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Freedom (frēdəm)

Freedom is the belief that one's personal agency if the most important factor of this life. they put their own agency above almost everything else in life. That agency extends only so far as to when it interferes with another's agency unless for extreme situations. Those who ascribe to this belief aspire to 7 attributes, or steps. These 7 steps to Freedom are: patient, humble, courage, devoted, charity, virtuous, and sacrifice in this order. Sacrifice is the greatest of the steps, as it takes the most devotion to complete. Patience is the start, which leads into humility and that humility leads into courage. Devotion leads to wanting to aspire higher, charity leads to a love of others, virtue shows your standard of striving to reaching the highest step of Freedom, sacrifice.


The culture is based around the 7 attributes of Freedom. All members of the Outriders and followers of Freedom are expected to strive for these 7 attributes.

Mythology & Lore

Those who subscribe to the belief of Freedom as a religion do not try to explain the creation of the world, nor how humanity came to be, instead they simply focus on the ideal of Freedom, and the tenets that are ascribed to it. The closest to a deity that they would worship is Archimus the Resurrected, but he is seen as the highest one can achieve on their own journey for freedom.

Divine Origins

Freedom came about before known records. It is believed to be a religion pre-Calamity, but no one truly knows its origins. The beliefs have evolved as more has been discovered.

Cosmological Views

Freedom does not try to explain the creation of everything. Its understanding of the world is that ones own agency, and use thereof, is the highest good as long as that use of choice does not also interfere with someone else's agency. One can achieve two Freedoms, one during this life and one after they die.

Tenets of Faith

The highest "commandment" is that your own agency is the most important thing in this world. To coerce someone else to use their agency in a way that they do not want to is highly looked down upon. There are exceptions when looking to do the best for others, however.


Worship in this religion is someone's own personal choices. Their use of agency, and how they use their agency, is how one shows their dedication. There are things that are looked up to. Things like sacrifice, courage, charity, patient, devoted, humble, and virtuous. These are the 7 attributes of Freedom.

Political Influence & Intrigue

This religion is almost completely connected to the Outriders organization and is also tied to House Felif. As such both groups use Freedom as a guiding method in their policy, however the Outriders hold it to a more immoveable degree than House Felif does.

Freedom at All Costs

Founding Date
Religious, Other
Alternative Names
Cult of Archimus
Ruling Organization

Very Friendly

These two groups are interconnected.
