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Alighierian Burn

An Alighierian Burn is the condition caused by unprotected contact with Novus Energy, resulting in horrific mutation, excruciating pain and eventual death of the affected subject.   Alighierian Burns are incredibly difficult to treat and are known to have a near 100% mortality rate.

Transmission & Vectors

An Alighierian Burn's main method of infection is through direct skin contact with Novus Energy. Due to Novus Energy's unpredictable properties, it is advised to assume that the method of infection is airborne and therefore should have precautions taken to prevent such infection from spreading.


The main cause of infection is through the leak or exposure of Novus Energy through the opening of a Gate or through residual presence of Novus Energy.   Physical touch to raw Novus Energy results in instant infection by absorption through the skin.


The Burn will spread from the point of contact and progress through four specific stages with their symptoms, each stage lasts an average of 45 minutes to three hours. The symptoms are described below:  

Stage 1: Initial Infection

  • Subject's skin will begin to saturate in colour and progressively become several shades darker.
  • Subject will suffer from excruciating pain across the infected area.
  • Infected area will begin to loosen from muscle and will generally feel cold to the touch.

Stage 2: Mutation Period

  • Subject's infected area will begin to spread to connecting tissue at a rate of 1 ft per hour.
  • Infected area will begin to experience wild mutations, expanding in size and changing shape drastically.
  • Formation of Novus Demons' iconic eyes will begin to form across infected area.
  • Subjects are known to lose consciousness for hours during this stage, presumed to be a result from the pain inflicted.

Stage 3: Sentience Period

  • At this stage, the subject's brain activity tends to cease, however, organs function as normal.
  • The infected area begins to act as the centre of motor function. The subject's body is coordinated accordingly to the infected limb.
  • Enhanced muscle growth in the infected area can be observed, physical strength of the growing appendage increases drastically.
  • Infected tissue will begin to simulate an alimentary canal, starting by developing a primitive mouth composed of sharp, hardened tissue.
  • Subject's infected appendage should now be considered highly hostile. Appendage will seek any source of food, living or not. Although it will tend to chase living creatures over inanimate objects.

Stage 4: Expiration Stage

  • Regardless of how much the subject feeds, the infected appendage will begin to drastically lose weight and muscle mass over the course of this stage.
  • The eyes commonly found on typical Novus Demons instances will begin to loose their function and become inactive.
  • The infected appendage will begin to loose signs of life (slower movement, slow response to stimuli). Subject's organ functions will begin to cease.
  • Subject expires.


The faster, most efficient and possibly only treatment to an Alighierian Burn is the extraction of infected tissue. Amputation of an infected limb is advised to prevent further spread of the Burn, if professional medical help can be applied to the subject, it is highly advised to do so, otherwise a crude amputation could be the only solution. This treatment method is only effective with a subject that is currently on Stage One of infection. In case of later stages of infection, termination of the subject is advised.


Early detection of a leak of Novus Energy is the most effective prevention method, evacuating from an infected subject or area contaminated with Novus Energy is highly advised.   Alerting security personnel of a leak and letting a professionally trained team deal with the containment of the leak also ensures that future infection will be successfully prevented. In case you find yourself in a contaminated area, wearing protective clothing will shield your body from infection. As the infection is transmitted through skin contact, wearing thick, waterproof clothing is advised.


An epidemic can easily be contained if the initial source of Novus Energy is stopped as infected subjects cannot reciprocate the infection. With that said, a large infected area can cause a large number of infected to arise. Evacuation is HIGHLY advised in this scenario.

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