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Novus Demons

Novus Demons are aberrations turned into tools. They are synthetically fabricated from relative matter to the kind of Novus that the summoner wishes to invoke as well as a dark and mysterious energy from the The Abyss called Novus Energy .   Their initial use was for the purpose of providing Patrons to spell casters that no longer had an entity to rely on for power after the events of The Great Abandonment, but have since then been developed to work in different areas of the Arcane.

Basic Information


A Novus' anatomy varies depending on their specified design. Certain fabricated Novus may exhibit more prominent features than others, and therefore qualify for different tasks.

Biological Traits

Life span

Novus are biologically immortal, a definite life span is undetermined.  

Height & Weight

The height of a Novus varies from subject to subject. Some Novus are recorded to be as small as 1ft high, while other span a height of over 100ft. The same goes for weight, as it can be determined depending on the subject's size.  

Prominent Features

Novus tend to share the same similar features across subjects:
  • A predominant presence of excess eyes across the body, generally coloured red or black. Most of these contribute to a good vision, but in some cases, a large number can be deduced to be non-functional.
  • A near-constant secretion of a black, viscous substance. Theorised to originate from the Novus' connection to The Abyss.
  • A tendency to have irregular, or sometimes over-sized limbs. These don't generally tend to affect the efficiency of the subject, but sometimes even enhance it.
An incredibly simplified Novus, showcasing their signature eye.

Genetics and Reproduction

Novus are produced in a chemical/arcane hybrid ritual. The ritual can legally only be performed under supervision of higher Arcane qualifications and under very very specific conditions. It must be conducted in a licensed laboratory, by one or more licensed spellcasters.   Some of the required materials used in the ritual are as follow:
  • One or more Spellshard infused with Novus Energy, the amount needed can vary depending on the strength desired for the Novus.
  • A base material for the Novus to take form in (e.g. metal, wood, stone).
  • Arcane equipment suited for the summoning/creation of Novus (provided by Novus Council).
  • Any other materials that are to be imbued into the Novus (Optional enhancements).
  • A living sacrifice. (The Novus requires a soul to survive. The stronger the soul, the stronger the Novus will grow to be)
The ritual can vary on execution depending on what kind of Novus is desired. Assistance from the Novus Council is recommended in order to decide. At the end of the ritual, the Novus will bind to one or more of the members used in the ritual. The master(s) will then subconsciously inherit the ability to command that specific Novus. The subject will follow the order exactly as the user(s) intended. In-case that an order given by multiple masters contradicts itself, the order will cancel out and the Novus will return to its idle state, as if it had completed the order.   In case of a master expiring, the closes living relative to the previous master will inherit the ability to command the Novus, therefore becoming the Novus' new master.

Growth Rate & Stages

A Novus becomes fully mature in at least a week after completion of the ritual. Constant feeding is necessary to sustain the infant Novus. The feeding will ensure the growth and healthy development of the subject, and therefore is essential to keep close watch as to what it eats.   The feeding material can vary depending on the purpose of the Novus, but living creatures generally tend to keep the subject healthiest and ensure that the infant grows up to its full potential. Humanoids tend to nurture the subject the most but are advised against using due to obvious moral issues.

Ecology and Habitats

Novus don't generally tend to depend on a specific habitat outside of the initial summoning Ritual. Due to the harsh origin of Novus Energy the Novus can generally benefit in any given habitat.

Dietary Needs and Habits

After the initial nurturing of the week following it's summoning, Novus don't require much food or nutrition outside of a bi-weekly feeding to ensure a quicker and healthier response to orders.

Biological Cycle

For all states and purposes, Novus are biologically immortal. They do not "age" as other creatures do, although they are able to develop characteristics over-time. They can, however, be killed by outside influence.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Novus are commonly used for grunt work. Since they are expendable, they make it for great foot soldiers or familiars. Larger Novus are able to gift their master(s) with access to temporary gates into The Abyss, which can then be used to utilise Novus Energy in a various of ways, from spellcasting materials to raw power.

Average Intelligence

Novus are highly intelligent, but will only conduct predominant actions under direct order from it's Master.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Novus are designed for specific jobs, therefore some Novus can have some senses heightened beyond what other Novus have. For example: A Novus designed for searching or hunting might have heightened sight and hearing over a Novus meant for excavation, which would have heightened muscles and features made for digging.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Novorum dæmoniorum
Novus Demons technically originate from The Abyss, but are fabricated on the Material Plane by qualified spellcasters
Conservation Status
Novus are rarely cultivated outside licensed laboratories. They are synthetically fabricated under very specific conditions, and due to its dangerous fabrication method, only licensed personnel are able to produce new Novus.
Average Height
Can vary from a minimum of 1ft.
Average Weight
Dependant on overall size.
Average Physique
The physique of a Novus is incredibly varied. With some subjects tending to go towards a malnutritioned physique while others lean more towards a animalistic, almost ape-like stature.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Novus are normally made of a mixture of a mysterious black substance and a base material used in it's summoning ritual.

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