Cronk and Mist's Adventures Through Assandria!!!

The backstory



After Mist's orphanage burned down, she turned to a life of crime in Assandria, eventually joining a local gang called The Underbelly. She worked for them for several years, doing small jobs and petty theft to bring money in for The Underbelly. She learned to be a thief, but found a sense of community in the gang.
  Eventually she wanted to prove herself, both as a thief and to her superiors in the gang. Deciding that the best course of action was to pull off a huge heist on her own, she stole a cart full of money, meant to be the payroll of a rival gang, The Unchained. This led to a full scale gang war, The Unchained blaming the higher ups of The Underbelly. The fighting was brief, but many lives were lost on both sides. Eventually the majority of the payroll was recovered, but when the news came out that Mist acted alone, the Unchained targeted her, and The Underbelly turned on her.
  With nowhere else to go, Mist ran as far away from the gangs as she could, ending up in a section of the city where neither gang held territory. She hid herself behind a cloak to prevent herself from being recognized, and resorted to taking odd jobs and bounties to keep herself fed.  

Cronk (end of two fang to assandria)

Cronk o' Dar At this point would have been travelling alone for a few years. He made his way into Assandria with the purpose of finding himself and distancing from Two Fang, and especially Dart and Driver. While the capitol of the country isn't necessarily a great hiding spot from a band of well-travelled gangsters, It is still one of the best places for someone like Cronk to make a new name for themselves.  
That's right, I'm the Dead End Trigger, BITCH. Uh- wait, no nevermind actually
Cronk's struggle with his new desired identity as Cronk o' Dar rather than THE DEAD END TRIGGER creates difficult social situations. This still happens in the current year, but his bounty hunting days are much fresher in memory-- further exasperated by the fact that he has undoubtedly done jobs around Assandria under that name not so long ago. Other Gutter Snakes do run into Cronk during his time alone AND with Mist, but they didn't always know of his truancy. For the times that they did, Gutter Snakes approached Cronk with hostility for turning away from their gang.
  Most of the time he spent alone was dedicated to trying to find the old comforts of home in this new big city. Naturally, he would come to miss certain aspects of Two Fang. Cronk would frequent taverns to listen to the local music, some of which was familiar to him due to Two Fang having mostly borrowed its music from outer sources. Cronk's exotroverted personality meant that he would tend to lean towards socializing with plenty of random people, maybe hoping that he'd find some kind of long term companionship that he had been missing. Undoubtedly, many cigarettes were shared amongst other equally shady-yet-personable thugs like him.
  Cronk's effort to find companionship with other men resulted in a handful of now-abandoned sore spots in his dating history which all involve other convicts who he met through his infamy as The Dead End Trigger. Freshly heartbroken and naive to the dating world, Cronk approached these relationships with high hopes and a desperate yearning for commitment and passion-- that he would soon discover is impossible to find in the burly arms of yet another thankless merc. It was at this time that he began to second-guess his decison to leave Dart, causing an entirely new batch of emotions to overcome him.  

narrative here

something something they run into each other
  Mist and Cronk, both fleeing to the same area of Assandria around the same time, were bound to meet eventually, especially given that they were both in the business of bounties. Their paths crossed occasionally at first, but very quickly they became major figures in each others' lives. More often than not, they would both accept the same bounty, and wind up competing for the reward. Cronk, naturally would win all of these competitions, given his experience and experise in combat. Mist on the other hand, being a starving homeless orphan with barely enough food to keep her functioning, would lose these. They shared a very one sided rivalry, where Mist saw Cronk as their greatest obstacle in the way of their reward money, and thus her food, while Cronk saw Mist as just some pitiful child attempting to get some spending money. However, this dynamic would not last long.
Through Cronk and Mist's shared interest in tackling these bounties throughout assandria, they went from being passing acquaintances, to one-sided enemies, to close companions. Cronk would almost habitually take these jobs, and due to his experience he would crush the competition-- including Mist. Mist's dire situation as a starving orphan on the fringes of society wore down her physical ability to keep up but her rabid spirit was unwavering. After months of Cronk's unintentional starving out, Mist was finally able to beat him at his own game.
Breaking point
With the head of a local bandit leader in tow, Cronk's nonchalant victory over that day's task was cut short by Mist, who was hooting and hollering obscenities while barrelling down an alleyway to sabotage him. The gunshots from earlier signalled to her that Cronk would be around, as she knew that sound all too well from the countless sleepless nights caused by it. The greatest heist of all, stealing the bounty RIGHT from the trecherous hands of her GREATEST RIVAL!
  Mist rides this high into the nearest market with her newly acquired hard-earned gold. She buys herself an ill-informed sumptuous feast, enough to last quite a number of days (items such as: a gallon of heavy cream, 40 sticks of butter, an obscene amount of ice cream). Once the celebratory mood wore off, it was soon replaced by a vengeful one. Mist tracks down Cronk, who, to her dismay, doesn't seem affected by her outplaying him. Seeing him appear to be doing more than okay, cheering with burly men at a tavern and clapping joyously to music enrages Mist, because his apparent position of higher priviledge makes him an enemy of hers.
  Over the course of the next few weeks, Mist would spend hours of the day using her tracking skills to learn and predict Cronk's schedule, creating ramshackle booby traps to inconvenience and ruin his day. Mist is too clouded by her adolescent rage to see that Cronk absolutely does notice her presence but just casually avoids her garish contraptions.
Making amends?
  On one of the nights Cronk is on a promising date with his new boyfriend Elias, Mist is on the prowl once more and has her eyes on Cronk. Seeing the high-class restaurant and his carefree appearance through the tavern window strikes a nerve within her. She reaches her limit and decides to confront Cronk for being so stupid for not taking this as seriously as she had. Elias excuses himself from the table to go to the restroom, and Cronk steps outside for a smoke. Mist takes this chance to storm up to him and finally cuss him out. Cronk has his mind elsewhere however, mostly checking to see is his date is back at the table. Only slightly paying attention to what mist is saying, he figures that she probably wants what they're having, and reaches through the window to grab something from their table. In the middle of her rant, she is interrupted by a decadent half-eaten ham, shoved right in her face. She readily snatches it out of Cronk's hand and devours it animalistically, momentarily seeming to forget about how much she hated him a few minutes ago.
  Cronk puts out his cigarette as he notices Elias walking back from the washroom, and gives Mist a single pat on the shoulder as he turns to head back into the tavern. Mist then has a contemplative walk back to the cardboard box in the rain, sucking on the hambone.
For the next few weeks, Cronk takes this time to court his new love interest and doesn't do bounties for a while. This makes Mist think that he's been purposefully withdrawing from them for HER sake, perhaps as a way to teach her something
  Mist does the jobs that are now available to her, but has some trouble with the more difficult tasks that are left. Through mist's hardship, she decides to go ask cronk for some help.
  they work together and bond over their successful jobs, celebrating and encouraging each other all along the way.   not long afetr this Cronk should find out Elias "the liar" has been cheating on him this whole time (saw him kissing a hobgoblin), and mist attempts to cheer him up by using her own earned spending money to buy him the very same gourmet ham he got her that first time (mist's love language is ham).  

Notes, detailed breakdown

Unique aspects to their relationship

About how THIS PERIOD in mist/cronk's life has made their dynamic distinct from other party members, special treatment, soft spots, etc
Related Characters
Related Locations


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