Frances Delamort, Master of Necromancy

Master Necromancer Frances Delamort

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the frigid Everfrost Valley, beyond Skypeak. Lived a meagre early life with a domesticated wolf by the name of Bertholme, subsisting on the fish of the valley. After the death of her beloved companion, she went on a journey to seek out any manner of heretical art to bring him back. Having no riches to pay for this- and most priests refusing to revive a mere "pet", Frances had no choice but to learn herself. With nothing but the bones of her dear Bertholm slung over her back, She left Skypeak in search of necromantic knowledge. Years of dungeon-delving and thievery, she acquired a lost tome predating The Great Demonic Incursion itself, a worthy textbook for her purposes. After years of self-study, she managed to resurrect her first rat. Using her new skills of revival, she travelled Assyria to ressurect those with wealth and unfinished business, and turned a healthy profit. With this funding, she enrolled at the Wizarding University to continue her studies, where she would eventually manage to bind Bertholm's spirit to the material plane.


Currently the highest educated in the field of necromancy.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Taught herself how to raise a corpse.
bound the soul of her beloved wolf to the material plane.

Morality & Philosophy

I will do anything in order to achieve my aims. There is nothing I wouldn't do for my beloved wolf. Taboos are meant to be broken.
Neutral Evil
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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