Duchess Alicia

Duchess Alicia Tabernacle, of Redway


An Assyrian noblewoman, raised in the entertainment district of Assandria, known as the Redway. Gifted with a high aptitude for Astral Sorcery, she was one of two favored to ascend to the throne of Sorcerer Monarch, with the other being the Duke Reiner of Skypeak.  
Having been formally educated by a plethora of poets, artists, and minstrels of various disciplines, Alicia is well-versed in the arts- a necessity for presiding over the entertainment district. A side effect of a thorough multidisciplinary education is exposure to various political ideologies. The one she clung the most to is the ideal of a communistic society.  
Once appointed as duchess of Redway, she saw the district flourish with the arts, but grew disatisfied with the exclusive nature of the district. Only those with the means to afford the luxuries of the entertainment district could be enriched by it. Her elitist peers in Redway were not overly interested in sharing their space with the lower class, however. It didn't take long for her to begin venturing deep into the slums of Assandria, known as the Warrens. She would put herself in a crowded population center and begin proselytizing to any who would listen, often with the promise of some free snacks for stopping by. After a few days, she would garner a large following of Kenku, who both adored snacks and were adept and parroting whatever they heard.  
The Sorcerer's Contest
With the death of the Sorcerer King Warglade, Alicia entered the sorcerer's contest. Between her and Duke Reiner, she stood an excellent chance of ascendency. However, a previously unknown descendant of Assyrian Royalty, by the name of Zael defeated them both in a duel, and claimed the title for himself.  
The Redway Rebellion
After the ascension of Sorcerer Prince Zael, nobles soon began to see their roles stripped of power. Assyrian royalty were quickly shut out of important political and administrative positions, their replacement hand-picked by Zael himself in a transparent power-grab. Alicia saw the signs of a monarch with bloody ambitions beyond Assyria's borders, and secreted herself and her followers away to the Mountain Valley, where they plot a rebellion to overthrow the coming threat to the people of Assyria.
Lawful Good
Year of Birth
Current Residence
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