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Kha'loror Stadus, the Dancing Lich

"I stood there... At the entrance to a grand ball room, candle lights hung from countless chandeliers, each twisted and broken in their own individual sickly manner, one trait they all shared, though, was the material they were made from, human bone.   I stood there... My sword in hand, flaming like a red dragon's own breath, nearly scorching my hair as I swang the blade from side to side, clearing the ashes and dust that rained down from the antique ceiling... As well as the remnants of vaporised corpses.   I stood there... As a twisted melody ripped its way through the crisp and musty air of the cathedral to my ears. The violins sounding like a harpy's screech while the piano dotted its way through the song like the remains of a prisoner, incarcerated within an iron maiden.   I stood there... As he spun and twisted around upon the floor of the ball room, a corpse bride in his skeletal grip. He hummed and sung along to the maniacal melody, his bride looking more and more familiar.   I stood there... Now realising how fast time goes by. Not understanding the passage of it, and how small a minute could be... Or was it a year? It matters not. His steps echoed throughout the hall, silently tapping with a wrongful rhythm, my own beginning to match his.   He stood there... A cold hand clutched on my own, the other on my waist, as we twirled through the ball room, my hair swinging through the air left and right to the rhythm of the beautiful melody.   He stood there... His hollow eyes locked to mine while my body slowly withered away, centuries old now. His hand sat upon my waist, only moving to adjust slightly as my corpse turned into nothing but dust.   He stood there... "


The legend of Kha'loror, The Dancing Lich begun hundreds of years back. Adventurers would return from their journeys with letters and such belonging to party members which they did not recall ever meeting, the letters would detail their time spent in a lost dungeon somewhere in the Prison Island of Valonde , in the company of a Lich named Kha'loror Stadus.   Kha'loror was Not an ordinary Lich, he held an inhumane love for music and dancing. So much, in fact, that he chose dancing as his method of extracting souls from onlookers, performing a forbidden Necromancy spell that charmed subjective creatures into willingly handing him their souls.   The Lich however, was described as quite a gentle soul (or souls?), and often held his guests at utmost importance, be it for making sure they are well accustomed to his lair, are met with warm greetings or well fed. Though most of them end their journey as a meal for the Lich himself...

Historical Basis

Several searches have been done across Valonde, all failing to locate either the Lich or his dungeon. The prison itself, however has reported to be housing oddly empty cells when records show there were prisoner's assigned to it. This is a common occurrence and should not be considered as out of ordinary. Besides the disappearances, the Prison Island remains at its normal functioning rate, and the several anti-magic fields located on the island are still operational and would not allow such a creature to reside on the island.


The legend of Kha'loror was widespread through poems and stories after the appearance of letters and documents from unknown assailants, all detailing the same individual creature that plagues a mysterious dungeon with horrifying music and deadly dancing.

Variations & Mutation

Over the centuries, the frequency in which the letters from Kha'loror's victims has dwindled, with less and less records of it being credible or even existing at all. From an initial threat to the well being of the prisoners of Valonde, Kha'loror has become more of a boogie-man sort of tale told to new prisoners in hopes of straightening their attitude... Needless to say, it does not work.

Cultural Reception

The recently reunited land of Aspicientis took the initial "sightings" of Kha'loror as a sign that a worse threat was to come, possibly even worse than Derukoskai, the Tyrant. However, suspicions were quickly put to rest after the intense searches done throughout Valonde returning with no signs of any Lich.   After the debunk of Kha'loror's existence, the myth became simply that, a myth. The public donned the Lich with the title of "The Dancing Lich" due to his obsession with music and performing arts.

In Literature

Many of the letters and records of Kha'loror's victims were turned into poems and short stories, some spanning into series of fictional books where heroes would hunt down and face the Lich only to find him being a welcoming host and not a threat to them at all.   Many children's books featured Kha'loror as their main character in quests to find magical Spellshards of Music to entertain the guests of his grandiose gala.   Some view Kha'loror's myth as being a great advancement to the creative literature of Aspicientis, as it not only furthered creativity from writers so to rebuild all that The Tyrant has destroyed, but to also introduced a lighter tone to the land's public entertainment after such a tragic catastrophe that Derukoskai bought upon them.

In Art

Since the Lich was never actually discovered, his appearance was never actually seen. Despite that, artists and writers have gone through endless renditions of what he could look like. Many caricatures and artistic representations display Kha'loror as a skeletal figure with a skull embedded with multicoloured jewels and wearing a bright green and gold robe, generally dancing or singing along to a band of reanimated corpses.
Date of First Recording
Circa 56AF

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