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Kohdama the Blind Seer

Not much is known about Kohdama, as he is very reclusive and cryptic. In appearance he is a middle aged male human, though he has been at the bastion longer than anyone else there can recall. Kohdama is noticeably blind by the grey/white hue of his pupils, and his face bares extensive scarring. He is largely considered to be the unelected leader of the bastion. Kohdama travels alone a lot on private business he doesnt often share. When he is at The Severed Bastion, he can often be found either in his quarters, located above The Old World Inn, or in the Map Room located near the top of the Caverns. Kohdama is described by many as calm, patient, stoic and kind. Though he preaches no religion, many at the Bastion look up to him as a spiritual leader of sorts, at least in terms of morale.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kohdama has lost all sight in both of his eyes, and it is apparent to others from the white hue of his pupils.

Physical quirks

Is affected by The Echo (see Travelers)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In Session 4 - Kohdama's Cryptic Letter, Kohdama revealed to the party that they are all Travelers, including himself. Time operates slower in Astara, at about 1/10th the rate of other realities - Kohdama has been in Astara for 150 years, but has only biologically aged 15 human years in that time. According to him, he is from Faerun and used to be part of an order of sorcerers. When The Echo first transported him to Astara unexpectedly, his circumstances were very different..
  Kohdama said that he arrived in the middle of a vast desert, and crawled for three days in the hot sun before strangers found him. Unfortunately, his saviors became his captors, as they were Cult of the Black Sun servants. The cult enslaved Kohdama for 15 long years, during which they subjected him to torture, claiming his eyesight and causing the scars across his face. Despite this, eventually he was able to escape. Blind, Kohdama fled west, using magic to guide him while training his body to adapt to his lost vision.
  Over a great many years, Kohdama did adapt, and he traveled many lands learning as much as he could. Through his travels, he learned about The Echo, Travelers and why he was there. This inspired him to search further, until one day learning the fable of Enoch's Mirror. Kohdama searched for this mirror for years, in a desperate hope it would have some answers, and finally after migrating into The Lowlands was he able to find it.
  Having found Enoch's mirror and studied it extensively over the course of years, realization sank in that it held no answers, only confirmation of his fate. Lost and feeling hopeless, over the course of studying the mirror Kohdama had set up a makeshift camp in the ruins of some old Bastion atop a plateau, just north of the cave where the mirror was located. It was never his intention, but over time this happenstance shelter ended up becoming Kohdama's new home.
  As the years passed, migratory channels along the trade routes of The Green Way brought refugees and merchant's alike and many ended up staying at the Bastion as well. Kohdama made relations with them, and helped as many as he could, building important contacts like Beraht Dromana, the Old World Inn Tavern Keep and Militia Captain Brummelda who helped Kohdama manage and set up the Bastion into what it is today.
Current Status
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Bastion Leader
Current Residence
A large private quarters above the Old World Inn
Calm, Stoic, Wise
Pale white (Blind)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Complexion with significant Scarring
180 lbs
Founded Settlements


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