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Chaodyatan Sho

City of Peace

The great city of Chaodyatan Sho stands outside, above, and beyond all of Yatan'aa, all of Tamrakaaz. The holy city sits at the very tip of ya'Xeichi, protecting the sacred Xien vi'Tyaana and the heart of Giaan’lun.


The Sacred City is, by decree and tradition, an open city. The only open city in Yatan'aa. None may be turned away from it's gates except following a banishment by the ud'Saava Dhaashen. After centuries of war, refugees and commerce, the population of the city is as fluid and diverse as could be possible in all of Tamrakaaz. Not only members from all the five Great Houses and the many minor ones, but the largest single population of Vid’Oshi in Yatan'aa, a significant number of Joen'Zi, and even occasional Raz Ursanai and rumours of Nwrmifythangyedd.


Though technically under the control of the Saava Dhaashen, the city is administered by the dominant House, currently House Bashir, and ruled by the Duzir to the Bashir Shur’h’neet.   The Duzir has under him the typical structure of administrators, scribes, and bureaucrats found in any of the five nations. While the oversight and administration of ya'Xeichi is much less complex due to being such a small jurisdiction, this is countered by the complexity and nuance of being the home of Xien vi'Tyaana and the seat of Giaan’lun.


Though the city has not be besieged for centuries, the old defensive walls still stand and help demarcate the original city from the slums and ghetto's that make up the bulk of the sprawling metropolis it has become.


They city is technically broken into 3 major sections.
  • The outer section or "New Town" is a massive sprawling field of tenements, shops, workshops, and shacks, with an outer-most band of quasi-permanent pilgrim tents. Inhabited by an ever changing mix of Unhoused refugees, merchants, zealots, travellers, servants, and workers, the New Town contains the vast majority of the cities overall population. This section is also subdivided into various subsections, generally by status and wealth. Notably however there is a section dedicated to the Vid'oshi and their heretical works. Aside from occasional attacks and drunken raids by the rest of the population, the area is the cleanest, safest and most orderly part of New Town.
  • The second inmost section is called the "Inner City" and is demarcated by the original walls of the old city. It is loosely separated into two 'layers'. The outer most is home to the governmental and administrative operations of the city-state as a whole as well as various embassies and bazaars catering to the upper houses. The second layer, further again from the wall contains the gold spired palaces and cultural buildings of the upper (and some lower) houses.
  • The inner most third section is called the Xeichi ke'Xien, or "Anticipatory Verge of Sacred Wisdom", sometimes called the "Faith Wall". Here stand the fifteen high towers of the original zhoyaalas. The fifteen zhoyaalas are physically joined, spanning from cliff to cliff of the ever narrowing peninsula. Each zhoyaala bears a huge gated tunnel through it's centre at ground level, and all who wish to enter the Fields of the Ud'Haare must pass through one of the fifteen gates, according to their vi'tyaana. Like the broader city itself, even heretics are granted entry, though they must enter the fields through the Zhoyaala of Heresy butted up against the western cliffs.
  Finally, at the very point of the great peninsula, sits Xien vi'Tyaana, and between it and the city, Fields of the Ud'Haare. Officially the Fields and the Great Pinnacle are not a part of the city, or even a part of Yatan'aa or Tamrakaaz. The Xien vi'Tyaana is the sacred verge between Tamrakaazand Moksh ke'Jishu. Colloquially however, the Xien vi'Tyaana and the Fields of the Ud'Haare are considered the inner-most section of Chaodyatan Sho.

"As I approached the Sacred City I saw only the great pinnacle of the Xien vi'Tyaana piercing the sky. Then, as the trees gave way and the land began to rise towards the city's edge, the true nature of the place struck me. Rotting hovels and decrepid markets filled with the rank smells of decay and human filth ringed an inner city of unfeeling Zhoyaalas and the golden towers of the cruel upper Houses. I wanted to mourn and rage and sick up my heart all at once. But then I reached the Maya Gates. I saw and felt the glory of the Xien vi'Tyaana rising towards Moksh ke'Jishu in all it's true and astonishing wonder. My heart swelled and my mind reeled, then I fell to my knees in understanding. I too would live in abject squalor or bury my eyes in the study of the Zhoyaalas if it meant living in the glorious shadow of redemption and destiny made manifest."

- Edwaar Gosaki, Poet to House Kadae (715AS)
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Sacred City
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank

Cover image: by Logan Schinbeckler


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