Elias "The Liar"

(a.k.a. The Liar)

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

His entire "look" has a pinkish tinge, with pinkish ginger-blonde hair, flushed pale skin, and lots of body hair to match.

Apparel & Accessories

Elias always wears some kind of wide-open button down shirt, with tight pants and knee-high boots.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

(absurdly sad backstory) whis whole family died in a "freak gasoline fight accident"


a "bi-curious" elf who has had a LOT of time to experiment, but never figures out if he's bi or straight. His sexuality is such a driving force in his life that he is incredibly meticulous with the way he approaches sexual relationships.


Very well educated, formally in his homeland and informally through his travels all around the world. Elias is fluent in many languages and is well-acquainted with just as many cultures. He believes in hands-on learning.


Elias is unemployed, and simply uses his deceased family's inheritance to fund his extravagant lifestyle.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Makes sure to keep track of every different kind of person he's had sex with, and makes a point to try to up his numbers every time he goes somewhere new. Evidently, he has banged quite a lot of people in his long lived experience.

Intellectual Characteristics

extremely good with numbers

Morality & Philosophy

Looks down on others with shorter lifespans or less life experience. He pities younger and shorter-lived races, and sees anyone under the age of 100 as inexperienced and intellectually stunted. This does not stop him from trying to have sex with them.


His family and how he acquired his riches is a very touchy subject. When asked about it, Elias will lie about his origins to avoid revealing too much information about himself.


Contacts & Relations

initially when first dating Cronk o' Dar he did legitimately consider getting in a "real" relationship with him. In cronk, he saw how inexperienced, doting, and exotic he was, excited by the idea of him as a long term partner. After a week or so, he went back to dismissing cronk as just another addition to his body count. This dismissal was due to how Cronk legitimately did try to show Elias his love in turn, which only ended up scaring him away because of Elias' inability to want to commit to anything-- even though he was already planning on cheating on him anyway. At no moment did it cross Elias' mind that he was taking advantage of him, by lying every other sentance, manipulating him, and in general just being very emotionally and sexually abusive, which both go hand-in-hand. Elias is like this with everyone he gets in bed with but even moreso with Cronk (and others like him in the past) purely because of how vulnerable Cronk was at the time.

Hobbies & Pets

He has had hundreds of pet ferrets in his lifetime but only owns one at a time. Everytime a ferret passes away, he gets a new one with a slightly different name. Currently, his ferret's name is Milo.


Elias "The Liar"

Scorned Ex-Boyfriend (Trivial)

Towards Cronk o' Dar



Cronk o' Dar

Robot Boy?/Girl Thing (Important)

Towards Elias "The Liar"




Elias and Cronk dated for a few weeks during Cronk's time in Assandria. Elias had been around for a little longer than that, and was about to move on from there until Cronk caught his attention. While this time was short, it ultimately really shaped how Cronk percieves relationships to this day-- but also turned out to be rather unimportant in Elias' life. Elias' sexual and emotional abuse is mostly invisible to Cronk, unfortunately making him internalize a lot of the things that was put in his head. They did "break up" after Cronk caught him kissing someone else.
  as a result of this messy end, Cronk has internalized much of how Elias treated him, and doesnt even really blame him for it either. He knows that what Elias did was wrong, but he believes he must have had good reason for it, treating him in the way he did.

Relationship Reasoning

in Cronk, Elias only saw a commodity. Cronk legitimately had hope for a long term relationship.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

All that Cronk thinks they have in common are lies made up by Elias.

Shared Acquaintances

Probably Elias' pet ferret

Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
November 13th, 75 AD
Strawberry blond shoulder length shaggy hair, short trimmed beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pinkish, pale complexion with notable beauty marks


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