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Sacred Maya. Mother of Giaan’lun.

The Savior.   First Voice of Niryusha.   The most holy of holies.   Scribe of the Kahaan ke'Maya.   Projenitor of Giaan’lun.   Mother Maya.   The ud'Haare.   She who journied to Xien vi'Tyaana and heard the Unspoken Word, then returned to her people to save them from despair.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

One of five children born to farmers outside Segaar Khin, Maya's early childhood was relatively normal for a Chi’yuan girl. As her mother was able to find time to teach and educate her in her early years, Maya proved to be extremely intelligent. Teaching herself to read after being shown only the basic letters and pronunciations, then teaching herself basic mathematics while helping her mother cook. By the time she twas welve years old, Maya had invented a new type of plough for her father, and designed a much improved aqueduct system for the surrounding farms.   While her incredible intelligence and creativity made her revered by family and friends, this was counterbalanced by a disturbing inability to grow out of her childhood noeju ke'moajaa. While most of her magical outbursts were isolated to the home, some of those outbursts were fairly dramatic and one even caused a minor injury to a younger brother. Two or three dramatic events in the city however brought massive shame to both her and her family. This had an ill effect on their family fortunes and as she got older, Maya's consinued inability to shed her noeju ke'moajaa, made it all but impossible for her mother to arrange a husband for her. It also caused Maya to retreat into her own mind and become afraid of leaving their farm at all. The local lashaan overseers attempted repeatedly to discuss the outbursts with Maya's parents, but were of course refused. The lashaan went so far as to summon the Emissary and insist that Maya be taken away for magical training. Only when the Shur’h’neet himself got involved and demanded the Emissary's withdrawal did they relent. By then however, the incredible damage to Maya's reputation, and that of her family, had become general knowledge.   Though it took many years, Maya's desirably slight build, bright eyes, and a chain of incredible inventions donated to the city by her family, made it possible for her mother to finally attract and arrange a husband for her. He was a solitary farmer far from the city and already a widower in his middle years. He was not cruel or foolish, but neither was he strong or well regarded. His former wife had died of a long infection after injuring herself helping him hitch gho to a plough. The dishonour of needing his wife's assistance for such a task was countered only by the courage they showed in refusing to seek healing magic from the lashaan overseers.   At eighteeen years old, Maya was married to her new husband in a small ceremony and moved away from her childhood home for the first time. She produced no children for many years and was seen outside her new husband's farm rarely. Both she and he were muttered about questioningly and judged quietly by their neighbours and even family, but neither seemed overly unhappy or showed any signs of marital stryfe. Over time the prosperity of his farm increased significantly, and despite the lack of children of any kind, her husband's reputation improved steadily. By the time she was twenty four, Maya at last produced a son for her husband. Her noeju ke'moajaa, which had continued in small ways into adulthood, only ceased when she became pregnant.   Two years later, came the deliverance.   The disappearance of all lashaan was an incredible blessing, freeing the Chi’yuan from tyranny and the constant threat and taint of magic. Unfortunately, all the works of the lashaan disappeared as well. Most tried to ignore how much of the infrastructure, buildings, tools, and even household items had been made by or with the lashaan, but the practical effect on the people's day to day life was dramatic. In the blink of an eye, whole swaths of Segaar Khin disappeared. Seed grain stockpiles, tools, the central aqueduct and countless other items were gone. Celebration mixed with hunger and fear, and without Overseer support, the Shur’h’neet lost all control. Neighbour fell on neighbour for basic supplies and small gangs and alliances formed around the remaining plows and carts that had been built solely by Chi’yuan hands.   Upheaval and chaos descended on the Chi’yuan. Violence, starvation and desperation took over.   In the collapse of their small society over the two years years following the deliverance, a third of the population of Akhaal died. While an interim government was eventually formed, it was plagued with infighting, sabotage and even assassination. Six different men declared themselves Shur’h’neet.   Maya's ingenuity and skill left her husband's farm as one of the few still prosperous. Her parents and younger brother and his family abandoned their farm near the city to looters and joined Maya and her husband, making their collective efforts even more prodigious. This also made their farm a target. One day a huge band attacked the farm, stealing their tools, food reserves, and killing the men. Maya's father was mortally wounded trying to come to her husbands aid. In fit of rage, Maya's noeju ke'moajaa returned with a vengeance. Her uncontrolled magical outburst destroyed half of their farmhouse and killed not just several of the attackers, but her infant son as well. In terror and horror, her brother's wife and children fled the farm with the remaining looters.   Maya was left in abject misery.   Feeling utterly hopeless and lost, she left her child's body in a hand dug grave and began wandering northward mindlessly. Managing to survive off the land for many weeks, she asked herself questions as she walked, reflecting on her life and the life of her people, as well as the lore of her ancestors before coming to Tamrakaaz. Alone and lost inside herself, pain and loss took her over. Eventually, feeling a deep despair at her own actions and a futility to life and the future of humanity, she came to rocky cliffs that loomed over the Eastern Sea. Continuing along the cliffs, she eventually found a great promontory rising up to a point as it stabbed out into the waves. Hiking and climbing up and out to it's tip, she sat on it's edge. It was like a piece had been cut out of a mountain and she sat where the peak had been. A grassy hill side lay behind her and sheer cliffs below her. The whole periphery was filled by storm clouds and sounds of crashing waves far far below. There she contemplated death.   Before she could throw herself onto the distant rocks below however, a presence came to her. She would later describe it in the Kahaan ke'Maya as a presence in her mind that "spoke without words". The presence identified itself as Niryusha, the ancient spirit of Moksh ke'Jishu that had once guided and protected humanity before being stranded on Ashvaarya. It explained to her how she, and the whole of the Chi’yuan could live lives of meaning and hope in service to it and it's great destiny.   Inspired and reinvigorated by a new holy mission, the ud'Haare hastily returned to her people and brought them the new understanding and faith she had found. Learning that Niryusha had not left them and still watched over them was a world changing revelation to the Chi’yuan. Maya explained the great beings purpose and direction for them, that it had been kept from them by the lashaan's magic, but now could work with humanity to one day set off again on their holy journey to Tienwara ya'Shuu. The new religion of Giaan’lun, the worship of Niryusha and the pursuit of xeichi pulled humanity from the brink of self destruction and gave them clear purpose and meaning. To better support her new followers, and for the benefit of future generations, the ud'Haare recorded her journey, the wisdom of Niryusha, and all that she had divined from that wisdom into the great chronicle: the Kahaan ke'Maya.   After building up Giaan’lun, helping to oversee the establishment of a new Shur’h’neet, and planting the seeds for the Saava Dhaashen and the Zhoyaalas, the ud'Haare faded from history.   The pursuits of her later life, her further achievements, even the time and circumstances of her death are unknown.   It has become dogma that once her work in Akhaal was complete she wandered the land alone. She first sought xeichi in the east, then travelled north and eventually even into the west. After exploring the whole of Tamrakaaz she eventually returned to Xien vi'Tyaana where Niryusha brought her bodily up to Moksh ke'Jishu to oversee all those who achieve Gionghua.


Like most Chi’yuan children before the deliverance, Maya's education was minimal and done at home. Her mother taught her the basics of reading and writing between chores and tasks around the house. Maya's early aptitude for engineering attracted attention from community leaders. Science and engineering were such celebrated fields by the Chi’yuan, that Maya was granted access to few books on the subject in the Akhaal's tiny collection. She took this opportunity to learn what she could about history, biology, and anything else the precious texts had to offer.   By the age of nine, Maya was as educated as any adult in the settlement and her expertise was already sought by local farmers and leaders. Sadly, as she got older and still showed symptoms of magical ability, she was deemed too dangerous to be granted further access to either the community's books or leaders.

Mental Trauma

It has been proposed by jhuu'Kosh, House Joen'Zi, and various other heretics that all the experiences put forth in Sacred Maya's great work, the Kahaan ke'Maya, are the result of halucination and mental breakdown following the tragic death of her family.   The ud'Haare was however the first to aknowledge the incredible trauma of that event and it's impact on her emotional and mental state, and effectively refutes that this was the cause of her divine experience. The Kahaan ke'Maya is the best embodiement of her brave vulnerability, exposing her twisted and near broken mind throughout Zhangtee ke'Tongkiesh. As she said herself in the third Zhangtee, "Misery and hopelessness brought me to hatred of my own life and the very brink of destruction, but the promise of Moksh ke'Jishu and a glorious life after death brought me through destruction to a new and deeply meaninful kind of living."

"Let her that suffered most and yet achieved most, sit in judgement at the Bridgehead of Moksh ke'Jishu as the faithful pass through gionghua."

- Zhangtee ke'Gionghua, Eleventh Veta of the "Zhen ta'Jeenhuo" by Yuti ud'Bahxi (47 AS)
Current Status
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Death
Year of Birth
26 PS 857 Years old
Circumstances of Death
Segaar Khin
Place of Death
black as jet, trimmed short, glistening
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light brown
16 hands
7.5 stone
Founded Settlements

Cover image: by Logan Schinbeckler


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