines to watch.   She hates Baro beans, a common foodstuff in Karkhana, calling it "baby food."

Virtues & Personality perks

Aderes is loving and fiercely protective of those she considers her family. She laughs easily and can usually summon a good attitude toward work and duty. She tries to maintain an attitude of acceptance and living well wherever she finds herself, guiding by the conviction that God is guiding her steps.

Vices & Personality flaws

At times, Aderes's emotions overwhelm her and blind her to the realities of the people around her. This can make her short sighted and self-centered in heated moments. She's not very brave or adventurous, though she's able to push past those limitations when protecting loved ones. She struggles to accept that she (and those around her) cannot fight every battle for good, and tries to push too much responsibility onto herself and those around her.


Contacts & Relations

She is related to the New Mexico Ashtons and citizens of the world of Tarth, giving her numerous connections in both worlds. As the wife of Gaiseric Twoshare, she is under the household protection of the Htearn of Hintar, Kahvad, and is able to approach him directly if she so chooses.

Family Ties

She's very close to her family, the Ashtons. Until her unexpected entrance to Karkhana, Aderes lived on the Ashton compound in New Mexico, alongside her parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and cousins. She also has contact with the extended Ashton family (there are others who live throughout the country, and one branch still occupies the land containing the first gate they took under their protection as a family). Aderes also has grandparents, as well as aunts and cousins, in the world of Tarth, which she visited often growing up. Though she is not as close to her Tarthian family as to the Ashtons, she knows them well.

Social Aptitude

Aderes is friendly and open to most that she meets, and she has an innocence about her that draws many to the desire to protect her. She is extroverted, but can be rather quiet. She loves easily and deeply, and often cannot stay angry at someone for long (especially those she loves). Her manner is unconsciously deceptive, in that those who meet her would think her helpless and possibly clueless about the dangers around her. While she is not the brave and bold type, she will stand up for what she believes in and will fight with everything she has to protect her loved ones.


Aderes Ashton-Twoshare

Wife (Vital)

Towards Gaiseric Twoshare



Gaiseric Twoshare

Husband (Vital)

Towards Aderes Ashton-Twoshare




Aderes married Gaiseric after accidentally falling into the world of Karkhana. Although strangers and somewhat distant at first, Gaiseric enters the marriage committed to protecting and caring for Aderes. Aderes, though struggling with the loss of her world and family, appreciates Gaiseric's care for her. As the couple struggles to understand and get to know one another, they come to a deep love of one another that stands the test of the many trials they must face.

Nicknames & Petnames

Gaiseric mostly calls Aderes by her full name, though occasionally uses her nickname "Addy". Aderes calls Gaiseric by his full name or "Seric."

Relationship Reasoning

Although married as strangers in order to provide Aderes with Protection and keep her in Karkhana, Aderes and Gaiseric both enter their marriage with the conviction that it is real and binding. Their relationship grows slowly as they get to know each other, always with the reality of their binding marriage in mind.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Aderes and Gaiseric are both strongly committed to fighting for good and protecting those under their care. They both have strong Christian faith.

Shared Secrets

Gaiseric knows Aderes is a member of the Ashton family, and her experience with the gateways. In turn, Aderes knows about the gates in Karkhana and about Gaiseric's difficult childhood.

Aderes Ashton-Twoshare

Sister (Important)

Towards Mitch Ashton



Mitch Ashton

Brother (Important)

Towards Aderes Ashton-Twoshare



Aderes Ashton-Twoshare

Sister (Important)

Towards Lauren Ashton-Barnes



Lauren Ashton-Barnes

Sister (Important)

Towards Aderes Ashton-Twoshare



Aderes Ashton-Twoshare

Sister (Important)

Towards Kancy Ashton-Sullivan



Kancy Ashton-Sullivan

Sister (Important)

Towards Aderes Ashton-Twoshare



Aderes Ashton-Twoshare

Sister (Important)

Towards Fergus Ashton



Fergus Ashton

Brother (Important)

Towards Aderes Ashton-Twoshare



Aderes Ashton-Twoshare

Sister (Important)

Towards Rangsey Ashton



Rangsey Ashton

Brother (Important)

Towards Aderes Ashton-Twoshare



Current Location
Date of Birth
24th of April, 1980 AD
Year of Birth
Ashton Compound, Catron County New Mexico
Gaiseric Twoshare (Husband)
Current Residence
Htearn Kahvad's Compound in region of Hintar
Medium brown, with flecks of gold. Large and expressive.
Medium brown, hangs in wild curls to just below her shoulder blades
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light tan, around wheat. Freckles?
145 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Aderes carries the Ashton's ability to understand and speak the languages of other worlds without first having to learn them. She is gifted even among the Ashtons, able to understand languages immediately and speak them fluently after listening to them for a few minutes. Written languages take more effort for her to learn, though she doesn't take as long to learn them as a normal person might.


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